Snowed in

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"Morning Y/N. I'm just about to leave for work but judging by the snow we have had overnight I doubt that school will be open. I may end up having to stay at a friends as she lives closer to the office and it would just make it safer and easier for me." I nodded and glanced over to the window, it looked as though the snow was a good few inches deep already. She kissed me on the top of my head and started walking away. "By the way, there is some money on the side for take out if needed and plenty to eat in the freezer and cupboards. Also, tell Eddie he isn't too drive home in this."

My eyes widened. Oh shit, she knew. "What do you mean Aunty?" I asked trying to play dumb.

"I saw his van round the back when I was getting the snow shovel out, it just confirmed what I already knew. He doesn't need to use the window, you are both adults and he can use the door like everyone else. Just promise me that you will be safe." I smiled and nodded, feeling a little emotional and overwhelmed. My Aunt was actually acting as though she didn't mind me being here. Maybe I had her all wrong.

I closed my bedroom door and Eddie peeped out of the bathroom. "Is the coast clear? Can I come out now?" He was fully dressed and ready to leave. "Shall I wait until she goes and leave through the door or use the window?"

"Yeah, you can come out now but I am under strict instructions that you are not to leave and drive in this weather." Eddie looked at me perplexed. "She saw your van round back. Her instructions were money for take out on the counter, food in cupboards and Eddie is not to drive home in this and is to start using the door like everyone else." Eddie's look of confusion turned into a massive grin as he ran at me and tackled me onto the bed.

"So she wasn't angry at the fact I have been sneaking in and taking advantage of the most beautiful girl in Hawkins?" We were lay on the bed together, me on my back and Eddie on top of me between my thighs.

"Well, she didn't use those words exactly but she did tell us to be safe so I think that she does have an idea as to what we were doing last night." I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back and started working his way down to my neck.

"And this morning? Seeing as we are awake and snowed in for the foreseeable might as well have some fun." He carried on kissing my neck and working his magic on me.

"Yes Eddie and this morning. I want you again. I want you now. I will always want you." Eddie growled and the kisses became more urgent and eager. It didn't take long until we were both naked again.

"This may be a little bit sore again but I promise you princess it will only be this time and maybe next time then it will start feeling natural and we can start to have more fun with it. If you want too?" Eddie explained, I knew all of this already but it was so sweet that he was taking the time to care about me rather than just caring about getting his end away.

"I know, it's ok. I want too." Eddie did the same as he had done the night before and made sure I was aroused enough so that it wasn't too painful. He was right and this time did last a little longer and it certainly wasn't as sore.

When we had both finished, he threw the condom away and spent minutes kissing all over every inch of my body until he had worked his way down and then back up my body. He looked me straight in the eyes. "I don't think that I will ever get bored of waking up next to you, kissing you or even loving you."

"Good because I don't want there to ever be a day where I don't or can't kiss you." Eddie smiled and we snuggled in together and fell back asleep for a few more hours until Dustin knocked at the door. I grabbed my robe and chucked it on. Eddie stayed under the covers, he didn't need to hide now so he went back to sleep. I opened the door. "Good morning Y/N. Sleep alright?" Dustin asked me cheekily with a big grin across his face.

"I slept fine thank you."

"And so did I shrimp, thanks for asking." Eddie shouted from behind me. Dustin grinned even more and tried to peer around me.

"Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready and Steve has pulled out all the stops. We have pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, toast. It's like a feast." Dustin must have noticed the shock on my face as I was still processing the fact that he said Steve.

"What do you mean Steve has cooked breakfast? How did he cook us breakfast from his house?" I questioned and Eddie had sat upright in bed.

"Harrington's here?" Eddie questioned as well not looking best pleased. I could feel the panic rising in me.

"Basically Mum said as she had a feeling that Eddie would be sneaking in again that Steve could stay so that I have company as well and leave you two alone. That is ok isn't it Y/N?" Dustin looked confused.

"That's absolutely fine, why wouldn't it be? We'll be down in a minute for breakfast. I just want to get dressed." With that Dustin left us too it. Eddie didn't seem too bothered but I needed to check. "You are going to play nice now aren't you? We are sorted with King Steve, ok?" Eddie nodded like a little schoolboy being given instructions.

"We do have 5 minutes before we need to get dressed though don't we?" Eddie asked while pulling me onto the bed and smothering me with kisses. I reluctantly pulled away and sighed.

"I suppose though that as we are going to be stuck with him that we should be nice and go down. Now put your God damn pants on Munson." I chuckled to myself as I chucked his jeans at him. He moaned but did as I asked and put his trousers on for us to go down for breakfast.

We entered the kitchen, or rather I skulked into the kitchen with Eddie behind me as Steve was just placing the last plate down onto the dining room table. "Morning lovebirds. Hope you're hungry." He was chirpy, I just needed to hope that he wasn't going to let anything slip. Eddie went and took his place at the table, thankfully that meant that he couldn't see when Steve winked at me. How the hell had I got myself into such a big mess?

"It looks great man, thanks Harrington. Look, I'm sorry about the past few days. Y/N says that you are good so that means that we are too." Eddie was apologising and held his hand out for Steve to shake, which Steve did before sitting down opposite me.

While sitting and eating we all chatted and laughed, it felt good. Every now and again Eddie would place his hand under the table and rub my thigh like he would normally do in the cafeteria. Only difference this time was that Steve kept trying to play footsie with me under the table. I wanted to pull away but then Eddie would feel me moving and wonder what was wrong. Or was I just trying to find a reason to allow Steve to continue his flirting.

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