All alone

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When breakfast was done I started tidying away and before Steve had a chance to help I roped Eddie into assisting me. When the dishwasher was loaded I jumped up onto the counter and beckoned Eddie to me. He came to me and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I sat there and just stared into his eyes.

I heard movement as someone started heading towards the kitchen. I leant forward and started kissing Eddie as though the world was about to end. Both of us had our eyes closed but I opened one eye just long enough to see the hair and knew it was Steve. Steve saw me looking at him and gave me a resigned look, nod and a raised eyebrow in quick succession. I carried on kissing Eddie, when Steve coughed.

We pulled apart. "Oh sorry Steve, didn't hear you come in. Are you ok?" All the while I was still clinging to Eddie's neck.

"Yeah, I was just grabbing a soda. Don't mind me." He grabbed a soda from the fridge and looked to the floor in sadness. Eddie shrugged and started kissing my neck. It felt amazing but I couldn't help but look in Steve's direction. He looked defeated and I hate to say it but he looked heartbroken. He looked back at me and made eye contact. He shook his head and bit his lip as he left.

I pushed Eddie away gently. "Do you think that maybe we should go and keep the both of them company so that they don't think we have got lost? We can all watch a movie together or something."

"Fine but then as soon as the movie is done I am taking the fair maiden back to her tower so that she is all mine for the rest of the day." He said playfully but part of me wanted to stay downstairs with Steve and Dustin. Eddie pulled me down off of the counter and we made our way to the living room.

"We were just about to watch a movie, are you guys heading off upstairs or do you want to watch it with us?" Steve asked looking at Eddie and avoiding eye contact with me. It was just a kiss, how could he be acting like this over just 2 little kisses that meant nothing.

"We were just about to ask you guys if you wanted to watch one. Why don't you go and grab some tapes from upstairs Dustin? I need to use the bathroom, shall I grab your pink blankie while I'm up there?" Eddie started organising things and I nodded. As he and Dustin both left the living room I realised that Steve and I were left alone. Steve came over and sat next to me and started talking in a hushed voice.

"What the hell was that Y/N? In the kitchen it was almost as though you were putting on a show for me. Were you trying to make me jealous? Do you like me or not?" Steve was rather demanding at the minute. It didn't suit him and made him seem as though he was being a bit mumsy.

"I was kissing my boyfriend, do you have a problem with that Harrington? As for liking you, I do like you but I am with Eddie and what happened yesterday meant nothing to me." I looked down as I could feel my eyes welling up and I didn't want Steve to see the potential tears. It was starting to feel as though it did mean something to me. "I love Eddie and that is never going to change Steve. It was just a kiss, that is all."

"Well, actually it was 2." He said smirking at me. "You liked it so much that you wanted to do it again and if I remember rightly the second time was both of us, not just me."

"Fine, I admit it. I kissed you the second time because I wanted too. Is that what you wanted me to say? It happened and we need to stop talking about it." I could feel the tears starting to fall, Steve wiped them away with his thumbs so that my face was cradled in his hands. And then it happened again. Our eyes locked. I reached for his cheeks and grabbed him with the urgency that I had been showing Eddie. Just then we heard Dustin and Eddie closing the doors upstairs and pulled apart quickly.

"I knew you liked me. Why do you think that I accepted the offer to stay last night? It wasn't just for Dustin. I'm not giving up Y/N, I don't like to lose." Steve smiled and went back to where he was sitting before we were left alone. Oh my days, he was a dick at times. But I had done it again, I loved Eddie but why was Steve pulling me in like this?

My eyes must have been red when the guys came back into the living room. "Are you ok Doll? You look like you have been crying." Steve looked at me panicked and I stuttered my answer out.

"I'm fine, I, I, I um was getting up to go and get a soda and stubbed my toe. I'm good though. Did you want a drink? I need to go and grab myself one still." I asked quickly trying to think of something believable.

"It's ok sweetheart, you put your foot up and I'll go and grab us one each. Anyone else want anything from the kitchen?" Eddie was being on his best behaviour and I had just cheated on him, again while he was in the same house. What the heck was I going to do?

The snow started falling again and was staying thick. "Looks as though we could be stuck in here for a few days guys." Dustin stated innocently. Steve looked over at me and smiled. My heart fluttered and then broke when I saw my freak coming back in. Why was I doing this to him? I needed to not be left all alone with Steve Harrington. I couldn't tell Eddie what had been happening but I couldn't tell him that I needed to avoid Steve either. I needed to control myself.

I snuggled into Eddie as we all picked which film we were going to watch. Throughout the film though I could feel a pair of eyes on me and they weren't Eddie's. Steve looked smug and sad at the same time, if that was even possible. Every time we glanced at the same time and our eyes met my heart fluttered, the same way that it did with Eddie.

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