Dealing with Dustin

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Eddie and I spent most of the morning dancing round the kitchen to Iron Maiden, Metallica, Black Sabbath and other bands of the same genre. It wasn't until the phone rang at midday that we even realised how long that we had been dancing and messing around for.

I answered the phone a little out of breath. "Hello, Henderson residence." The person on the other end spoke and we had a short yet snappy and delightful conversation. I hung up and looked at Eddie with mock sadness. "Eddie??? Do you think that you could do me a huge favour please?" He looked unsure but nodded and waited for me to continue. "Could you stay with me again tonight please and maybe tomorrow night too? My Aunt wants to stay with her friend another night as the husband is away and she has sorted for Dustin to stay with the Wheeler's again. What do you say?" Eddie ran at me and smiled.

"Just try and stop me sweetheart." I screamed as Eddie ran at me, picked me up and swung me around. "I can't think of anything that I would want more darling." I squealed with happiness as he placed me backdown.

The next few hours past by in a bit of a lovesick daze. We watched movies, made out and even fell asleep on each other on the sofa. Dustin came home around 4pm to collect the few bits that he needed for the rest of the weekend as it had now been decided that he was staying with Mike until Monday, just for ease. No doubt though this meant that my Aunt would probably be staying out tomorrow night as well. Not that I was too bothered of course and not that she was actually too bothered about leaving me alone as long as she got her money every month I could do what I pleased. 

"Y/N!!!!!"Dustin shouted as he stormed through the door making sure to slam it behind him. "What in the shit is going on? Why did Steve ring me up earlier telling me that you threatened to throw him through a window?" Dustin didn't look impressed.

"I'm going to go and find something for dinner. Let you two catch up on today's events." Eddie sheepishly disappeared into the kitchen and left me to deal with Dustin.

"In my defence I did tell him that the window was his option if he wasn't too leave through the door by himself when I told him too. I did try to play nice but then he went after Eddie and I didn't take kindly to him saying the things that he did." I tried to answer him as best as I could while trying to make sure I didn't wind him up. He stood in silence glaring at me. "First things first, he called you a little shit, would you stand for that? Then he called Eddie a freak, commented on the fact I was wearing Eddie's shirt and then told me that I should have met him before agreeing to be with Eddie. Now can you see why I threatened him? He's lucky he only got words and didn't find my palm connecting with his face." I sighed in frustration.

"So you answered the door to him wearing Eddie's clothes and he got jealous? I'm not used to them fighting over someone who isn't me. I feel hurt." Dustin laughed. "So are you and Eddie a thing now then?"

Eddie returned at that exact moment. "If, Shrimp you are asking if she is my girlfriend, then yes she is. Problem?"

"No problem at all Mr Dungeon Master, Sir. I shall grab my things and go. Be warned though, Steve isn't happy. I think that I can try and calm him down though, he just cares about me and that means that he cares about you by default. Do you reckon that in exchange for that you could maybe give me a ride to DND this week please Eddie? Mum says she has book club again. I'm starting to think she has someone she isn't telling us about."

I really do hope that she does because then maybe Eddie staying over would be a more regular occurrence. I walked over to my jacket and took out a couple of bucks from my pocket. "Here Dustin, maybe you can grab you guys some snacks or something for the evening. I am sorry." I tried to be nice and hoped that Dustin hadn't realise that I was paying him off. He took the dollars and chucked them in his own pocket before leaving.

Eddie and I sat down and I couldn't help but wonder why Steve the hair Harrington was so bothered about me being with Eddie. What was his problem? Was he just looking out for me? I would like to think that that was all it was but strange as he had only just met me. I had heard Dustin talk about him but that was it. I must have been zoning out because when I snapped back to reality Eddie was shaking me round.

 "I'm sorry babe, were you saying something?" I asked. Eddie just laughed and kissed me before heading off into the kitchen.

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