King Steve

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It was really early when I heard the banging on the front door. Like, really early, 8am to be precise, but I guessed it was probably just a parcel. I grabbed the first top that I could find and chucked it on as I ran down the stairs to answer. The door banged again as I was a few steps from the bottom. "Alright! I heard you the first time, Jesus H Christ." I shouted back at the banging.

I opened the door and there standing on my doorstep was a total stranger with fantastic hair. I looked at him with a questioning look on my face, well aware I was only wearing a top and panties. "Can I help you?"

"Hi, you must be Y/N. I'm Steve...Harrington. I'm a friend of Dustin's, he knew I was popping by this morning to collect the tape I gave to him. Is he here?" Steve asked, I smiled and softened, Dustin worshipped this guy and I was not about to ruin it for him.

"Come on in, sorry I was sleeping. Dustin isn't here but I can grab you the tape if you just give me a few minutes." Before I had chance to turn around and leave though Steve spoke again.

"Nice shirt. Glad you managed to get it off of him, I was starting to think that it was permanently attached to the little shit." Steve commented whilst pointing and looking at my shirt.

I looked down and realised that I hadn't grabbed one of my shirts but I had grabbed and chucked on Eddie's hellfire club shirt. "Oh no, this isn't Dustin's, this is..."

Before I had time to finish my sentence, I heard a voice behind. "Mine." Eddie was awake and coming down the stairs. Steve looked shocked. Eddie continued down the stairs, wearing nothing but his jeans and carrying the tape. He passed the tape to Steve and then wrapped his arms around my waist while resting his head on my shoulder. It felt comforting yet possessive, I liked it.

Steve took the tape off of Eddie whilst looking very confused. "Thanks. Didn't know you had it in you Munson. And Y/N, nice to meet you. I just wish I could have met you fully dressed and before you decided that Munson here was the man for you. Who knows what could have happened?" Eddie gripped me tighter. Dustin had warned me already that these 2 were possessive over him and jealous of the relationship that the other had with him. One was like a brother and the other like a Dad. It felt as though Dustin wasn't going to be the only one now though by the looks of it.

Eddie raised his head off of my shoulder. "What the hell Harrington? You got a problem with me? Do you have a problem with me and Y/N being a couple? Or do you just have a thing for anyone called Henderson?"

"I'm just saying that maybe you should have waited before coupling up with the local drug dealing freak Y/N. Dustin may like him but without sounding like a douche, I'm on the fence about you dude." Steve shouted back. I felt Eddie tense but before he had a chance to say or do anything, I fought back.

"Firstly, King Steve, don't be so presumptuous as to think that I would have even given you a second look. Friend of Dustin's or not. Secondly, don't care about the drugs, that's his business not mine. Thirdly, you are the sort of person who would hide me from the rest of the school and keep me a dirty little secret because he is too scared of what his swim team friends think. So yeah we are coupled up and yes he is a freak but he is my freak and I am a blue haired weirdo who loves her freak. Now take your tape and get the hell out of my house before I make you choose a closed window to leave through instead." I folded my arms across my chest and huffed. "You have 10 seconds Steve, now leave."

"Just trying to warn you, wouldn't want to see you get hurt? That would hurt Dustin and then I would have to say something." Steve shouted, huffed and puffed then left making sure to slam the door behind him as he went.

Eddie spun me around to look at him. "What was that? Where did that come from?"

"I was the freak at my last school and I always had to deal with guys like him all the time wanting me for the wrong reasons. Wanting me to have some fun with them because I was different and I was like some kind of badge of honour for them so I just lost my cool. I'm sorry." I answered embarrassed by my outburst but I needed him to know that I could take care of myself.

"Never apologise for being you. Harrington's a teddy bear really, I think he is just looking out for you as he cares so much about Dustin." Eddie kissed the top of my head and started walking towards the kitchen. "Do you want a coffee?" He shouted over his shoulder as he went. Did he not just hear what I had said? I had basically said I loved him and he said nothing. Shit, have I ruined things already? Then I heard it. "By the way, this freak loves his weirdo back." I smiled and danced into the kitchen after him. I could get used to this. 

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