Monday Monday

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It felt as though things were already starting to get back on track for the both of us. Eddie hadn't left since he arrived here Saturday night and to say that Dustin and my Aunt were pleased to see him when they got back Sunday afternoon was a little bit of an understatement. Dustin practically ran at Eddie and nearly sent him flying backwards onto his ass when he saw him. It was almost as though Dustin football tackled him.

But as is the same every week Monday came too soon, which meant another shift at work for me. I think Eddie and I were both tense about me working with Steve again though as we hardly said 2 words to each other on the drive over to the store. When we pulled up outside I was the one to hesitate this time. "I don't have to go in if you don't want me too. If you want I can go in and tell them that I am quitting effective immediately and then we can just go straight home."

Eddie took a deep breath in and gripped the steering wheel really tight, so tight that his knuckles went white. "No, I need to trust you and you need your independence. Dustin has said I can go and meet them at Mike's for a new campaign to keep busy. Go on bluey. I'll be here when you finish. If he tries anything though I will finish what I started Thursday."

I nodded, smiled and leant over for a kiss. "I'll see you later and Robin is already here so I will probably be her shadow and just glue myself to her." I jumped out and walked into work. Eddie watched me walk into work and waited a few minutes before driving off.

"Hey Y/N, I wasn't sure as to whether or not you would be in today. How you feeling now? Just to warn you though, Steve is out the back." Robin was trying her best to put me at ease straight away. She was zany and crazy but I really was starting to love that girl.

Just as she finished talking Steve popped his head round from the back office. "Hey. Wasn't expecting you today. You ok to be here?" It felt awkward and Steve looked over my shoulder, saw the van and tensed slightly.

"Will you pair calm down, I am absolutely fine. Things are good and I am here to work." They looked at each other confused and then back at me. "Eddie and I are sorted. He is ok with me working here for now and we are giving it another go. But I don't want things to be too awkward." I glanced at Steve and raised my eyebrows at him.

He just folded his arms and shuffled his foot. "Up to you really isn't it Y/N? Not my decision if you work here and sleeping with the boss isn't a sackable offence. If you want to give Eddie another chance, your choice." With that he skulked back off into the office and for the rest of the shift he only popped out every now and again to check on us. Thankfully though we didn't interact much when he did, I did feel sorry for Robin though.

Just before closing Robin seemed concerned. "I know you don't know yet but what are you going to do if the hair did knock you up?" Panic must have flashed across my face. "Have you not thought about it?"

I slid down onto the floor, Robin joined me. "I haven't thought about it but now I have bigger issues." Robin pulled a face that showed she didn't get what I was saying. "When Eddie and I made up, we made up properly and we didn't use anything either. I don't think we used a. Oh fuck, what if I am and now I won't know whose it is? What do I do Robin? I can't believe that I have been so stupid, twice." I started crying and Robin just held me tight.

"I'm here. No need to tell either of them too much yet." She pulled away and looked me in the eyes while gripping my arms. "Right, dry those tears. We have a week or 2 before we can test you and it may arrive when we need it too. So try to relax and leave it to me to worry for you." I hugged her tightly, this girl was golden and she was here calming me down in my moment of need.

Eddie popped his head over the counter at that point. "What are you pair doing down there?"

"Hey Eddie, we didn't hear you come in. How are you? Y/N was just feeling a little light headed, she hasn't eaten. Why don't you take her home and get her fed? Steve and I can finish off here." Robin rubbed my arm and helped me up off of the floor.

I got up off of the floor and Eddie steadied me. Now that I was up I realised I did actually feel a little light headed but thanks to Eddie I managed to get myself out to the van and into the seat. I was feeling really tired all of a sudden and was staring out of the window. I must have nodded off because the next thing I knew we were sat outside Eddie's.

"Why are we here baby? I thought that we were going back to mine? Or did you want to stay here tonight?" I asked groggily.

"I just wanted to grab some bits but if Uncle Wayne isn't here we can stop here if you want too. I know that we are at yours for Christmas so I just thought as you aren't working until next Monday now we would just stay at yours so I needed to collect a few things rather than constantly nipping back."

 Eddie grabbed the bits he needed which turned out to be presents, some fresh clothes and his guitar. We jumped back in the van and headed off to mine even though his was empty. We decided to get back and get settled for Christmas. 

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