First shift done

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After about an hour things had started easing and I was taking too the job like a duck to water. Steve had managed to keep his hands and lips to himself and so had I which was a bonus but we were yet to work out the back together. I was dreading that idea and just hoped that Robin turned up so that being alone in a secluded back room with Steve wouldn't be necessary.

The shop was empty again and Robin had rang to say she wouldn't be in until 6pm as she was dropping Vickie off home first. This caused the panic in me to rise to the surface a little more. "I need to go out the back and sort all of these out with new boxes. It isn't that interesting but if you want to follow me so that you can see how it is done then you can." Steve spoke and broke the silence of the shop.

"I suppose that I should see what all the fuss is about and make sure that I pay attention to every little bit of the job in hand, shouldn't I?" I retorted back showing willing but actually not wanting to go out the back with him. How was I supposed to trust myself or him? But I obliged and walked out to the back with Steve hot on my heels. That was my first mistake.

"It really isn't too difficult Y/N and I don't think you will need me to show you too many times but we just have to remove the sleeve, and place that and the tape into a new case. Job done. Reckon even you could manage that Henderson?" Steve was taking the mickey but I knew how to take him by now.

"I'm not too sure Harrington, sounds almost as difficult as swimming and seducing women." I quipped back and he nodded in defeat knowing that he had most certainly met his match in me. I wasn't one known to back down and definitely liked to use my words when I needed to get my point across.

"Ouch, that one hurt but no more than what I deserved though. Look, I know it is tough but we need to work together so let's just stop snapping at each other and put it all behind us? What do you say Y/N?" I nodded and held out my hand.

Steve took my hand and shook it but didn't let go of it. Instead he used it to pull me in closer to him. "By the way, your ass looks really good in those tight work trousers." It took all of my strength to pull away from him but in all honesty I wasn't sure if that was so I didn't slap him for his cheek or kiss him in sheer lust. He held his hands up. "Sorry but that is the last thing that I will say to you about the matter."

"Yeah it better had be Harrington, you don't want me filing a lawsuit against you for sexual harassment in the workplace do you?" I laughed to show him I was joking. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his perfectly groomed hair. He also actually smiled, a proper smile for the first time today.

We passed the next hour or so doing odd jobs around the shop and trying to look busy until there was nothing else that we could do. We were both stood behind the counter fiddling around with various bits when I knocked over a pile of tapes. "Oh shit, I am so sorry. I'll pick them up." I knelt down behind the counter and started stacking them when I realised I had grabbed something that wasn't a tape. It was Steve's hand.

"It'll be quicker if we both do it." He had knelt down with me and started stacking too and as I tried to grab a tape I had accidentally grabbed his hand. Which I was still holding onto. I looked up at him and allowed my eyes to meet his. Not again, this was not allowed to happen. We both froze just looking at each other. I wanted to pull away but there was something stopping me.

Steve wasn't exactly rushing to move his hands away from me either though. "Hey guys, what you doing down there?" Thank the heavens for Robin. Just as I could feel myself starting to fall into the trap again, Robin popped her head over the counter.

"I knocked all of the tapes over and there was a mess so Steve was just helping me clean them all up. You ok?" I grabbed the last few tapes and stood up cleaning myself off. Steve followed suit.

The next 2 hours went by a lot quicker than the first few had, thankfully. Steve stayed out the back and in the office as he had things to do out there while Robin and I manned the front. I did believe though that there probably wasn't anything to do but we needed distance.

When 8pm came Steve finally made an appearance but as he did so, so did Eddie. Eddie appeared at the locked door holding a massive bunch of flowers and a box of chocolates. Steve unlocked the door to let us all out and I ran to Eddie, threw my arms around him and kissed him with real passion. This time it wasn't a show for Steve though, I had genuinely missed him. Although if Steve saw and finally managed to get the hint that nothing was going to happen between us then that was certainly a bonus. 

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