Back on track

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TW - Smut, kink, praise,


I ran into the bedroom closing the door behind me to try and tease Eddie just that little bit longer. By the time he got into the bedroom all he had on was his jeans and boxers. I had managed to get my top off and was just about to take my shorts off. I was bent over at the foot of the bed and they were round my ankles, I hadn't been wearing any underwear so my bare ass was exposed to Eddie as he walked in.

"Well there's a sight that I will never get tired of seeing. Don't move." This meant that Eddie was in a little bit of a kinky mood and I should obey. I parted my legs slightly and made sure that my forearms were firmly on the bed. We hadn't had a kinky session in a while so I could already feel my wetness starting at the thought of what was coming. "Good girl for remembering your position." I felt my cheeks flush and my heart flutter as he called me a good girl.

He came up behind me and started rubbing my ass cheeks. Moaning to himself as he did so. Then the first one came. Smack! "That one was for teasing me." I bit my lip in anticipation. Smack! "That one was for closing the door on me. What do you have to say for yourself?" He asked in his masterful voice.

"I'm very sorry dungeon Master, your maiden deserved those smacks. Very Sorry Master." I couldn't help but smile as I spoke those words. I braced myself for more spanking but it didn't happen. Instead I felt Eddie's hands on my hips as he knelt down behind me and started tasting me.

"Has someone been waiting for this? Feels to me and tastes to me as though you have been getting yourself ready for me all night." Eddie greedily went back to lapping at me. I could feel myself starting to moan in passion. His tongue felt so good but I didn't know how much longer I could wait as I could feel that familiar tension rising in my lower stomach. "That's it, be a good girl and cum for me." I was given permission so allowed myself to reach that climax and screamed out Eddie's name as I felt my pleasure gush out onto his tongue. "Good girl."

I cheekily peered over my shoulder just in time to see Eddie standing up and taking down his trousers and boxers. He placed one hand on my hips and the other on his dick, both of us caught up in the moment. He teased me with his tip before allowing himself to gain access to me. I gasped as he entered me and after so long it was almost as though we had both forgotten how good that it felt to be like this.

Once inside of me, Eddie started pumping and fucking me hard. I needed this, I needed to feel him deep inside of me with his balls banging against my already sensitive clit. He knotted a hand in my hair and pulled gently. Enough to excite me but not enough to hurt me. I could feel a second orgasm rising as he thrust in and out of me. He knew my body well. "That's it Maiden, be a good girl for your dungeon Master. Cum for me again."

He continued plowing me until I screamed out. "Oh fuck me Master, that feels so good. Eddie, oh fuck. Oh fuck Eddie, I'm cumming." I released a second time, this time all over his dick and it was so intense that I could feel it running down my thighs. Eddie pulled out.

"Get on the bed on your back sweetheart. I want to look into your eyes as I cum for you." I hurriedly climbed onto the bed and within seconds Eddie was gently laying on top of me. He pulled my legs up so that they were wrapped around his waist and eased himself inside of me again. He had gone from passionate and kinky to gentle and loving. It didn't take long though before he was cumming for me.

As soon as he had finished, he leant down and kissed me. He rolled onto his side of the bed and propped himself up on his elbow. He used his free arm to stroke the hair out of my eyes. It wasn't too long before we were making out again. I couldn't help but reach down to feel whether or not he was hard for me again already. He was.

Then it clicked. We had done it again. "Eddie, baby. Where's the condom?Please tell me haven't fucked up again." I panicked.

"We got caught in the moment." Eddie seemed surprisingly calm. "Would it be such a bad thing if we were to fall pregnant now? In a few months we will be graduated and married."

I looked deep into his eyes. "Are you sure? I can't say that I have ever wanted to be a teen Mum but do you think that you would want kids young?"

"Sweetheart, I want whatever you want. I am not saying lets stop using protection but if we do forget every now and again because I am too god damn desperate for you. Is it really the end of the world?"

I smiled and kissed him. With both passion and love. "Ok, If it happens it happens. Let's not lose focus with finals though."

 "Agreed Princess, now let me go and get you a soda and some chocolate while we curl up with a film. I did spank you a little so you will need some aftercare." Eddie bounced off the bed and walked naked to the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with a couple of cans of Dr Pepper, some Hershey's kisses and some real kisses. 

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