Book it

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As soon as school finished on Tuesday I did my usual and waited at the car for Eddie. He came out wearing a big grin on his face. It looked to me as though he was plotting something and we all know what happened last time he schemed behind my back. Once we were in the car he finally spoke. "Are you ready then sweetheart?" Eddie's eyes lit up as he grinned over at me.

"Ready for what exactly? What is it that you are planning now?" I couldn't help but feel myself getting a little flustered and panicked. What the hell was going through his mind this time?

"I thought that as we had finally set a date for us to get married that we would get down to the courthouse and apply for our licence and date. What do you say sweetheart? Do you want to go and book our wedding?" I sat there in shock and awe, was this really happening? I really didn't think he actually meant it. I couldn't get the words out so just nodded. Eddie reached over and grabbed my hand. "We don't have too sweetheart. It was just a thought." Eddie took his hand off of mine and started driving in the opposite direction to the courthouse.

Fuck it. I loved him and he loved me, time for me to show him that I meant it. After all actions speak louder than words. I finally spoke "Where are you going baby? This is the way home, the courthouse to book our wedding is in the other direction." Eddie pulled over to the side of the road.

"Are you sure? You didn't seem too sure when I mentioned it earlier. I don't want you to feel as though you have to go along with it just to try and please me. I want to marry you, of course I do but I want to go and book our date but only if you are sure that you want to as well. Are you sure that you want to set our date? Shut up Eddie." Eddie had a habit of waffling when he was anxious or excited and then would go off in a tangent and tell himself to shut up. I thought that it was cute when he did it.

I turned so that I was facing him in my seat. "Baby, I love you and I am 100% sure that I want to go with you right now to that courthouse and put in our application. Now let's get there before either of us has another wobble."

Eddie started grinning again and turned the car around now heading in the direction of the courthouse. We pulled up outside and grabbed what we needed. I grabbed my wallet and Eddie always carried his ID in his pocket anyway.

We followed the signs to where we needed to go and arrived at a desk with a stern looking woman. Eddie stood upright and turned on the charm. "Excuse me there darling, my Fiancée and I would like to apply for our wedding licence. Are we at the right desk? What do we need to do?" The woman looked up and at looked from Eddie to I and then back again.

"Well first things first, how old are you both? If you are under 18 then you will need parental permission so will need to come back with them and some ID so we know you are as old as you claim to be or if you are under 18 so that your parents can sign for you." Before she had finished her sentence Eddie and I had both pulled out our ID and slapped them down in front of her to show our ages. She looked at them both and then looked at us. "Ok then, I'll get you your forms to fill out and we can get you that licence. When is it that you think that you would like to get married?"

Eddie looked to me and then back to the woman, fully taking charge. "June 13th." Eddie looked over at me and winked. He had picked my Dad's birthday to be our wedding day. I felt my eyes welling up but managed to sniff them away.

I paid in cash for the licence and everything was sorted while we were there. We would be getting married in a little under 5 months. Now to get everything else sorted and tell people what we had got planned.

When we got home we settled in front of the TV before the phone rang. It was just Surfer boy asking Eddie do pull an extra shift. He looked over at me. "Do you mind if I cover tonight for a few hours? I can bring home pizza again and it's extra money for our now booked wedding."

"That's fine baby. I'll just sit and watch crappy TV while studying. Do what you need too." With that Eddie arranged to do a shift cover and got showered and dressed for work.

"I'll be back around 10pm. I love you. Don't study too hard. Don't want you making me look even stupider." Eddie kissed me and left for work. I settled down to watch a film I borrowed from work. Robin told me it was good but I couldn't get into it, sixteen candles would have to wait as I couldn't help but stop daydreaming about my wedding.

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