Doorstep drama

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After spring break it was all guns blazing as literally every waking hour was spent either studying or working. We only had the cake left to sort for the wedding which my Aunt had offered to sort for us as our wedding present. We had still managed to keep things quiet from my Mother, which definitely took a lot of the stress away from me.

Eddie was still working late most nights, as much as we didn't need the money to live we wanted to start looking at a bigger trailer for our future. Also we couldn't stay with Uncle Wayne if he was to come back, it didn't feel right. It was now April and the showers were hitting. Steve dropped me home after work and I flopped on the sofa. 10 minutes had gone past when I heard a car pull up outside, thinking it must be Eddie finishing early I didn't run to the window to look. Then I heard the knocking.

I opened the door and was shocked to see a soaking wet Steve Harrington on my doorstep. "What the fuck Steve? Why did you knock? You normally knock and come straight in."

I went to move to the side to let him in. He stayed put. "Just shush and listen to me. The more I try to figure things out, forget it and try to tell myself that you have chosen Eddie the more I find myself wanting to fight for you. You can't honestly tell me that Christmas meant absolutely nothing to you. I need to tell you exactly how I feel about you. I love you and I need to know that you want Eddie and not me. I need to hear you tell me you don't love me. If you want marriage, fine, we can get married if that is what it takes for you to want me instead. Please, just don't marry Eddie for the sake of it. I love you."

Steve leant forward cupping my cheeks in his soaking wet hands and our lips met. I was stunned but couldn't find the strength to pull away. My hands instinctively went around his neck and I embraced the kiss. Knowing that for me this was the last kiss because my mind was made up and Steve wasn't the winner of my heart.

When we pulled away, no words were said. The trailer phone rang at that moment. "I need to get that." Steve just nodded, sighed and walked back to his car. I answered the phone. "Hello?" I knew the voice instantly at the other end as my Aunt. She explained to me that my Nan had just taken her final breath and I should let Eddie know so that he could get home so I wasn't alone with my grief.

I didn't want to disturb Eddie and I hadn't heard Steve leave so I ran to the door. Tears streaming down my red hot cheeks and blurring my vision. As I yanked the door open, the heavens really opening now and soaking the ground. I went to run to the car just as Steve started driving away. I fell to the floor, soaked, hurt and confused. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

I'm not sure how long I was lay there for before I felt arms lifting me up off of the ground. I recognised the smell as my Eddie. He put his jacket over my shoulders. "Come on sweetheart, I need to get you back in the trailer. I need to get you dry and warm." I nodded and allowed Eddie to steer me back to the trailer. He wrapped me in a blanket and went to run me a bath.

"How did you know?" Eddie looked at me through the open bathroom door. "How did you know I needed you to come home?"

"Dustin rang me at work to tell me what had happened. He didn't think that you would want to bother me and he was right. Why the hell were you out there in the rain?" He came and sat next to me, placing his hand on my knee. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I just remember getting the call and then running outside for air and next thing I know you are picking me up." I lied to him, yet again. The kiss with Steve was nothing and I hadn't ran after Steve to kiss him again or anything, I just needed to not be alone.

I went and grabbed my bath and spent ages soaking up the warmth and the bubbles that Eddie had given me. My head was swimming, yet I couldn't figure out what some of the thoughts I was having were. Everything seemed blurry and frazzled. Had Steve really kissed me again? Was my Nan really gone? Did Steve meant what he said?



Why the hell did I do that? Things are good now between me and Eddie,he's a great guy but I can't not tell her I love her. She deserves to know and have every option in front of her before she says I do. I know she probably really hates me right now but I had to do it. For my own sanity, I needed to know that there was never any chance between us.

I know when I saw her in my rear-view I should have stopped but the fact that she kissed me and then walked away to answer the phone. If she wanted me then she would have made the person on the other end wait. Maybe I should have waited for her conversation to finish.

 Why didn't I stop? I should have stopped when I saw her running out of the trailer. What could she have had to say though? Fuck! I slammed the brakes on and U turned driving straight back to her. As I pulled up outside the trailer though the car was here. Why was Eddie home? What had she told him? I panicked but decided that I should man up. I parked up and knocked on the door. 

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