Make or break

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A little smutty and slightly kinky too. 


I got into the car and turned the key. Pat Benatar was playing, love is a battlefield. How apt that that song was playing at this exact moment in time, I turned the dial and blasted it as loud as the car speakers could manage. It was a battlefield and there were too many casualties and as far as I could see no one would be victorious in this particular battle. I drove straight home, thankfully no one was home as was normal for a Saturday. I grabbed some ice cream, chips, dip and soda and retreated to my room to wallow in self pity and regret.

I ate a whole tub of chocolate ice cream while watching The breakfast club. I had borrowed it from work and it was perfect for how I was feeling. I had a nap and decided to grab a shower. As always the water was soothing. I finished and paused, there was a noise outside in my room. I laughed a little too myself as there was no one there but it just reminded me of the first night that I met Eddie. I knew that I must have been daydreaming though because it sounded as though someone was shushing themselves which again happened that same night. I heard it just because I wanted too. I was only hearing him because I was missing him so much.

"Shit, broke the god damn thing again. When the fuck did she put it back there?" Ok, now that I heard. I threw open the door and there he was. "Surprise."

I started crying and laughing at the same time. He came towards me and took me in his arms. He still stunk of pot and beer but he looked sober now. To be fair it was nearly 10pm so it had been 12 hours since I saw him last. He kissed the top of my head. "I didn't think that I would see you again. I thought that you hated me."

"I just needed some space. I needed some time to clear my head. I could never hate you. It really hurt me, you broke my fucking heart sweetheart. I didn't think I could get through it. I told you the other day that I loved you so much that I could probably forgive you anything and this just felt as though you were testing me. Seeing how far you could push me. It hurts but living without you hurts so much more. It will take time for me to forgive you completely and trust you fully again but I want to try."

I clutched him tight, it was almost as though my life depended on him being here. "Now do me a favour sweetheart and put on some clothes." I laughed and dropped my towel. If we were going to make up may as well do it properly.

"Why don't you make me?" Eddie growled and grabbed me around my waist throwing me onto the bed. The passion was back already. Before I knew it though we were getting kinky and rough with each other and I loved it. Eddie grabbed the chain off of his trousers and chained me to the bed. I giggled and he stripped down to his boxers in front of me, teasing me with the growth I could see happening in his boxers. Kissing me every now and again, stroking me while my hands were chained above my head to the headboard. He straddled me keeping his boxers on, teasing me with the stiffness and wetness that was still growing inside of them.

The teasing went on for a little while, all the time the wetness between my legs growing for him. Eddie leant forward and whispered in my ear. "Try and turn over for me darling, I want to try something with you." The chains were loose enough that I managed to turn over so that I was lay on my stomach with my hands above my head. "Are you ready for this?" I nodded before feeling him get off of the bed. He raised a hand and brought it down hard across my ass. I whimpered but it felt so good. "Are you ok? I don't want you to think I am doing it too hurt you on purpose, I thought you might enjoy trying something new." Eddie asked concerned,

"I liked it, please do it again."

"Ok, but only if you are sure." He spanked me again and then again. My ass was starting to burn but it felt so good. "Good girl, you should see the handprint on your cheeks. I think I can even see my rings imprinted on them. Now why don't you part your legs for me." I parted my legs and saw out the corner of my eye that Eddie's boxers were now on the floor. I could feel his hands caressing up and down my thighs. "Mmm, I like the wetness and warmth that I am starting to feel." With that he slid 2 fingers inside of me and starting pumping with them. I could feel my orgasm building but as soon as I started to moan in pleasure he stopped. "Nah uh uh, you will cum as and when I say that you can. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

He then slid himself in between my legs and his hard throbbing member slid inside of me from behind. This was new and I loved it. He thrust himself in and out of me and nibbled the back of my neck, my ears and kissed me all down my back. "Is this ok for you sweetheart?" I nodded in amongst the moans of pleasure.

"Please carry on. I need to feel you. Let me turn back over. I need to feel every inch of you." Eddie undid my chains and flipped me back over onto my back. The roughness subsided and instead became pure passion. I needed to take charge for a change. I rolled him over so that I was on top and rode him until I could feel the both of us getting ready. "Cum with me Eddie." We both screamed out in pleasure as our bodies climaxed together. I then fell on top of him and sighed.

I rolled off of him and lay beside him. He put his arm out and motioned me to come and lay on his chest. "So Princess, Was that good for you too? Has he helped you realise what do you want?"

"I think we could watch a film. It's Saturday so I have the house to myself. That is if you don't want to go home, you can stay. It's up too you, you don't have too. If you wanted to go home I wouldn't blame you." I took a breath and Eddie kissed me. Almost as though it was a vain attempt to stop me talking more.

"I meant what do you want to do with us? We have a choice, we can use what happened and this session just now to make up or we can let it break us and that was a great way to say goodbye. I know which I would prefer it to be. Would you want to give us another chance?"

I kissed Eddie back and clung onto him. "Please don't let this break us. Just tell me what you need me to do for us to have another chance and I will do it."

"Put my ring back on and don't you ever take it back off. As for work, try and find another job if you can. I get that you need to be there for now but as soon as something else comes up, promise me you will take it."

I took the ring off of Eddie's hand and put it back onto my own. "Part one done. I will start looking for a new job Monday. I promise."

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