First time

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Just a word of warning that there is more smut incoming in this part and then over the next few parts.


I spent a lot longer in the shower than I probably should have done but I just felt as though I needed time to myself to gather my thoughts. Steve kissed me, I didn't kiss him. It was a stupid kiss, a stupid mistake. Ok, 2 stupid mistakes but I had put him in his place and that was that. No more now, he knew where he stood. At least I hoped that he did.

When I came out of the shower it was nearly half past 8. That gave me a little bit of time to get dried and compose myself, although the last thing I felt that I needed was more time alone inside my own head. It wasn't a very nice place to be at the minute and I didn't feel like a very nice person. I brushed my teeth 3 times, almost in the vain hope that that would rid me of the fact that I kissed Steve. No, that he kissed me. Twice.

An hour later while sat on my bed twiddling my thumbs and staring off into space, I heard a light tapping at my window. I looked over and saw my goofy freak staring in through the window with those all too familiar puppy dog eyes. I rushed over and opened it practically dragging him in by his collar and kissing him as though my life depended on it.

Eddie managed to straighten himself up even though at this point I was still hanging off of his neck in sheer desperation. It was almost as though if I let go of him then he would leave. "Wow sweetheart, I missed you too. I am pleased now that we took a few hours apart but I would hate to see how you would be after a whole night." I kissed him again and shuffled the both of us towards the bed.

Eddie sat down on the edge of the bed, took his jacket and shoes off and made himself comfortable. "Come here sweetheart, is anything wrong?" I climbed onto the bed next to him and settled my head on his chest. This was my safe place, nothing and no one could hurt me when we were lay like this with each other. Eddie kissed the top of my head and asked again. "What's the matter? Are you alright?"

I sighed and smiled up at him. "I'm fine, I just really missed you and after lunch I am just pleased to see you here and in one piece." I needed to lie to him, I couldn't lose him over something so trivial and that meant absolutely nothing. I reached up and kissed him again. I made sure that he could feel the love and the passion in the kiss as my lips met his. I made him lie back and placed one leg either side of his. "Eddie? I want to do it. I want to do it with you, now. I want you to make love to me. Will you?" I don't know where it came from and maybe even from a place of guilt but I wanted to make sure that no matter what he knew I loved him.

"Are you sure sweetheart? I don't want you to do anything that you don't want to do. I don't want you to feel that we have too. Are you sure that you feel ready?" Eddie questioned me and looked concerned but pleased if that was even possible.

I nodded and started to take my clothes off in between kissing him. He obliged and kissed me back as well as undressing me and himself. "Lie back sweetheart, I want to make you cum first so that you are nice and relaxed for me." I did as I was told, this was becoming a habit for me and I liked it. Eddie started kissing my neck and running his fingers up and down my body. He spent extra time circling and stroking my thighs before using his fingers to make me orgasm for him. Eddie was still in his boxers, while I was lay there completely naked for him.

Once I had cum over his fingers he took his boxers down and freed his impressive erection. This just felt right and Steve fast became the furthest thing from my mind. Eddie reached into his jacket pocket and pulled a silver packet. He ripped it open and placed the contents on himself. "If you want me to stop at any point baby, just say. I don't want to hurt you but it may sting a little bit. Promise me that you will tell me if I hurt you?" I nodded. "No baby, words please? Make sure that you use your words for me."

"I promise that I will tell you if it starts to hurt me too much." I opened my legs wide enough so that he could lay between them facing me. We kissed and after a minute or two Eddie slid himself inside of me. It was pain and pleasure all at once. I gasped but didn't want him to stop. He rhythmically pumped himself in and out of me.

"Are you ok? Do you want to carry on?" I nodded and Eddie stopped. "What did I say sweetheart? I need you to use those words for me or I will stop."

"Please don't stop. I want this and I want to make love to you. Please carry on, I love you." Oh shit, I had just said it properly. I had just told Eddie I loved him while he was 7 inches deep inside of me.

"Good girl. I love you too." He continued and carried on kissing me as well as every now and again nibbling at my very erect and sensitive nipples.

After a little while I felt the pleasure rising in me. I gasped again but this time it was in sheer ecstasy as I shuddered and felt warmth leaving me and covering the condom as I gasped and moaned. Just a few seconds later and Eddie exploded too. He fell on top of me, covering me in kisses as he tried to steady his breathing. He rolled off of me, threw the used condom in the bin and lay himself next to me. "Are you ok after that? Do you feel ok? I promise you that next time will be longer. I'm sorry that it wasn't more special for you either as I wasn't expecting you to want me here and now." He chuckled a little bit and smiled at me.

"I'm great and it was special enough for me because it was you. I'm feeling a little sore though but ok. Can I come in?" He knew exactly what I meant and lay back for me to take my place on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and brushed my hair out of my eyes. "I meant what I said Eddie. I love you. No matter what happens though I don't want you to forget it. Can you promise me that?"

Eddie laughed. "I love you too but what do you think is going to happen that you need to be so desperate for me to know?" At this point Eddie looked and pointed over at the window. "The first flakes of the snowstorms are about to hit." Perfect. Hopefully we will get snowed in and that will give us a few days here without the chance of bumping into a certain someone.

Eddie and I fell asleep curled up and snuggled into each other until we heard banging on my bedroom door at 6am. "Shit, Eddie get in the bathroom." I whispered to him chucking his clothes at him. Eddie jumped up out of bed and ran into my bathroom as I pulled on my dressing gown and went to answer my bedroom door. It was my Aunt.

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