Back to school

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The next few days passed by in a bit of a blur. Eddie and I enjoyed more mind blowing sex and started experimenting a little with things and thankfully Steve seemed to get the hint and we were able to keep away from each other. It was a Friday and although I didn't see the point in coming in for one day, Eddie begged me to come in with him and I knew how badly he needed this.

I entered my first class of the morning, English. I was told to sit at the back next to a girl called Robin. I hadn't met her yet but had heard plenty about her over the last few days from Steve. He seemed a little fond of her to be honest but he said that her preferences differed to what he looked for in a woman even though they had a lot in common. Whatever that meant. I'm not going to lie I had been hoping that I could talk him into getting with her so he would leave me alone.

"Hi, I'm Robin. Nice to meet you Y/N. Steve gave me a heads up yesterday while we were at work. He said you are a really good friend of his. How long have you known him?" I looked at her horrified, what exactly had he told her. "Don't worry, he didn't tell me too much. Sorry am I waffling, I feel as though I am waffling."

"No, it's fine. I wouldn't say we have known each other that long but yeah he is a good friend if you can call it that. How long have you known Steve?" Wow, she was chatty but I took that as a good sign.

"We worked together at Scoops ahoy last year over in the Starcourt mall before it burned down and now we work together at Family video. You don't know anyone that needs a job do you? We could do with a third wheel." She asked while laughing. To be fair I could do with a job and then maybe I could help Eddie out and he wouldn't need to do as many deals and I couldn't live off of Mummy's money forever. I hadn't actually told Eddie that Mum sent me an allowance each month though as I didn't want him knowing how rich my Mum was.

"Actually Robin I do. Who is it that I would need to talk too in order to get the job?" Robin's eyes lit up and she smiled really creepily at me.

"Leave it with me and I will speak to Steve for you as he is the one who is in charge of part time staff." My heart dropped a little but at least we would never be alone and it was a job so we would need to stay professional with each other. Robin seemed really excited and chatted to me the whole way through English. She was lovely but my goodness could the girl talk. We left the class when the bell rang, said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I couldn't help but think that I had just made myself a really good friend though.

Lunch came and as per usual I sat with Eddie and the guys. While we were all sat eating Steve entered the cafeteria and started heading towards us. The guys all panicked. He headed straight to me, placed a hand on my shoulder and started talking. All the time Eddie was keeping an eye on where that hand of his was. "So Y/N, Robin said that you might be interested in working with us at family video?" I nodded and looked at Eddie as I hadn't told him. He looked confused but didn't speak up about any issues he had. "Why don't you swing by tonight at 3:30pm? I can just run through the hours and things with you. Sound good?"

"Yeah, definitely. I could do with the cash if I am honest with you. I hadn't actually spoke to Eddie about it yet though but Robin just mentioned that you needed someone and I said I was interested. So I'll see you later then." And with that Steve left.

Eddie actually looked really pleased. Thankfully. "Nice one sweetheart. I just hope that you will not be doing too many hours though. I still want time with you to myself. Do you want me to take you to the store after school?"

"Yes please baby. Are you sure that you don't mind me working there with Steve though?" I questioned after what had happened a few days ago. Eddie smiled and stroked my cheek in a reassuring way.

"Why do you need to work Y/N? I thought that Aunt Deb was still sending you allowance cheques each month." Dustin questioned me and my heart sank. I looked at Eddie with my eyes full of panic.

 "She is Dustin but her money won't last forever and I would rather earn my own so that I don't have anything to thank her for." I looked to Eddie, who didn't seem to be paying any attention to what Dustin and I were saying. "I'm sorry, I'll explain everything after school but let's just say my Mum isn't exactly broke." Eddie nodded and smiled. I think he understood that I didn't want to say any more than that in front of the guys. 

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