Christmas Eve

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Christmas Eve morning I awoke to see Eddie sat on the edge of my bed with a cup of coffee and a blueberry pop tart. "Sweetheart you need to wake up, we need to speak to you downstairs. Here's your breakfast and I will see you in about 10 minutes. Why don't you grab a quick shower and then come down?" Eddie looked really nervous and left my room in a hurry.

It can't be anything too important otherwise he wouldn't have told me to shower, but something definitely wasn't right. I could just feel it. Once I was ready I made my way downstairs and could hear lots of people talking. What in the actual hell was going on? I entered the living room and saw my Aunt, Uncle Wayne, Dustin, Robin a few of the guys from Hellfire but no Eddie. "What's going on? What have I missed? Where's Eddie?" At that point the small crowd parted and there was Eddie knelt behind them on one knee, wearing a suit. "What the hell are you doing Eddie?"

"Y/N Henderson, I knew the moment I met you that you were mine and that no matter what life threw at us we were going to be together for good. We can get through anything as long as we have each other. The one thing that the last few days has taught me is that I don't want to wake up one more morning without you by my side. You make me a better person. I need you and I want to show you that I am serious and it is going to take more than one fuck up to get rid of me. So what do you say bluey? Will you accept this ring and help me plan on making you Mrs Munson?" At that point Eddie opened up the ring case he was holding and inside was a beautiful heart shaped black onyx ring.

" can't." The room was spinning and I felt as though I was being suffocated, I panicked and ran. I ran out of the front door and straight for my safe space, Eddie's van. The back was unlocked, I climbed in and tried to calm myself. What the hell? I love him, of course I do but I can't say yes, not now. Not until I know what is going on. I heard tapping on the back door.

"Hey Henderson, its Buckley, let me in." Robin then opened the door and let herself in anyway before I could answer. "What was that about? I thought you decided you want Eddie. He is sat in there in tears, Uncle Wayne is trying to console him. It's actually kind of heartbreaking to see. Who knew that metal head nerds cry over something other than DND?"

"I do love him and I want to say yes but how can I knowing that I could be pregnant with the spawn of King Steve. That wouldn't be fair too Eddie. I thought that this nightmare was over but now I'm not too sure."

"Look, even if you are you can't guarantee it would be Steve's anyway. Are you really going to throw it all away now that you have got him back?" I was crying and the sobs were awful. Then more knocking. "Its ok, she is in here. Come on in." The doors opened and there stood Eddie, eyes red and still full of tears. "I'm going to leave you 2 too chat."

Eddie climbed in and sat facing me. "Are you going to tell me what the hell just happened in there? I have had this ring for weeks and what you did, what we went through has made us stronger. Can't you see that?" He was now clenching his fists, I had humiliated him all for nothing. I didn't feel as though I had a choice but to tell him what was stopping me.

"You may change your mind about spending your life with me after what I say next." He clenched them tighter and was making his knuckles turn white with the tension. "The reason I don't feel that I can say yes yet is because when I slept with him, we didn't use anything and then when you and I slept together Saturday we didn't use anything either. I'm sleeping a lot but that's not unusual. I don't have any symptoms but my period isn't due until next week and I am terrified."



I was hurt again but now she had told me her reasons I was grateful she said no but only because I didn't know if I could raise a kid never knowing if it was mine or not. I shuffled over to her and held her. "Now I understand. I haven't changed my mind but I appreciate why you wouldn't say yes just yet. Do you think that you are?"

"In all honesty I have none of the symptoms and I was going to wait and see what happens next week and then just take it from there."

I felt myself soften. "Ok, so let's do that. We stay as we are for now and then we see where we are this time next week as to what step we take next." She looked at me with fear. "I don't mean with us sweetheart, I mean we need to wait and see whether or not we are going to be parents before we discuss anything else." She sobbed and snuggled into me. I guess that I had just made her a promise, I promised to be there and be a parent if needed. "Come on darling, wipe your tears and lets go back inside. Your Aunt has done a buffet, she has been up since 5 and I need my jeans, these trousers are really not for me." She giggled and we left the privacy of the van to return back to the house.  

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