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Eddie and I had both been pulling extra shifts now that finals were finished. We were both taking a week off after the wedding and planning on spending the time redecorating our trailer. Thankfully this year was definitely Eddie's year as we had been told that he would be walking the stage with me and we would be graduating together. It came as no surprise to anyone that Nancy Wheeler had been picked to be valedictorian.

Morning of graduation was here and it had been a few weeks since our finals and was only a week until we got married. I just had to get through today. As we were being sat in alphabetical order I was going to be sat next to Steve, even though I had begged the principal to allow me to have my diploma in my married name but as we weren't married yet they wouldn't allow this.

My Aunt had managed to take the day off of work so that she could be there for me and Eddie to be able to see the both of us walk the stage and snatch our diplomas. I just really hoped and prayed that Eddie didn't do what he said he was going to do but that is something that I would just have to wait and see about.

We all filed into the hall and took our seats before Nancy got up to give her speech. Just as I thought I was sat next to Steve and Eddie was on the other side of the hall. I could feel him looking at me though and I couldn't help but glance over at him every few minutes. Every now and again we would lock eyes and I would blow him a kiss. He blew one back just as Steve looked over at him, Steve blew him one back. I had to stifle a giggle as the look on Eddie's face was priceless. I can't figure out if he was shocked or pleased.

One by one our names were called and we went up onto the stage to collect our diplomas. As Eddie's name was called I waited with baited breath at what it was that he would do. He ran up onto stage, grabbed the diploma and he did it. He flipped Principal Higgins the bird before laughing and running off of the stage and out the side doors. I know he said that he would do it but I didn't actually think that he was going to go through with it. Eddie had left whilst the rest of us stayed seated. As soon as the last diploma was handed out we all stood up and cheered throwing our caps in the air. Steve grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it before trying to pull me in for a hug. I pulled away and shook my head at him. "I don't think that is a good idea Steve. Well done on graduating. I'm going to head out." I loved Eddie, no doubt but there was a part of me that was always going to feel a little something for Steve.

I ran outside and went to the car. Eddie had already ripped off his cap and gown and was leaning on my hood smoking a cigarette. I got closer to Eddie and the smell of his cigarette started making me feel as though I was going to hurl. These last few days things hadn't felt right, I hadn't even been able to stomach my coffee this morning. Must just be the anxiety of graduation and it should start calming back down now.

I threw my arms around him. "How does it feel to finally have that little piece of paper in your hand now baby?" Eddie leaned forward to kiss me and I couldn't help but pull back and gag. Eddie looked at me with a puzzled look on his face and also looking a little bit hurt. "I'm ok, sorry baby. Just felt a little light headed, all the excitement and nerves." I managed to kiss him and thought nothing more of it.

We all headed back to my Aunt's house, as we knew we only had a week left until the wedding my Aunt had offered to throw a little get together at hers for Eddie, Steve, Robin and I. Although Steve and Robin had their own families they didn't really see eye to eye with one another so my Aunt had accepted them as her own. My Aunt did her usual buffet and the anxiety of the day was still going through my head as I wasn't able to stomach much other than a few slices of ham and pineapple pizza.

"Sweetheart, you do realise that you just ate pineapple on pizza. Are you feeling ok?" Eddie looked a little confused as I started tucking into my second slice. I nodded and eagerly reached for a third slice. It seemed to be the only thing I could manage at the moment without gagging.

"Yeah, just anxiety from finals, graduation and the wedding. I'm fine, just my body is a little messed up from it all. I'll be fine." I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my Aunt was sat eyeing me cautiously and looking as though she was pondering things. Not too sure what though.



Something definitely didn't seem right with Y/N, she had turned down her coffee this morning because she said that the smell was making her feel sick. She hasn't smoked for a few days as the smell of that is making her nauseous too but to be honest that isn't necessarily a bad thing is it? But now she was eating pineapple pizza and she hates fruit on pizza. Says it is nothing short of blasphemous.

 Something was wrong but I didn't want to draw attention to it in front of everyone. I couldn't help but think the worst. What if something was medically wrong? What if she was ill? What if she was nervous about the wedding and was changing her mind? 

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