First kiss

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The next 15 minutes were spent in almost complete silence as we proceeded to eat our pizza. Things felt comfortable and relaxed, so relaxed considering I had only known him a day but I couldn't help feeling as though he had something on his mind that he wasn't sharing. But to be fair we were still complete strangers so there was probably a lot that he wasn't sharing with me.

Once the pizza was finished the silence was finally broken when I spoke. "So, now that you have treated me to dinner what next? Are you really going to teach me to play DND? Or was that just a ploy to get me to your lair?"

Eddie shifted and looked up smiling. "Is it that obvious that I was just trying to get some time alone with you to see how we clicked? I thought that I had been a little bit smoother than that."

"No Munson, you weren't that smooth but to be honest I wasn't exactly protesting against spending time with you alone was I?"

"That is very true Y/N. Does that mean that you liked the look of me from the start and wanted to see what would happen too?" He cheekily asked and then looked down and started fiddling with the numerous rings he was wearing.

"I guess I did and I have to admit that I think that we are getting along fine. What do you think?" As the words escaped my lips, Eddie leaned in. I didn't move but felt my heart start racing as he pressed his lips against mine. My lips pressed back against his as I moved into the kiss and made sure not to pull away.

After a few seconds he pulled back, put his head down and then looked up at me. "I'm sorry. I should have asked if I could kiss you but I just couldn't resist. At the end of the day you know what they say, actions speak louder than words. So what do you think? Do you think I agree with you that we are getting along fine? Or do you think I feel that we are getting along amazingly?"

"I don't mind that you didn't ask. I wanted you to kiss me, I have wanted you too all afternoon. I have to admit that what you have said and done makes me think that this could be the start of a beautiful friendship." I replied to him trying to gauge his reaction to the word friendship. I know that it was too quick to be talking about more than that but the early bird catches the worm, doesn't it?

He looked a little saddened at the word friendship. "Yeah, beautiful friendship. I have to admit though that I am not used to having girls as friends. In fact I'm not really used to being around girls full stop. I'm not exactly a virgin but I'm not exactly a Casanova either."

"Maybe then we could be friends with a view to seeing what happens? How does that sound to you? " I asked nervously, knowing what I wanted his answer to be.

Eddie grinned a goofy grin at me and then pecked me on the forehead. "I reckon that sounds like a great plan to me bluey." It seemed to me that that was a nickname he had given me already that he had no intention of stopping. "How about a film? I have the new Nightmare on Elm Street. Want to watch it? I promise you that I will hold you through all the scary parts." I smiled as I hoped that he was going to do more than just hold me but it was a start.

"Go on then, go grab it. Shall I close the curtains?" He looked at me questioningly with a puzzled look on his face and a raised eyebrow. I panicked. "Just so that there is no glare on the TV and because it will be darker then it will be scarier too. Nothing else. What were you thinking?"

Eddie just laughed and turned to walk off towards his bedroom. I looked outside as I went around the trailer closing the curtains. I could already see the sun starting to set but had no idea what the time was. I did feel as though I needed a cigarette, just to steady the nerves that were growing in the pit of my stomach. I grabbed my packet out of my jacket and went outside to sit on the trailer steps while Eddie searched for the VHS. I sat on the steps and heard the door close behind me. The sun was looking beautiful and all the time I watched it as I puffed on my cigarette. My head was swimming with thoughts and I couldn't help but smile.

Just at that moment I heard Eddie calling my name. He sounded upset, panicked even. The door swung open with force. "There you are sweetheart. I was beginning to think that you had left without saying goodbye." He sat next to me and took the cigarette from between my lips and took a drag of it himself. "You didn't have to come outside to smoke you know? We do allow smoking in our trailer."

"I wasn't sure and I didn't want to assume. Plus you were busy looking for the tape and I thought I would take the chance to have a few minutes looking at the sunset." I checked my watch and it was only just after half past 4 in the evening but the evenings were getting longer and the daylight hours shorter. It wouldn't be too long before the snowstorms were here. My mind started to wander but I stopped it.

Now it was my turn to place my head on Eddie's shoulder for 2 seconds to see how he reacted. He shocked me. He carried on smoking the end of my cigarette and placed his other arm around my shoulders pulling me in tight to him as we both just sat there in silence. But these silences didn't feel awkward, they felt right. "Shall we go back now M'Lady? The film is in and should be rewound by now." I nodded and jumped up allowing Eddie to lead the way.  

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