Fatherly advice

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I arrived at the trailer and parked my Aunt's car next to Eddie's van. If the van was here then at least I knew that there was a really good chance that Eddie was too, of course the loud music coming from his room hinted that he was home too. I climbed the few steps to the door and knocked loudly. In this situation it didn't feel right using my key. Uncle Wayne answered. "Hey Doll, I was wondering when I would be seeing you, figured it wouldn't be too long. How are you holding up?"

I burst into tears. "I am really not ok Uncle Wayne. I am so sorry, I never meant to hurt him. Is he ok? What can I do to make it up too him? I know he will never take me back and I don't expect him to forgive me but I just need to know that he is ok."

Uncle Wayne sat on the top step of the trailer, sparked a cigarette and told me to come and sit next to him. As per usual, I did as I was told. Uncle Wayne was a loving, caring, kind man who I hoped had some kind words of wisdom to impart onto me. "Look doll, you hurt the boy, you hurt him bad. Never seen him this bad if truth be told. But one thing I know about my Eddie is that he has a good heart, a forgiving heart. Especially when it comes to those that he loves. Especially when it comes to you."

"Did Eddie tell you the full extent of what it is that I did to him though?" Uncle Wayne nodded. "It happened and I am not going to pretend it didn't, I will hold my hands up and be accountable for my actions. It's the least that I owe him after what I have done."

"I just think that the boy needed some time to clear his head. As for Thursday night, he told me he went to see the boy you had fun with to have words and then he slept in his van out at lover's lake. He just wanted to be alone. Look, I am heading off to work shortly, why don't you see if he will talk to you? You think you have already lost him so what else have you got to lose by trying to talk to him?" I nodded, tears still streaming down my face. Uncle Wayne put a second cigarette to his lips, he had only just put out the first. "Just apologise and tell him how you feel about him. I know that that boy in there loves you and isn't going to give up on you without a fight so don't you dare give up on him. Ok?"

"Thank you for not judging me Uncle Wayne." He nodded, went inside the trailer and left me with my thoughts for 10 minutes. When he came back out he ruffled my hair and walked to his truck.

"Get in there little lady and show that boy what he will be losing if he carries on this way. He ain't perfect either but that boy deserves some happiness in his life and I'll be goddamned if you aren't the one to give it to him." I nodded again and watched him drive off in his truck.



I heard the car pull up and heard her voice at the door speaking to Uncle Wayne but there was no way that I was ready to go out there and talk to her yet. She had betrayed me and had sex with another man, with Steve the hair Harrington of all people. What the hell was going through her head for her to want to do that? What had I done to her to make her want to do that?

I sat inside leaning against the trailer door and listened to my Uncle Wayne giving her some advice. I heard her apology but it was too much and I skulked back to my room as I did so I grabbed another beer from the fridge. Uncle Wayne came and said goodbye before he went to work and told me that Y/N was on the trailer steps waiting to talk to me. I didn't even acknowledge him. I couldn't acknowledge him. I knew that he was trying to help settle the situation but it would take more than 2 days, a few beers and a chat.

I heard him leave and then a few minutes later I heard the front door open. She must have sat down for a few minutes because it took her at least 5 or 10 minutes before she appeared in my door way. "May I come in?" I shrugged, she obviously took it as a yes as she started to make her way over to the bed. "May I sit down with you?" I shrugged again and she sat down on the bed with me. I stayed quiet, I didn't even know if I could or if I wanted to talk but she obviously did so I would just sit and let her. I continued staring straight ahead and didn't look once at her. 

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