Judgement day

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It was now the 30th December and we were packing up the last few bits I had in my room ready to move them over to the trailer. Eddie was sat on my bed watching me sitting on the floor going through my old cassette tapes. "Right, so we have good will, bin and take. So far, I have only kept 3. Are you sure that there is going to be enough space at yours for all my things?"

Eddie looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "I think you need correcting sweetheart, it's OUR place now and there is plenty of room for everything we both have and everything that we may need in the next few months for our new year and new start." My face dropped. "Are you ok sweetheart? You just went from smiling to almost crying in no time at all."

"My period hasn't come yet. You just said new year, it's new years eve tomorrow. It was due yesterday and I have been clockwork for the last 7 years. What do we do? Should we panic yet?" I don't know why I asked as I could already feel panic setting in.

"It's only a day right, surely that happens to lots of people when they are stressed? Doesn't it? Please tell me it happens to a lot of people. Right, so I would need to drop out and take extra shifts and you need to stop work so that you can rest and we will need to think of a list of things that we will need to buy and there is so much that we need to prepare." Eddie started waffling. So I jumped onto the bed next to him and put my rational head on.

"Baby, stop." I started holding him and stroking his hair, immediately feeling calmer knowing that Eddie was now freaking out and I needed to calm myself for his sake. "Baby, you need to calm down. It will be fine, I promise you that much. Whatever happens we have each other and we will get through it. Won't we?" I looked at him pleadingly.

"I need some air." Eddie got up off of the bed, grabbed his keys and left. I just sat there in shock, not sure if he was even coming back to me or not. Had he just walked out on me?

I sat there for what must have been at least an hour before there was a little tapping at my window. It was Eddie. I smiled and he opened the window to climb in. "Why didn't you use the door?"

"Once all your things are moved over you won't live here anymore which means that this is probably the last chance that I am going to get to do this." He walked over to the bed and sat down before throwing something at me. A pregnancy test. "I thought that it would be the best way for us to know for certain."

"Good idea baby." I had never done one before so I opened it and read the instructions. "It says first thing in the morning so we will have to wait until tomorrow. Instead of packing tonight shall we grab take out and a movie to pass the time?" Eddie nodded.

That evening went so slow and both of us were constantly checking the time. We decided to have an early night so that we could get up early and find out. I woke up to see Eddie propped up on his pillow watching me sleep. "Morning baby, you ok?" I asked sleepily. He simply nodded. I awoke and went straight to the bathroom test in hand. I did what I was told and waited 3 minutes.

I came out of the bathroom clutching the test to my chest and tears streaming down my face. Eddie ran to me and held me. "It's ok sweetheart, we can get through this." Now he was the one being calm for me when there was no reason to be.

"There is nothing for us to get through, these are tears of joy. It's negative. I'm not pregnant."



When she said those few words I felt relieved and sad at the same time. Although it meant that she wasn't carrying the spawn of the hair, it also meant she wasn't carrying my child. Thinking I could be a Dad really got me thinking over the last few days and wanting to speed things along for the both of us.

It did mean that we had no more ties to Steve other than Y/N working with him. Tomorrow was New Year's Eve and we would be spending it together in our own trailer putting everything behind us. Maybe I should try and tell her again just how much she means to me.

Who knows maybe one day we will be looking down and crying tears of joy over a positive test. We had the rest of our lives ahead of us. Didn't we?

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