Moment of Truth

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The rest of the day went by really slowly. Every time I entered a class or passed someone they whispered, laughed, pointed or muttered. I was starting to understand what Eddie had meant when he said the shit that he got from everyone everyday. No matter how much people were staring though I still didn't care.

Final bell rang, I grabbed what I needed from my locker and escaped through the double doors into the parking lot. Eddie was already waiting. I ran to him, making sure not to kiss the floor again. When I got to him I flung my arms round him and planted another kiss on his lips. His arms wrapped around my waist and he picked me up as he kissed me back.

We got in the van and people were still staring. Was this really that much of a small town that we were a main attraction? Eddie went to turn the key in the ignition but stopped, this seemed to be a habit of his when something was on his mind. "Did you mean what you said in the cafeteria? Did you mean it when you said that you wanted to be in a relationship with me? Did you mean that kiss just then? Or were you just playing with me to get some attention?" Eddie questioned me sharply and it hurt me a little that he would think that of me.

"I'm hurt by that Eddie. I'm not like that. I wouldn't say something I didn't mean. Especially to you. I meant every word I said in there in front of everyone. I want a relationship with you, do you think you would like that as well? Or were you just playing along with it for attention yourself?" I snapped back fighting back the tears. How could he think that of me?

"So you really meant it? You actually do like me? You like me enough after 27 hours to make it official with me?" Eddie paused. "Not that I am being precise or I remember when I first saw you or spoke to you. Shut up Eddie." He was going off on a tangent and getting annoyed with himself. He went quiet and there it was. He was fiddling with those damn rings of his again.

"YES! I meant it, I meant that I want to be official with you after only a day of knowing you. I can't stop thinking about you. I was so hurt this morning when I turned over and you weren't there. I got in the shower and I broke my heart because you had actually left me. I fell asleep on you, gripping onto you last night in the hope that you would fall asleep too and just stay. I wanted you to stay with me. For the first time since arriving here I managed to sleep. I felt happy and safe. It felt as though someone actually really did want me here." I started allowing the tears to fall. "My Aunt hardly spoke to me for the first 2 weeks I was here. Her friends made it so clear that I was a burden to her and she only took me in because she believed that she had too. She is nice to me now but only because the cheques from my Mum have started arriving. My Mum didn't want me in the UK with her, my Nan is too ill to have me around because I make her worse, my Dad is dead and his wife hates me. Dustin was the only one happy to see me. You made me smile for the first time in months, you made me realise that there are people out there who really do want to see me, spend time with me and may actually truly want me here." The tears were really flowing and there was nothing I could do to stop them.



I hated seeing her cry but I needed to ask her and find out the truth. I couldn't play along with her and not know whether or not she actually liked me and wanted me knowing how I was beginning to feel about her but I never meant to hurt her. All I had been thinking about since lunchtime was that kiss in front of everyone. I reached over and took her hand in mine.

"Sweetheart please don't cry. I'm sorry but I needed to know. You are all I have thought about since I first saw you. Heck why do you think I came back for you last night? I didn't want to leave this morning but I did it for you. I hurt you to protect you. I didn't realise though that you were tougher than that and that you would fight back. As for wanting you here, I don't ever want there to be a time when you aren't here." I stroked her knuckles with my thumb and carried on opening up to her. This was a new one for me, I never let my walls down for anyone before but for her I had too if I wanted her to be mine. "No one and I mean absolutely no one has ever made me smile and feel the way that you do. Last night I stopped you not because I wanted too but because I didn't want you regretting anything. I didn't want you to realise how much of a freak I am like they all say and regret letting me in." I stopped talking and sighed.

Her tears had slowed but I could still see that she was hurt and upset but I was going to make sure that I made that right. "Shall we go? I need to head to mine and grab some things for the night. That is if you still want me to stay? I promise that this time when you wake up I will still be there but if I am not next to you when you wake up then I promise that I will only be in the bathroom or kitchen." I smiled at her and tried to let her know that this time I meant what I was saying.

"Do you really promise not to leave me tonight?" She asked on the verge of tears again and I nodded.

 "Darling if I could then I would never leave your side again." I really meant it, she wasn't the only one who was experiencing someone wanting her around for the first time, I just wasn't fully ready to open up on that just yet though. I started the van up and off we went. 

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