Christmas day

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Christmas morning Eddie and I were rudely awaken by Dustin jumping on the bed. "Shrimp, I'm naked, get the hell out." Eddie shouted as he clutched at the blanket to stay covered and he wasn't the only one clutching to try and keep their dignity in place.

"Eeewww, way too much information guys. Mum said that breakfast is ready so you need to come down so that we can open the presents. Hurry up and remember to put on clothes, no one wants to see that Ed." And with that he left.

We both rolled over onto our sides so that we were facing each other. "Merry Christmas baby, did you sleep ok?" I asked before kissing him good morning.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart. I slept very well after my early Christmas present." As is only natural when you make up we had a kinky session before falling sleep naked in each other's arms. We normally slept in underwear at least but we got carried away and tired. "Shall we get up? I want to see your face when you see your presents, there isn't much but I hope it is enough for you." Eddie jumped up out of bed and starting pulling clothes on.

"You didn't need to get me anything though baby. I have got you a few bits, I managed to sneak some in when I went shopping with Robin the other day." I followed suit and got out of bed and dressed. I had wrapped all the gifts and asked my Aunt to stash them for me so Eddie and Dustin didn't see what they had. "What time is Uncle Wayne coming over? I managed to get him something too."

Eddie shrugged. "Knowing Uncle Wayne he will turn up 10 minutes before food is served and leave 10 minutes after the last crumb has been eaten." I laughed and we made our way downstairs, the smell from the kitchen was amazing and you could tell that the ham was already cooking.

I have to admit though that I was not ready for the feast that awaited us on the table. There was sausage, eggs, bacon, toast, mushrooms, salmon, cereal, croissants, cold cuts and more. How the hell were we all going to manage dinner if this was just breakfast?

Once we had finished Dustin and I tidied away what we could and tubbed up leftovers while my Aunt and Eddie disappeared into the living room. It sounded as though they were plotting. Dustin and I entered and they both went quiet. They both looked like naughty school children who had been caught with their hands in the candy jar. "So, are we swapping gifts now or waiting for Wayne?" Dustin asked sitting down on the floor and shuffling towards the tree and a massive pile of presents.

"We can swap a few presents while we are waiting, how does that sound to everyone?" Asked my Aunt. We all nodded. Naturally we all allowed Dustin to go first. My Aunt had got him a new bike and games console as well as some films on VHS, candy and clothes. Eddie and I got him some DND dice, a new cap, candy and some lights for his new bike. We got my Aunt some perfume, some wine and a new table service that she wanted.

Then it was mine and Eddie's turn to receive our gifts. My Aunt bought Eddie a few T shirts, a new guitar case and candy and had got me some candy too. She also told me I couldn't have my other gifts as they hadn't arrived yet. I was disappointed but it was ok, I knew she wouldn't get me much. I gave Eddie some guitar picks and accessories like a new tuner, a new strap, a six pack of his favourite beer, a new lighter and loads of stocking filler gifts including some cassette tapes he had been eyeing up. Eddie gave me a keyring that he had made himself out of one of his guitar picks and same thing happened. "I have got you more sweetheart, I promise you that but Uncle Wayne is bringing it over for you later."

I nodded and sniffed back a few tears. "That's ok, I wouldn't mind if this was my only gift." I was a little disappointed but kissed him as I knew that this was one of his favourite picks so knew him giving it to me was a big deal.

After swapping gifts we all enjoyed a Christmas movie together. My Aunt went to go and sort dinner but as I went into the kitchen to grab a soda I heard her on the phone. "Really? You think that the gift you got her is going to make up for yet another Christmas that you don't want to see her or even speak to her. Sometimes I think that that girl is better off without you in her life all you ever do is disappoint her and make her feel worthless." There was a pause. "I understand that it was expensive, you made sure I knew how expensive it was. Are you forgetting that myself and Wayne picked it for her? You just sent some money and left us too it. Anyway Deb, Merry Christmas. I'll tell Y/N you called." My Aunt slammed the phone down in fury. I hadn't received anything from my Mum so what was being hidden from me?

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