Family video

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I stood at the electronic door to the video store and took a deep breath before entering. I glanced back over my shoulder at Eddie and he blew me a kiss. Let's go do this, I chanted to myself. The bell chimed as the door opened and both Robin and Steve popped their heads up from behind the counter.

"Ok, now that was like something from a sketch show." I laughed at them as I walked towards the both of them. "Here I am, what do you need from me? What do you want to know?"

Robin stood there smiling while Steve spoke to me. "Why don't you follow me through to the back office and we can discuss things there?" I shrugged but stayed put for the moment.

"I would rather we stayed here. Surely anything we need to discuss Robin can hear, can't she?" Robin just stood planted to the spot looking between the two of us. I didn't want to risk being alone with Steve just yet, I was still finding myself thinking about him from time to time.

"Fine, whatever Y/N. I just thought it would be easier but you're a real piece of work you know that?" Steve sounded fed up but yeah I did know that.

"Yeah, you may have mentioned that before on an occasion Steve. Remember?" I shot back whilst smiling.

Steve grimaced and forced a smile. "Anyway Y/N, let's stay professional please. The hours are Monday and Thursday 3:30pm to 8pm and then every other Saturday, all day. $3 an hour, would that pay well enough for you Princess?" I scowled at Steve, what the hell did that mean? "Dustin told me about Mummy. Wouldn't want Mummy to think that we were underpaying the Princess."

"You're being a bit of a dick Steve, but yeah $3 an hour and those hours are perfect thank you. Will I be working with you or Robin though? I would like to think just Robin." I snapped back, Dustin had no right telling him about my Mum's money. Things were going to be hard to begin with but I needed to do this for me and Eddie.

"You start Monday at 3:30pm, don't be late. You also get one free rental at a time for you and Munson." There was real venom in his voice this time and I could see that he was going to make things hard for me. I wonder if he realised just how much of a douche he was being.

"Thanks, I'll see you Monday then. See you later Robin." I smiled and turned to leave but as I was leaving I heard a conversation between Robin and Steve that I don't think that I was meant too.

"Oh my god Harrington, you like her. I mean that you like, like her. Is that why you were so confused when I told you she wanted the job? Is that what you meant when you said that she was a pleasure to be around? Steve, she is with Munson, you don't stand a chance."

"Robin, just shush. Yes I like her but she has made her choice and it isn't me. Now let's just keep it professional please. Now go and put those returns away."

I looked back over my shoulder and looked at Steve. He glanced up at me and gave me a sad smile. He nodded and waved a sad little wave. He was so confusing, one minute he was vile and the next acting like a hurt friend. My heart hurt but he was right, I had made my choice and it wasn't him. I chose my Eddie and I had no intention of getting carried away with Steve Harrington again. I was just going to have to make sure when we were at work, we were colleagues and there was never anything between us. No matter how hard it was going to be, I wanted this job so that Eddie and I could prepare for life after school. For our life after school.



I couldn't help but watch her as she made her way to the door. I knew it was going to be hard to work with her but I needed to stay as professional as I could. I just needed to try and ensure that we were never alone. So one of us would always be either out front or out back with Robin so there was never any chances of me being alone long enough with her to mess with her head even further. Or my head.

Who knows working with me may actually help drive a wedge between her and Munson? I didn't want her to be hurt but I also didn't want too think of a future without her.

She spun around as soon as I had told Robin to go and put the tapes away, her smile was amazing. How could she be with a loser like Eddie Munson? What did he have that I didn't? What could I do for her that would make her see that I was better for her than he was? I wasn't a drug dealer for starters, I have a good job and as much as I despise my parents they are well known and respected in the community. The way that she smiled at me told me she heard everything that Robin and I had just said. My heart was sinking but I had to carry on, for the sake of my job. I needed to act as though those kisses never happened even though they were the only thoughts that I had had running through my mind since they happened. Especially the one in her bedroom where things could have gone a lot further. 

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