The movie

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When we re-entered Eddie's trailer I took my shoes off at the door and went to sit back on the sofa. Eddie plonked himself down next to me and hit play on the remote. "I do hope you aren't going to be easily scared sweetheart. This one is sure to make you jump."

"I'll try not to jump too much but I can't make any promises. Maybe we should sit how we did, just now on the steps. At least that way if I get scared then I can bury my head in your chest and I won't have to watch it. Would you let me sit like that?"

Eddie's eyes lit up at the thought and he nodded before saying "As long as you don't try any funny business with me, I'm not that kind of guy you know." I couldn't help but giggle a little at the cheek of him. I did have to think though, did that mean that he wanted me to try something or was he planning on trying something with me? I could live in hope.

I settled myself right next to him to snuggle into him and couldn't help but smile to myself. I snuggled into his right side and felt him wrap his arm around me again as I fidgeted until I rested my head comfortably into his chest. It was at this point I felt him kiss the top of my head and take a deep breath in. Such a small gesture that made my heart flutter but I didn't want to overthink things so I just smiled to myself. Although the film was on in the background I have to admit that I don't think either of us were paying that much attention too it. Would you have been?

A little while into the film I jumped at something in the movie and couldn't help but bury my head into his chest. I did over exaggerate a little bit just to make sure that he knew I needed him. At least it was starting to feel as though I needed him. I felt his arm tighten round me and instinctively reached my left hand up to meet his right hand and squeezed. He squeezed it back as I winced at the sounds coming from the TV. Once the horrifying sounds calmed down I slowly lifted my head back up and locked eyes with Eddie, yet again. This was becoming a little bit of a habit already, one that I had no intention of fighting. I realised my left hand was still gripping his right hand. "I'm sorry, it's a comfort thing." I said as I released my grip, he didn't seem to want to let go though as I could feel how reluctant he was to let go of my hand.

"It's ok sweetheart. I told you I would hold you through the scary parts." Eddie retorted but I have to say that I didn't know if he was being kind or sarcastic. Our eyes were still firmly locked on each other. "Can I kiss you again? I really enjoyed the first time." I nodded. "Tell me then. Tell me that you want me to kiss you." This time he said it with authority.

I took a deep breath and spoke. "I want you to kiss me Eddie. Please will you kiss me?" He didn't need me to ask again. He leant forward and for a second time our lips met. This time though there was a lot more urgency in his lips. I felt his hands make their way to my cheeks as he grasped them between his hands, gently so as not to hurt me. As his hands did this mine made their way up to knot themselves in his long flowing brown hair. It felt as though he was never going to let me go and in all honesty I didn't want him too. My heart raced as he kissed me harder and faster, the passion and intensity growing between the pair of us.

Just when I thought that we had finished we pulled away but it turned out that he was only coming up for air. He smiled and then leant straight back in and kissed me again, this time he allowed his tongue to tickle my already tingling lips as he kissed me. I parted my lips slightly to allow his tongue entry so that we could deepen the passion once more. We must have been making out for a little while as the next thing I knew the end credits were rolling on the movie we were supposedly watching. We parted, our hands tangled in each others hair by now and we just looked into one another's eyes. I smiled and bit my lip as Eddie smiled back. I was starting to feel as though this friendship was already progressing past just friends and I certainly wasn't going to stop it.  

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