Congratulations celebrations

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I skipped back out to the van, I needed to show Eddie that working with Steve wasn't going to cause us any issues. I hopped back into the van. "You are now looking at the newest employee of the Family video franchise. Are you proud of me baby?" I asked smiling.

"Of course I am proud of you. What can I do to show you how proud I am of you? What would you like to do to celebrate?" Eddie looked genuinely pleased and happy for me.

"How about you take me home so that I can grab a few things and some cash and then we spend the night at yours for a change? Didn't you say that Uncle Wayne is away fishing with some friends until Sunday evening? At least that way we won't need to put up with anyone else, we can lock the door and forget about the world." It was now my turn to give Eddie my best puppy dog eyes.

"Anything for you sweetheart. Are you really sure that you want to stay at the trailer though? It isn't exactly the palace that you are used too." Eddie looked slightly embarrassed, I had visited the trailer a few times but this would be my first time staying over.

"Eddie just because my Mum has money, I don't want you treating me any differently. Who knows in a few months we may even have enough to have a trailer of our own on that site." I smiled to show him that it didn't matter to me, money helped in life but it wasn't the be all and end all of everything.

"Would you really move into a shitty little trailer with me bluey? Do you really like me that much?" I knew he was taking the mick out of me but I wanted to play along and show him how much he meant to me.

"Eddie Munson, I would happily move into a shitty little trailer with you and have a few shitty little nerdy children with you as long as you wanted me. Hey Y/N Munson has a bit of a ring to it, don't you think?" I stuck my tongue out in a tormenting way while I waited to see how he would react.

"Well if that is the case future Mrs Munson then I think when we get back to the trailer I have something for you." Eddie teased me back but now I felt panicked. He wasn't proposing to me now was he. I didn't want him to do that like this.

We had swung by mine to grab a few bits and then stopped off for a Chinese on the way back to the trailer. I even popped into the store to grab some essentials and snacks for the next few days. Naturally though as was the law we would be living on Chinese leftovers for breakfast and possibly lunch on the Saturday.

We sat and ate dinner in front of the TV and whilst it wasn't what I was used too, I actually quite liked it. Even if Eddie did insist on horror movies and cartoons while eating. After dinner while I was washing up Eddie went into his bedroom and was gone for a while so I went to check that he was ok. I knocked on the door.

"Eddie, are you ok in there baby? Are you looking for something? Do you need my help?" The door swung open and there was Eddie down on one knee. I felt my heart jump up into my throat. In his hand he held something silver and shiny but most of all ring shaped.

I stared at him in shock before he started to speak. "Miss Y/N Henderson, will you do me the pleasure of accepting the key to my trailer?" Eddie opened his hands properly and showed me that he was holding a silver keyring and key but the way he held it was very deceiving.

"You bastard. I genuinely thought you were asking me to marry you then, my heart was in my throat, I thought that I was going to pass out. You absolute shit." Eddie burst out laughing.

"I can't figure out whether or not you are relieved I didn't ask you or upset. Which one is it?" I sighed because the problem was that I couldn't figure that out either. I just shrugged, laughed and leant down to kiss him.



Don't get me wrong, I knew that I loved her but I wasn't my Uncle. No way was I ready to propose to her, not just yet anyway. I did want to test the water though and see what it is that she would have said. I think she looked disappointed and upset. Did she actually mean it when she said that she she wanted to have a little trailer, have my surname and have my kids? Was her chat with Steve her way of sorting out her head and figuring out just how much she did want me?

I smiled to myself as I got up off of the floor. "Here you go Princess. I am sorry and that was a really mean joke of me to play on you but I did mean it when I said that I wanted you to have a key for the trailer. Will you take it?" I handed her the key.

"Fine Munson, I will accept your proposal of a key. Thank you." As she did so I held her left hand and slid one of my rings onto her middle finger. She looked stunned.

"This Y/N is a promise. A promise that when the time is right, I will get down on one knee and make an honest woman of you. You Y/N Munson are not going anywhere. And you are right, it does have a ring too it." She smiled, chuckled and I thought I saw a tear form. I meant every word of it though, I was never letting her go. 

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