Wedding talk

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That night Eddie and I sat together on the sofa and enjoyed pizza and a few beers before heading off to bed. As we got into bed I remembered the envelope still sat in my bag. "I got gifted something today for us by a customer. I was told not to open it until we were together. Shall I go and get it?" Eddie propped himself up on one arm looking over at me a little confused but nodded.

I went and retrieved the envelope and got back into bed next to him. The front simply said Future Mr and Mrs Eddie. "What do you think it is sweetheart? Who is it from? Did they give you any clue as to what it might be in there for us?" I shook my head not too sure what to make of it. "Open it then darling. It's not ticking so you're safe to open it. It doesn't seem as though it is going to explode." Eddie giggled a little at his own joke. I thought it was cute when he did that.

I shakily opened it and inside was a note and a business card. "There's a note and then a business card for the bridal shop in town. Should I read the note?" Eddie nodded and I started reading out loud. "Dear Y/N, first of all I know your name from your badge so don't panic. When you spoke to me earlier and explained about your parents I couldn't help but want to help. You seem so in love and destined to make it work, the fondness in your eyes was clear as you were talking about your Eddie. Reminds me of how I used to be when talking about mine. The bridal shop is owned by my niece, Marcy. Take this letter and card in with you, pick any dress that you want. It is my wedding gift to you. She also does suits and tell her Auntie Elsie wants you to have the family discount on anything else you have. Sometimes in this life we just need one stranger to do a good deed for us to change our life. This is mine, just promise me when you and Eddie are married you will show me pictures and pass this good deed onto someone else. Lots of love Elsie."

I sat there in shock, not quite sure what to think about the gift we had just received. An almost stranger was offering to buy my wedding dress. "Sweetheart, are you ok? What do you think that you want to do about that? Are you going to go to the shop and take her up on the offer?"

"Eddie we haven't even set a date yet so why would I be looking at dresses already?" I was stunned, did this mean that he wanted me to go and pick a dress?

"Well then what are we waiting for? Why don't we go down to the courthouse tomorrow after school and book a date?" I looked at Eddie as though he was crazy. He put his hands on the tops of my arms and looked me dead in the eyes. "We love each other, we want to be together and this is an amazing gift that means we don't have to wait as long as we thought we would. You said yourself on New years day, if you could marry me tomorrow it wouldn't be soon enough. Did you mean it or not?"

"Of course I meant it, I just didn't think that you would want the gears set in motion so soon. When is it that you thinking that you would want to marry me then?" I didn't think he was serious so I just decided to try and humour him.

"After graduation. Let's get finals done, graduate and then we get hitched and start our lives together properly. What do you say?"

"I say Munson that we have just set our wedding date." Eddie kissed me before I could say anything else. When his lips finally left mine I spoke again. "I think I am going to ask my Aunt to be the one to give me away, what do you think? Also thinking that I may ask Robin to be Chief bridesmaid. Robin is going to flip. Thing is, I want you to make me one promise before we book it Eddie?" Eddie looked at me with growing concern. "I don't want my Mum knowing that we are getting married. I don't want there to be any chance of her coming over here and trying to change my mind. She wouldn't achieve but she would try."

"Are you really sure that you want to keep your own Mum away from your wedding day? Hopefully it is something that we are only going to be doing the once."

"I'm serious Eddie. I don't want her at our graduation and I certainly don't want her at the wedding. When we do finally have children, she will never see them. I don't want them even knowing of her existence."

"Ok sweetheart, if that is what you want then that's fine but why do I get the feeling that there is something that you are not telling me." I looked down to the ground and knew that the time had come and there was no more putting it off.

"The reason she and my Dad finished and the problems they had. Not only could see not keep her pants on, she was an alcoholic and a junkie too before Jack paid to put her through rehab. I don't know a Mother without those issues. She changed for her new kids, I wasn't good enough for her to make her want to change herself. It is our wedding and I do not want her there making the day all about her. Can you promise me that? If you can't then no more wedding talk."

Eddie held my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. "I promise you."



How on earth could a Mother be like to a child? How could Y/N still want to be with me after her Mother put her through all of that? Is that why she stayed? Did she stay because I was able to do for her what her Mum didn't? She was enough for me to make me want to change.

I made her the promise that her Mum would never find out about the wedding and I had no issues if that was why she really didn't want her there. If nothing else, it gave me more reason not to go back to my old ways. I didn't to stay on the straight for her, for us, for our future. 

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