First shift nerves

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That weekend went by as quick as a flash. It felt absolutely amazing though to be able to spend the whole weekend with Eddie at his trailer, it really did cement in me just how much I loved him and that this was the man that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. It felt as though we were a couple living alone and just showed us what living together could potentially be like. I even managed to go a whole day without thinking about Steve Harrington. Then I cooked lasagne for all of us when his Uncle Wayne returned on the Sunday. I had cleaned the trailer from top to bottom as well and was starting to feel like a little loved up housewife. School on Monday was your typical snoozefest but I got through it with no issues and then it was time. Time for me to go to work, my first shift with Steve at the video store.

Eddie gave me a lift and promised me that he would be there to collect me when I finished at 8pm. I walked through the doors and instantly realised that Robin wasn't anywhere to be seen. Just Steve and no customers. What a great start, hopefully Robin was just busy out the back. "Hey boss. You ok?" I was trying to stay as calm and as professional as I could. I didn't want Steve to see how uncomfortable and panicked I was feeling.

"Hey Y/N. I am good thanks, you? Sorry to chuck you in at the deep end but Robin has some band thing today so won't be in until 5:30pm so I will be in charge of training you and getting you used to everything here and out the back that has to be done. That ok with you?" He looked stern and pissed off but I guessed he was just trying to stay focused on the job at hand like me.

I swallowed hard and tried not to show the panic and lust that I could feel building inside of me. "That's fine by me, I am sure that you're capable of knowing what to do and what you need to show me." Oh crap, that sounded flirtier than I needed it to be. Steve nodded and chucked my uniform at me.

"You can go in the office and get changed or use the staff toilets. Promise I won't look. Not that I haven't seen it all before though Y/N. And as for being capable, you already know just how capable I am of knowing exactly what to do when it comes to you." He added a cheeky smile. If this was the flirting within the first 5 minutes of my first shift then we were all in trouble. Only 2 hours and Robin would be here. I just need to focus for 2 hours. That's all. Focus.

I flared my nostrils at him and stomped off to the office to get changed. I started getting into my uniform and then...."Fuck's sake Steve, knock will you." I angrily shouted at Steve while clutching my top to my chest. He had just walked straight into the office whilst I was half naked. What the actual hell?

"Sorry Y/N, I thought that you would have gone to the toilets to get changed. Anyway, I don't know why you are acting as though I haven't seen you naked before. Just carry on getting changed while I grab the till roll and I will get out of your way." He did have a point so I got into my uniform with no inhibitions and stalked back out to the till. This was going to be an eventful shift.



I didn't mean to walk in on her, I seriously really did think that she was in the toilets. Oh crap, now she was going to think that I did it on purpose which I can say for certain was not the case. It was nice to see her half naked but that wasn't my intention. When she came out of the office, cheeks flushed and in her uniform I was stood behind the till waiting to show her the system.

She came over and stood behind the counter with me but opposite so that it wasn't possible for the two of us to be further apart while behind the counter. If anyone was to come in at that moment then they would definitely be able to sense the tension that was building between us.

"I am really sorry Y/N, I honestly didn't mean to walk in on you. It won't happen again." I felt like I should apologise to her so that some of the tension could ease.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I should have changed in the toilets. Hope that you managed to get a good look though Harrington as it is the last chance you are getting." She laughed and flashed me that amazing smile again. The tension started to almost disappear but I felt so weak. I needed to get through this. If I couldn't have her the way Munson did then I at least needed her in my life as a friend. I couldn't not see that smile again.

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