Spring break sadness

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The past few weeks had been sexually blissful and it was so nice to know that we were back where we both wanted and felt we needed to be sexually. I had to admit that the sex was also helping us release the tension that school was making us both feel. Finals were almost here and we were both picking up as many shifts as we could manage. Robin and I had both managed to get a day off together as well as managing to get an appointment with the bridal shop in town. It was finally time to pick my dress. Something off the rack would be fine for me as long as it wasn't frilly and I definitely didn't want white.

As we had both managed to get the day off we decided that we would go and get the flowers sorted as well. It was all starting to become very real now. We walked into the florist and Robin immediately starting sneezing all over the place.

I decided on a simple bunch of just 6 deep purple calla lillies and 3 white. The 6 would represent each person at the wedding and the 3 white would represent the 3 people we wanted there but who for various reasons wouldn't be there; Uncle Wayne, my Nan and my Dad.

We even picked the little man suit things as Eddie called them. The buttonholes would just be a simple deep purple calla lilly with a white and black ribbon wrapped around them. I showed her the receipt and was shocked to see her hand me back a 10 dollar bill. "Turns out your Fiance seemed to think that you were going to go for something a little more extravagant." She stated as she handed it back.

We still had half an hour until our bridal shop appointment so I cheekily used the 10 bucks to grab us a coffee each. We stood outside the shop while I finished off my cigarette and we drank our coffees before our appointment, my hands were shaking with both nerves and excitement. "Oh my god Robin, half of these are stunning and the other half look they belong on my Nan's loo roll. What if I don't find one I like?"

"Will you just calm down please? We will find you a dress, even if we have to cut frills off and chuck it in a bucket of black dye, we will get you one. Ok?" Robin grabbed me by my shoulders and gently shook me. I nodded before we both turned and walked into the store.

A gorgeous tall blonde woman approached us. "Hi, I'm Marcy this is my store. Are you my 11am?" I nodded nervously, trying not to make my shaking more obvious than it needed to be. "Y/N isn't it?"

"Yeah it is. And this is Robin, she is my Chief Bridesmaid so we are looking for her dress too." Marcy held her hand out and Robin accepted it, shaking it a little too vigorously.

I shuffled anxiously on the spot before taking the envelope from Elsie out of my bag. "Before we continue though Marcy I need to speak to you about this." I handed her the envelope and she smiled as she accepted it.

"I recognise the handwriting, I'd know those flicks anywhere. She told me to expect you before she went." I looked at Marcy with a puzzled yet concerned look on my face. "You don't know do you?"

I shook my head in confusion. "What don't I know? How is Elsie? She gave me this and I haven't seen her since but I don't know how to get in touch with her. What's happened? Is she ok?"

Marcy's smile dropped. "I'm really sorry Y/N but my Aunt passed away in February. She knew she didn't have long left and before she went she passed me an envelope containing some money and said that I would be receiving a visit from a young lady she knew and it was too help her get a dress sorted. I asked who and she just said I would know when she came in. This envelope proves that it was you she was talking about."

I sat down on the bench in the middle of the store and burst into tears. Elsie was dying and the last thing she wished was to pay for my dress. "I don't understand. Why did she want to help me? Why didn't she say anything? I appreciate it but I don't understand why."

Marcy sat down next to me and Robin sat the other side. "She knew you from the store but also she knew your Aunt and your Aunt had told her at book club what your Mother had done and put you through and the cancer that killed your Dad is what took Elsie too. She said she felt drawn to you, kind of like a fairy godmother and when you told her about your wedding she knew she needed to know that you were sorted." I couldn't help but feel overwhelming gratitude and a warmth.

"Right, so let's do what Aunt Elsie wanted. When are you getting married? What sort of dress are we thinking? We may even have enough to sort your bridesmaid too." She looked over at Robin and winked.

"June 13th at the courthouse. I don't want white though and was thinking dark purple for Robin so that it matches my flowers. My bouquet is deep purple and white calla lillies. What do you think Robin?" I hadn't noticed that Robin had shed a few little tears. She wiped them away, sniffed and nodded.

 Marcy spoke up. "Great, let's get you a dress. I have to admit though we will need to get you off the rack to make sure that you we can alterations done in time. However, I do think that I have the perfect dress for you. Can you give me 2 minutes while I go and get it?" I nodded and started to feel the anxiety change to excitement.

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