The apology

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Steve walked in through the double doors and started heading straight towards us. I panicked. What did he want? What was he about to say? What was he planning to do? Oh shit, here he comes. Eddie noticed the panic in my eyes and tension in my jaw so turned towards Steve, putting himself in between the two of us.

"Hey." Steve acknowledged us both but looked irritated and turned to look directly at me. "Can we talk for two seconds?" He asked.

"Anything that you have to say to her you can say in front of me Harrington. So go on, say your piece." Eddie snapped back at him.

 "Ok, fine whatever. Look I spoke to Dustin and I don't want us to get off on the wrong foot. I love the little shit and he told me that I needed to come and apologise, so I'm sorry." Steve held out his hand for me to take. I shook it, Eddie didn't.

"Thanks for apologising. It was uncalled for what you said but I get that you were looking out for Dustin." Eddie scowled at me, wondering what the hell I was playing at. Steve nodded and left. He had said what he needed too and that was that. End of.

"Do you seriously accept that as an apology Y/N? What the heck? No, he needs to say more to you. He really angered and upset you and he thinks that that is enough to clear things up." Eddie was starting to shout at me.

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me Eddie Munson. I mean it, boyfriend or not, don't you ever raise your voice to me like that. He said he is sorry, that is it, done. For Dustin, let's just leave it and move on. Please?" I begged with him to just let it go. He angrily nodded in agreement, slammed my locker door behind me and walked away to class. No kiss or anything. I didn't realise that Steve had got to him so badly. I needed to speak to Steve though, I wanted to make sure that things were clear and sorted between us and that it wasn't just words.

I ran off in the direction that Steve went, thankfully it was the opposite direction to which Eddie went. I found him in a classroom on his own and took my chance to speak to him one on one without my guard dog by my side. I knocked rather than just barge in and Steve looked up. He smiled when he saw me and motioned me to enter. So I did.

"Hey, wasn't expecting to see you again so soon Y/N. Where's your Pitbull?" Steve asked looking around as though he was expecting Eddie to jump out at him at any second.

"He isn't with me, I don't know where he went actually. He doesn't know I am here talking to you. I just needed to ask if you really meant what you said though? Did you mean your apology?" I questioned, arms folded in front of my chest.

"I did mean it. I am really sorry that I said those things to you as it soon became clear to me that you are more than capable of looking after yourself. Dustin told me all about your Dad, his wife, your Mum not wanting you and I assumed that you were going to be a little shit like him who needs someone to look out for them. I didn't realise until you opened the door that you are a beautiful full grown woman who knows her own mind and can definitely take care of herself." He smiled and looked down nervously. Did he just call me beautiful? Me, the weirdo with the blue hair and the metalhead dress sense, just get called beautiful by the captain of the swim team. What the hell?

I could feel my cheeks blushing and my chest started to heave in panic and shock. "Dustin had no right telling you about my shit life and my even shittier Mother, but I do appreciate that you were looking out for me. Thanks. But you are right, I am a full grown woman and I can take care of myself." I tried my hardest to stay stern but I was starting to realise now why all of the girls in school swooned for Steve Harrington. I could feel myself staring into his eyes and starting to get lost in them. "Anyway, thank you for your apology and I hope that you accept mine as well." I snapped myself out of it and looked down at the floor.

"I accept it Y/N and thanks. Maybe I will see you around." Steve accepted the apology, grabbed his stuff together and walked out past me making sure to brush against me. He smelt so good. I needed to see Eddie and snap myself out of it. No way was I going to swoon for Steve, no chance. Ok, maybe a little but Eddie was to never find out, we had a good thing and I was not about to ruin that.

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