Bedside confessions

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Robin ran with me as I raced down the hospital corridors and slammed my hands down on the main desk to get the receptionists attention. "I am here to see Eddie Munson, I was told that he was brought in here by ambulance. Can you tell me where he is please?" The receptionist looked up from her paper and glared at me whilst sucking at her teeth. "Hey, hello, where is he?" I snapped at her waving my hands in her face to make sure I had her attention.

She tutted and then said. "And you are?"

"I'm his fiancée, now will you please do your god damn job and tell me where the hell he is?" I was starting to get angry and wound up. Robin stared at me in shock as I said the word Fiancée. I didn't even realise that I had said it, it was automatic.

"Hmph, Eddie Munson?" She muttered to herself while checking paperwork. "Room 305, down the corridor, third door on the right and make sure you don't run ladies this isn't the school track field." She pointed as she gave us directions and then went back to her newspaper. I ignored her telling off as I ran off down the corridor with Robin hot on my heels. Robin offered to wait outside while I went to see if Eddie was awake.

He was out of it when I walked in but I wasn't sure if he was asleep or unconscious. I did see a machine next to him that was beeping but no wires so I took that as a good sign. I sat in the chair next to the bed and held his hand. I guessed that he couldn't hear me but I started talking anyway. "Hey you, how the hell have you ended yourself in here? I am so scared, I thought that I had lost you when I got that call. I must have been scared because when I came in I accidentally told the receptionist that I was your Fiancée. Funny isn't it? What panic and fear makes you say and do. You should have seen the look that Robin gave me. Anyway, when you wake up maybe we should talk about that ring you got me at Christmas. You need to wake up." I started crying. "Eddie you have to wake up. I need you. I love you and I want to marry you. I want a baby with you when we are ready. Wake up god damn you." I slapped his chest.

"Oooww, what did you do that for? That's where the seatbelt bruised me. I was listening, I just wanted to hear what else you were going to say." Eddie was awake, I kissed him and tried not to hurt him as I squeezed him.

"You had me so worried. I thought that you were on machines and everything. I honestly thought that I had lost you. What happened?"

"The machine is literally just attached to my chest under the blanket checking my heart rate as they were worried I would go into shock. I was driving down that weird road by the diner and there was a massive patch of black ice which I obviously didn't see in time, I tried to swerve but caught the edge and lost control. Apparently some stranger found me and rang it in. I am ok though, just bruising and whiplash. Maybe a slight concussion but nothing too bad considering the state of the van apparently. Did anyone bring you? Are you alone?" Eddie filled me in on what had happened and then the questions came but at least he didn't seem to be focusing on the fact I basically proposed or accepted his Christmas proposal.

"Robin bought me here. Steve rang me at the house to tell me that you had been brought in and that he had already arranged for Robin to come and get me to bring me in. You said a stranger rang the ambulance, you don't know do you?"

"Why did Steve ring you? What don't I know?" Eddie winced as he sat up in bed and started looking concerned.

"Steve was the stranger. Steve was driving down the road and saw the van in the tree. He knew it was you so he stopped to help you and then rang me. He had already arranged for Robin to come and bring me in as he didn't want me driving because I got myself in a state of worry about you. But he also didn't want you waking up to finding out that he would have been the one to have brought me here." Eddie looked at me with his resting bitch face. I couldn't help but pout at him because I could tell that he didn't want to admit that he needed to thank Steve.

Eddie folded his arms across his chest, wincing again. "Well, if he did then maybe I should thank him when they let me out. They have said that they want to keep me in overnight at least and see how I am tomorrow." I sighed and looked down at the floor, here were them damn tears again. "Hey hey, don't cry. I'm ok. I have asked them for my discharge papers though. I want to come home, I need to be home with you." I looked up at him and smiled but bit my lip with nerves.

"Do you think that you will be ok to come home? I don't want to spend New Year's eve at the trailer alone so will stay with my Aunt if needed."

"They have said as long as I make sure to rest up and no driving for 48 hours then I can go but if I deteriorate or black out then I need to come back. So what do you reckon? Do you think that you would be happy to play nurse for me?" I nodded and kissed him before going to get Robin from the hallway.

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