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When I came back into my bedroom from the bathroom, Eddie was sat on my bed with his back against my pink headboard, his knees to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around them and he was fiddling with his rings nervously again. He looked really sad and reminded me of a child who was about to be scolded for doing something wrong.

I sat on the bed next to him and copied the way he was sat to see if that would ease his tension. "Eddie? Are you ok? You look uncomfortable. Is everything alright?" I questioned hoping that I hadn't done anything wrong or said anything to upset him.

Eddie eased slightly and held his arms out for a hug. I snuggled into him and felt both of us relax instantly. "I promise that you didn't do anything wrong sweetheart. I just feel like I can't control myself around you and I don't like it." I smiled to myself, slightly enjoying the fact that I was having such a profound effect on him. I pulled back and stared at his lips desperate to kiss him again. It was as though he read my mind. "May I?"

"Yes you may. I don't need you to ask me every time though. Sometimes spontaneity can be fun you know?" With this he pinned me and started to kiss me, feeling that same urgency in his kiss as before I passionately kissed him back as I heard moans escape from the both of us as we were kissing. I managed to gain control and pushed him down onto the bed.

I was on top of him, straddling him. I was kissing him and grinding myself against him. We were both moaning in unison and it felt so good and so natural. I sat up and started to remove my T-shirt. Eddie grabbed my hands to stop me and held my hands to my thighs. I was still sat astride him but felt a pang of hurt and fought back the tears that I could feel building in my eyes. "Are you ok? Did I do something wrong? Have I read things wrong? Do you not like me?" Questions flooded from my mouth like water from a broken drainpipe in the middle of a storm. I removed myself from Eddie's lap and now it was my turn to sit like a toddler awaiting their scolding.

Eddie finally spoke after a few minutes. "It's not you. I don't want to get you a reputation by doing anything, too much too soon, we have plenty of time to get to know each other and take things at a slower pace. I don't want to do anything that you may regret further down the line if things don't progress past a friendship. I wouldn't want people to think bad of you. The jocks would call you bad names and then I would have to pummel them. I don't want that for you." I smiled a little at this. He was trying to protect me and what was left of my modesty. "I should go. I don't want anyone seeing me leave your window as that would cause you issues so probably best I go now while it is still dark."

"Eddie, don't go. I don't care what people say, I was only messing around earlier when I said that you will get me a reputation. Will you at least stay until I fall asleep? Please Eddie?" I asked putting on my best and sweetest voice.

 "Fine, but as soon as you are asleep I'm leaving. I don't want anyone knowing I was here, it would cause you too much grief." I acknowledged what he was saying and snuggled into him to sleep all the while secretly thinking that if I fell asleep on him he may stay.


Eddie's POV

She was just so beautiful, stunning even and she seemed to genuinely like me. I did honestly feel awful for rejecting her but I had to hurt her to protect her. It was so hard to say no to her but I had too. For her sake. I could take the shit from everyone at school, I got enough of it on a daily basis as I'd always been a freak but she didn't deserve the shit that they all inflicted on me. I agreed to stay until she fell asleep and then planned that I would leave through the window and go back to my van and drive home.

Y/N snuggled in really tight to me and was asleep in no time while gripping a handful of my shirt. I knew I had to leave but I had to admit to myself that I really didn't want too. I told myself that I could have 5 more minutes and then I would leave. Y/N had rested her head on my chest and was starting to let out little snores. "oh Eddie." She was a talker in her sleep and I smiled, she was dreaming of me. "Hold me, never let go." I presumed and hoped that she was still dreaming of me. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and rested my head on top of hers.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep too. I opened my eyes to look at her alarm clock, it was now 5am. Shit! I needed to leave. I knew that Dustin's Mum left for work at 6:30 so she would be getting up and getting ready soon and I couldn't risk her seeing me. Y/N had rolled off of me and was facing away. I quietly snuck up off of the bed, chucked my high tops and jacket on and raced to the window before climbing out. I ran back to my van hoping that no one had seen me leaving. Seeing me running in the street at 5am was fine as they all knew me and would just think I was sorting some business but I couldn't get her wrapped up in any of that.

Shit again! I had got back to my van and started it when I realised that I should have at least left her note saying I would see her soon. She really was going to think the worst of me now, not only did I reject her last night but I actually left her. This hurt, it actually fucking hurt to leave her. I knew that I needed to do something to make it up to her. I needed her to know that I did like her and I wanted to get to know her better and that a friendship with her wasn't what I wanted.

I had a plan. I was going to win her around, I would make her mine. Now to get home and shower as I had somewhere to be and I didn't want to waste another second sat here alone with my thoughts. 

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