That G word

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We weren't at Eddie's that long as it seemed as though he had already packed and just needed to add a few essentials. By the time we got to mine it was just after half 4 so I told Eddie to go and throw his things in my room while I went to the kitchen and started on dinner. My Aunt had asked me this morning in a note what it was I needed from the store and she would grab it for me when she got her cocktail bits and drop them home for me. I decided to make sloppy Joe's. Eddie had mentioned that they were a favourite of his but that his Uncle Wayne never cooked them and he didn't like the school ones.

I started preparing dinner when Eddie walked in and came behind me wrapping his hands around my waist and nuzzling into my neck. It was almost as though the screeching in the parking lot hadn't happened or it had brought us closer together. Although neither of us had actually said the words boyfriend and girlfriend yet. Eddie looked over my shoulder and whispered into my ear. "Are you making what I think you are making? If so, then forget being my girlfriend I may just have to make you my wife." He said it and my heart danced a little. I had to hold in a squeal of excitement.

"Oh dear, do I seem to have found your Achilles heel Munson? Sloppy Joe's, coleslaw and fries. Dr Pepper is also chilling in the fridge with the lemon meringue pie." I tried to say it as seductively as I could without laughing. I spun round just in time to see him grab at his chest.

"You're killing me sweetheart. Sloppy Joe's, Dr Pepper and Lemon meringue pie. Next you'll tell me that you have a slasher flick for us to watch and that will be it. Goodnight Eddie." He joked about but I felt like I knew him well enough already to make sure that we did have a horror flick.

"Let's see if I can make it a full house then. Dustin's friend Steve works at family video and leant Dustin the newest Friday the 13th. Will that do it for you?" I smiled and hoped that I had managed to do a good enough job of picking a movie.

Eddie threw himself backwards onto the kitchen floor. "Goodnight Eddie." He shouted as he fell and landed. I stopped what I was doing and lay next to him on the green tiled floor. We both rolled onto our sides and faced each other.

"Well then Munson, what do you reckon? Do I seem to tick all of the boxes so far as to what it is that you would like to find in your ideal woman? Or do I need to wait until after you have tasted the food?" I cheekily asked.

He placed a hand on my cheek. "You tick all of the boxes and some. From what I know about you already, I don't think that you are my ideal woman at all though." I could feel my eyes starting to tear up in sadness and sighed. I thought I was doing an ok job and he just said I ticked the boxes and more so why wasn't I his ideal woman? "Don't cry sweetheart, let me finish. I don't think you are my ideal woman because you are more than ideal to me. You are my perfect woman, you are THE woman for me. I always asked my Uncle why he proposed to my Aunt so soon after meeting her, something like 3 days. Married within a few months. I asked him how he knew when I had met loads of girls and didn't really like them much and he just simply said, when it happens kid you'll know. I didn't realise how right he would be."

A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek, this wasn't a tear of sadness now though. Eddie wiped it away with his thumb. I leant forward and kissed him quickly on the cheek. I wanted him badly, but not here. Not now. I jumped up and brushed myself off. Eddie lay there looking confused. "I need to get on with dinner. I want you to keep your energy up for this evening." I winked and got back to doing dinner. Eddie got up off of the floor and sat on the stool the other side of the counter. He placed his elbows on the counter and laid his chin on the back of his interlocked fingers.

"And why would that be then m'lady? What exactly is it that you have in mind for me that would need me to keep my energy up?" He asked looking puzzled. I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him a knowing look. "Oh. That is what you have planned. Ok, maybe we should watch the film upstairs then?" I smiled and nodded then got back to sorting dinner so that he wouldn't be able to see me blush.



Shit! She really did like me. I have just used the words girlfriend, wife and perfect woman and here she is continuing to cook me dinner. There was no way in Hellfire that I was allowing this woman to go anywhere. If she wanted me, she had me; hook, line and sinker.

"Do you need me to do anything for you sweetheart?" I had to act proper to make sure she didn't change her mind about me. Like I said no way was she going anywhere, not without a fight anyway.

"I don't think so, unless you wanted to set the table for me please? Dinner will only be a few more minutes. Plates are that cupboard there, cutlery is that drawer and glasses up there." She pointed directions to me with one hand while stirring the sloppy mixture with the other.

"Anything for you m'lady. Are you sure though that that is all that you need to be doing for you?" I asked feeling a little useless.

"Well, there is one thing you can do for me." She answered as she took the pan off of the hob and walked over to the counter. I looked back at her waiting for her to continue. "Get over here Munson and kiss me like you mean it." I did as I was told and grabbed her as though I was never going to let her go. I could feel the sexual tension building between the pair of us and I loved it. 

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