Change of heart

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When we walked back in Eddie skulked off to the bedroom. I wasn't sure why but I thought that it would be rude if I sneaked off after him so I just left him too it. He was probably just overwhelmed, it had been a tough few weeks for all of us. It wasn't too long after this that the few guests we did have decided to go home and leave us too it for the evening. After all we were all emotionally and physically exhausted.

Once we were left alone I tried to snuggle into Eddie and he shrugged me off. "What's the matter baby? You have been a little off with me all evening? Is everything ok?" I couldn't help but feel confused and hurt.

Eddie's nostrils flared as he turned to look at me. Those once dreamy brown eyes now almost jet black and cold. "I don't know Y/N, you tell me. Is everything ok?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest and tilted his head to the side waiting for my response. I didn't respond out of shock and hurt so Eddie continued. "I saw you. The 2 of you. I thought that we were good and then seeing him put his arm around you stirred up all of those old feelings. All I heard was you say I do love you. I closed the window after that. Why would you tell him that you love him?"

I sighed. "You've done it again Eddie. You only heard half of what was said. My exact words to him were I do love you you dingus, but only as a friend. The other day we were talking and he asked me if I was certain that we were doing the right thing because we are so young and I told him that even if I were to live a thousand lifetimes over then it would be you every time. But here we are again, you have a bit too much to drink and I must be sleeping with Steve again. If you have had a change of heart about marrying me then fine, but I meant what I said. Every lifetime I would pick you."

I got up and walked off to the bedroom. I wasn't lying to him, I had said that and I meant it. Every lifetime I would pick him, every decision no matter what would always be him. I sat on our bed angry at the way that things were working out between us at the minute. I sat there for easily half an hour before I heard the knocking at the door and a very shady Eddie popped his head round the door. "Can I come in?" I just shrugged.

Eddie came over and sat next to me on the bed. "I don't know what you want me to say Eddie. I have apologised time and time again for what happened. I am never going to be stupid enough to let that happen again and it hurts me that you seem to constantly think I would do it again. I want to marry you and would like to think that you still want to marry me too. Do you?"

"Of course I want to marry you. I just had a blip and I keep panicking thinking that now high school is over you are going to realise that you can do so much better than be with someone like me. I'm an ex dealer turned pizza delivery boy. What a catch!"

"No, you are an ex dealer who cleaned himself up, got a decent job and is going to graduate. Stop putting yourself down and then flicking it round on me. I love you, I am marrying you and I want a life with you. When are you going to realise that I am in this for the long haul? No matter how much you push me away I am still here. I am not going anywhere, or are you having cold feet and you want me to go. Is that what you want?"

Eddie didn't answer me. I got up off of the bed and made my way to the door. "Where are you going?" Eddie looked horrified and surprised as I started making my way out the bedroom.

"My Aunt's. You obviously need some time to think about what it is that you want otherwise you would have answered me when I asked you if you want me to go." I was just about to open the front door when I felt Eddie spring up behind me and grab me by my hips.

"Don't you dare leave me Y/N. I love you and I want you too." He spun me around to face him. "How could you even doubt that I love you after what we have been through together?" Those eyes of his softened and returned back to the dreamy chocolate pools I knew and loved. I reached up and tangled my hands in his hair as I pulled his lips to mine in urgency.

"Show me then. Show me how badly you want me and how much you love me." With that Eddie lifted me up by my thighs, I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to the sofa.

In no time we were both naked, our moaning urgent as we kissed passionately and deeply. It was as though he had lit my body on fire as his fingertips explored every inch of me as though he had never felt me against him before. I gasped as I felt Eddie's throbbing member push itself deep inside of me. The intensity of his kisses were breathtaking as he nipped and nibbled at my neck leaving deep purple Hickeys in full view of anyone who were to see me.

We moved together in rhythm and it wasn't long before we were collapsing together in ecstasy, both breathless and full of lust and love. I brushed his hair out of his face and tucked the messy strands behind his ears. "Stop doubting me Munson. I am irrevocably and entirely yours and no one else's." With that I kissed him again.



She was right. She was mine. She was wearing my ring, she was marrying me and here I had been trying to throw it away. I needed to stop trying to ruin the one good thing in my life. Everyone I had ever cared about before had left me. My Mum ran away with a drummer, My Dad got himself thrown in jail and even Uncle Wayne had left me to go to Georgia for a better job. Why would Y/N be any different?

 Every time someone got close enough to me they would realise just how much of a screw up I was and they would run. Maybe deep down I was trying to push her away before she ran. Hurt her before she hurt me again.

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