Knock knock

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New years eve was nice and quiet and thankfully Eddie wasn't in too much pain. But we decided that it was probably for the best that we see in midnight and then go to bed. It was our first night together alone in our home but I couldn't bring myself to cuddle into Eddie the way that I normally did as I didn't want to hurt him.

I was awake early as I hadn't slept well for fear of turning over and catching his bruises. I decided to go and do some breakfast for when the patient awoke. I made some French toast with bacon and eggs. As per usual though I ended up making more than was needed. Eddie was asleep so I placed it in the oven to keep it warm and started brewing coffee. My Aunt knew how much I loved coffee and so had bought us anew coffee machine as a house warming gift. It was silly how just adding the smell of fresh coffee to the trailer made it feel more like home.

It had just gone 8am when the door knocked. I went to the door and there was a huge box of beer sat on the steps. I looked out knowing that as it was New Years day there would be no companies delivering today. I couldn't see anyone and then I saw him out of the corner of my eye. Steve.

"Are these from you?" I questioned to the head popping itself around the corner of the trailer.

"Yeah, I wanted to come and see how Eddie was but felt I needed to bring something and he doesn't strike me as the sort of guy who would appreciate a bunch of flowers. How is he?"

"He is good thank you. He is still sleeping at the minute though. Did you want to come in? To be honest, there is no way that I would be able to lift that anyway." I smiled and Steve nodded before picking up the beers and following me into the trailer. "I have just brewed some coffee and made breakfast, would you like some?"

"Please, black one sugar. Is Eddie going to be ok with me being in here? After all you could be carrying my kid and other shit that happened between us." Steve sat on the couch but shuffled awkwardly.

"Don't worry, after saving his life last night and bringing the van back for us I think he should be ok. As for the kid thing, you can relax. The test came back yesterday as negative." I poured the coffee, plated up some food and took it over to the couch as I saw Steve visibly relax. At that point I heard the bedroom door close.

Eddie walked towards the living area in just his bottoms and rubbing his eyes. Steve got off of the sofa and moved to the chair so that Eddie could sit with me. "Harrington?" Steve shifted uncomfortably. "What brings you here?" Eddie was trying his best to show disdain but I could see he was struggling to not be nice to him after what Steve did for him.

"Munson? I brought you a crate of beer and wanted to see how you were doing." Steve pointed over to the beer sat on the side. I looked over at Eddie to gauge his reaction and saw him visibly soften. "Robin told me that you discharged yourself last night so I just wanted to pop by and see you were ok."

"Well, I suppose that we should be grown ups and put shit behind us. Despite what you did with Y/N, I want to say thanks. I'm not sure how long I had been there and been unconscious before you found me. And thanks for bringing the van back for me. How much do we owe you?" Eddie hated being in debt to people.

"No, nothing. I figured I needed to make up a little for what I did so to be fair it was the least that I could do." I sat there watching the exchange between the pair of them ready to jump and break them up if needed but it certainly wasn't seeming as though that was going to be the case.

While I was sat having a nice conversation with the pair of them, which shocked me to be honest. The door knocked again. "I'll get it. You both stay here and continue playing nicely." I shouted as I ran the few feet to the door. Standing there was Robin, Dustin and Max. "Come on in guys, seems to me as though we have ourselves a little party."

"What do you mean by that?" Robin asked before spotting Steve sitting comfortably in the chair. "Hold on, Harrington and Munson in the same room and there is no blood? Progress." Everyone chuckled and piled into the trailer's cramped living space. It was nice to have our own place and be able to chill with our friends even if it was tight. I made my excuses and nipped to the bathroom and there it was. The confirmation that the test correctly said negative.

I walked back into the living area smiling from ear to ear. Eddie looked at me with a look of confusion on his face making everyone else turn to look at me. "Sorry, I'm just so happy. I don't care who knows, I'm happy to tell you all that the pregnancy test was correct, I am not pregnant. Now let's celebrate."

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