Guilt ridden

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Just a warning that this next part is smutty and does include a little bit of light BDSM


We all watched a film together, ordered pizza and then watched another one to try and pass the time. Snow had started falling again and it guaranteed another day of being snowed in. Great, that meant another day stuck here with Eddie who I love and Steve who I lusted after as well as my own guilt. I started to feel smothered and needed to retreat to my room.

"I think I'm going to get an early night you guys. Don't mind me but I feel exhausted for some reason. Eddie stay down if you want baby." I stroked his cheek and smiled. The guilt growing and knotting in my stomach.

"No, I'll come to bed with you and we can have an early night together. We can always curl up and watch a film in bed together. Sound good Princess?" Eddie was being sweet and had been more loving since our chat out in the van. I didn't deserve him. "Catch you pair in the morning." Eddie and I got up and made to leave.

"Night guys." Both Steve and Dustin shouted after us as we made our way up the stairs and into my room. I made sure to lock the door behind us before making my way over to the bed and lying down. Eddie came and lay down next to me.

I was lay on my back staring at the ceiling while Eddie propped himself up on his elbow to look at me. "Sweetheart you have been really quiet all evening, are you sure that everything is ok between us?" He asked and now would have been the perfect chance for me to admit my indiscretions but I couldn't do it to him.

"I'm ok, I think. I just feel really guilty still about what you heard and saw earlier. What can I do to make it up to you? I thought that I was going to lose you and it hurt like hell, I can't go through that again. Especially knowing that it was all my fault that I nearly did lose you." I embellished a little but I was lying to him to save him. The tears started falling again and I couldn't help but feel sick knowing what I had done behind his back.

He wiped away my tears and pulled my face up so that my eyes met his. "Sweetheart you couldn't do anything to lose me. Heck you could tell me you made out with Steve the hair Harrington and I would probably forgive you. I could never be mad at you for anything for long." I sniffed back more tears and forced a very fake smile. "You didn't kiss him though did you?" Eddie could obviously tell that it was fake.

"No baby, nothing like that. I kissed him on the cheek as a friend though. That's ok isn't it?" I was trying to test the waters as to what he had just said and possibly trying to ease my own guilt.

He didn't look impressed at first but then he smiled. "That's fine doll. Friends do that. Is that what has been bothering you all day?" I nodded, eased a little. Eddie kissed me and it was as though a flame had been lit under the pair of us; as it didn't take long at all for us to start undressing each other and this time Eddie didn't pause too ask me.

Eddie kissed me and touched me so passionately that when it came to us fitting together I didn't need any encouragement. Eddie placed himself between my legs and his hard member slid effortlessly inside of me. I gasped again but it was now in sheer bliss and zero discomfort or pain. The kisses became more urgent.

"Are you feeling ok? Does this show you just how much I want you?" I nodded while my breathing increased rapidly. "Do you want to try something different?" I nodded again and Eddie just grinned at me. He grabbed left leg and placed it onto his shoulder as it allowed him to get deeper inside of me I could feel my first orgasm building.

"Eddie I'm nearly there, please don't stop." As I told him he placed his thumb down between legs and started circling it around and over my clit. I threw my head and moaned the loudest I had ever moaned. Eddie didn't stifle me as I did so.

"That's it baby, cum for me. Let it all out and let me know how good it feels." I screamed out his name as my body spasmed I pleasure. "Good girl. Now relax and let it build again for me."

"Ok sir." I said playfully and seductively. Eddie must have found it a turn on though due to the look he gave me and what he did next to me.

"If you want Sir baby then you are going to get him." I looked shocked as Eddie threw my leg off of his shoulder and then grabbed my wrists in one of his hands and pinned them above my head. This was even more of a turn on for me than I had ever felt before. "Is this what you want baby? Do you want me to be a little rough with you? Do you want me to put you in your place?" I looked him in his eyes and nodded. "Uh uh, what have I said before about words?"

"Yes sir, I like this." He carried on thrusting himself in and out of me and another orgasm started to build. Just as I was feeling it and starting to moan, Eddie stopped. "What? Why have you stopped?"

"Did I give your permission to speak? Did I tell you that you could cum for me? Did you ask me whether or not you were allowed to cum?" I was shocked but really turned on for him right now.

"Can I please cum? Please let me cum." I started begging him that I wasn't far off and I didn't like that he was edging me.

"Good girl, cum for me. Try and time it so that we cum together." Eddie started thrusting again and bit down on one of my nipples as my hands were still pinned above my head. My legs started to twitch and I started to scream in pleasure at the same time as Eddie. We both exploded at the same time, our bodies writhing in a sea of ultimate bliss and then we collapsed together into each other's arms. "That sweetheart was amazing." Eddie couldn't stop kissing me and I couldn't him, not that I wanted too.

"That was intense and so much more pleasurable than before." I nuzzled into Eddie's neck and fell asleep.

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