New year New trailer New start

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Robin was more than willing to drop us back off at my Aunt's so that I could pick my car up. We collected my car and drove over to our trailer, I made sure to grab some burgers on the way home as it was getting late and we were both getting tired. I had already done a grocery shop the day before so I knew we had stuff in for the next few days and at least I could make sure that Eddie was ok by not needing to leave him alone.

We got to the trailer and there was Eddie's van sat outside. Front completely caved in and possibly a write off. There was a note attached to the screen; Hope you are ok man. I sorted out a wagon to bring the van back for you so neither of you needed to worry. Happy New Year, Steve. Eddie screwed the note up. "I really hate that guy. Not only did he fuck my misses behind my back, but now he has saved my life and paid for my van to come home. Why can't he continue being a dick and give me reasons to continue hating him?" Eddie shook his head and laughed.

Once we had eaten I ran Eddie a bath and told him to go and relax in it to see if that could ease his aches and muscles. I noticed his bag of possessions from the hospital on the kitchen counter and inside was a very familiar looking box. I took it and opened it up. I slid the heart shaped onyx ring onto my ring finger. I wanted this and I wanted him. I just hoped that he hadn't changed his mind now, especially as he hadn't mentioned anything I had said about it at the hospital. Maybe he hadn't heard me after all. I placed the box back into the bag, grabbed 2 soda's and went to sit on the couch.

Eddie came out of the bathroom a few minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist. His bruising was really starting to show now and it looked painful, he was walking gingerly too. "I grabbed you a soda baby. Why don't you come straight and sit down?" Eddie came and gently sat down next to me. I made sure to use my left hand to pass him the soda. "Here you go baby. How was your bath? Do you feel any better now that you are home and in your own comforts?"

Eddie looked down to take the soda and started grinning. He grabbed my hand to look at it, he inspected it like a child inspects a new rock or a pretty insect. "When did you put that on? Does that mean what I think it means? Are you saying yes?"

I even thought that at one point there was a glint of a tear in the corner of Eddie's eye. "I would love to be Mrs Munson, that is if you think that you still want me to be? If today has taught me anything, it is that I can't be without you. I need you, I want you and I love you. So Eddie Munson, will you allow me the pleasure of being your wife?"

Eddie instantly grabbed me and pulled me in to him for a kiss. Our lips met and it felt as though we had those initial fireworks back again. He ran his fingers up towards my hair and allowed them to tangle in my ponytail. His tongue teased my lips, asking for entry. I eagerly parted my lips and allowed our tongues to dance together. One of his hands slowly reached down towards my breasts which he started to caress and then he pulled away. He smiled at me and bit his lip. "Future Mrs Munson, does that give you your answer?" I grinned and let out a squeal as we resumed our kissing session.



I could feel my whole body relax as I entered into the water. It was warm and Y/N had even put some bubbles in it for me. The pain lessened but I wasn't entirely sure whether that was due to the morphine still coursing through my veins, the water or just the fact that I was at home and with my girl.

I laid in the water for what must have been at least half an hour and could feel my eyelids getting heavy. It was New Year's Eve, Y/N wasn't pregnant, we were living together and I had survived a car crash. I couldn't help but think New Year, New trailer and new chances.

 Maybe I should ask her again if she would marry me. Maybe today had made her think about me and what she could possibly have lost. Sounded to me as though it had. I left the bathroom in just my towel and Y/N called me over to the sofa to sit with her. She passed me a soda and the black stone glinted in the light. I asked her "When did you put that on? Does that mean what I think it means? Are you saying yes?" and she told me her answer. I kissed her passionately and she eagerly kissed me back. I hadn't even asked her again but I wanted too and she had just given me my answer. I, Eddie Munson was now engaged and living with my future wife with a proper job and no dealing. Finally I was doing exactly what I told my Dad I would do. I was doing everything that he should have done for me but didn't. There was no way that I was going to live up to the Munson name and land myself behind bars like he did. 

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