Night before

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It was now June 12th and Eddie and I were due to be getting married tomorrow. I was at my Aunt's house with her and Robin while the boys were at the trailer. God knows what they would be getting up too, my only instruction was don't get Eddie too drunk. We ordered in pizza and decided to do our nails and face masks as I was still feeling a little under the weather but had put that down to anxiety still. After all it isn't every day that you get married.

Yet again I had ham and pineapple pizza, it was really becoming a thing for me now. "I think while we are tucking into all this fatty and greasy goodness we should watch a film, what do you both think?" I asked, we settled on a John Hughes movie marathon although I couldn't focus fully on the films. We all decided that it would be best that we had early nights and then we could spend plenty of time in the morning relaxing and getting ready for my big day, rather than rushing around. Robin was in Dustin's room and I was in my old room, as we already had a bed at Eddie's we had left my bed here. I decided that I was going to grab a shower before bed and another one in the morning as I knew that they relaxed me.

After my shower I heard the all too familiar sound of my window opening. I came out into my bedroom and there he was sat on my bed waiting for me. "So Mr Munson, don't you know it is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?"

"Nah, that only applies on the actual day sweetheart so as long as I make sure to leave you by midnight then we are good. Why don't you come and lie down with me? I need you." I was still only in a towel and went to lie by Eddie on the bed. I snuggled into him and felt myself feeling more tired than usual.

"Are you sure that you want to marry me tomorrow? Last chance saloon for you now Munson, are you sure that you want to make me yours forever?" I looked up at him smiling knowing his answer already.

Eddie kissed me before looking me deep in the eyes. "Y/N Henderson, tomorrow you are becoming Mrs Munson and there is not a god damn thing that you can do now to change my mind. Understood?" I nodded and kissed him passionately before we decided it was best that he leave so that we didn't fall asleep together. I had been feeling a lot more tired than normal but put that down to not sleeping well. After Eddie left I changed into my pyjamas and was asleep in next to no time. 

Surprisingly I slept really well that night and was pleasantly woken up by my Aunt coming in with breakfast for me. "Good morning darling, how are you feeling? We have blueberry pop tarts, some scrambled egg and a glass of OJ for you. I didn't want to do you any coffee as I know you have been a little sensitive too it lately."

My Aunt placed the tray down on the bed in front of me. The breakfast items weren't the only things on it though. There were 2 boxes as well. One was a jewellery box and the other was a familiar looking box; a pregnancy test. "Thanks Auntie. But what are these boxes about? I don't understand."

My Aunt sat on my bed and began to talk. "Well the breakfast is self explanatory. This box." She picked up the jewellery box and opened it. "This contains a blue pearl necklace that your Nan gave to me on my wedding day. I am now giving it to you as your something old and something blue and I would like to think that one day when you have a daughter you will pass it on to her on her wedding day." I could feel the tears coming as I ran my fingers over the stunning necklace. It was beautiful, simple yet elegant and the pearls had the most amazing baby blue hue to them. My Aunt picked up the pregnancy test and handed it to me."This one. The last few weeks you have been more tired than normal, refusing coffee and eating pineapple pizza. When was your last period?" I shrugged, I couldn't remember. "Darling, I think you need to pee on the stick."

I took a deep breath, took the test and entered my bathroom with the test in hand. My life was going to be changing today regardless of what this test said but could it be about to be an even bigger change than any of us had anticipated. I waited for the 3 minutes to pass before staring at the double lines that had just appeared on the stick in my hand. Last time I held one of these tests the tears were of joy for the single line, now the tears of joy were for the double lines in front of me.

I entered back into the bedroom to see that my Aunt had been joined by Robin. The two of them were deep in conversation when I entered.Robin spun to look at me. "Well, what does it say? Don't leave us hanging."

I blinked back more tears and exhaled deeply. "Looks as though today I become a Wife and a Mother." I chucked the test over to the bed so that they could both see the lines that had confirmed my Aunt's suspicions. My Aunt burst into tears before running over to me and embracing me like she had never done before.

 "Well Y/N, today you do become both and I have no doubt as to just how amazing you will be at both. Now eat your breakfast, grab a shower and let's get you ready for your husband. What do you say?" Robin smiled like a Cheshire cat just taking it all in. I nodded and sniffed back the last of my tears. Today was going to be my day and '86 baby, it was our year. 

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