Eddie's turn

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We stayed like this for the whole of the film with Eddie intermittently kissing the top of my head and rubbing his fingertips up and down my arm. I still had the blanket firmly clamped to me but I was starting to feel a little braver. I took the blanket off of myself and exposed myself in just my panties and fishnets to Eddie.

"Wow, I knew you would be beautiful but I didn't realise just how beautiful that you would be." Eddie smiled and I started to relax more as he grabbed me around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss.

I clambered down off of the bed and grabbed a towel off the floor. "I'm going for that shower now. Don't miss me too much Munson." I said jokingly as I stepped into my bathroom. Before turning the shower on I could still hear Eddie muttering to himself and I think at one point he may have even high fived himself.

It didn't take long for me to get out the shower and be back in the bedroom with my towel wrapped around me. I chucked Eddie a towel. "There you go Munson, your turn." Eddie caught the towel, slid off the bed and he entered the bathroom past me, kissing me as he did so. I finally felt the happiest I had felt in months, maybe even longer.

By the time Eddie returned from the bathroom I was dried off, aside from my hair and just relaxing on the bed in my fresh panties and my blanket. Now he had seen me once I was ok like this but not ready to show him everything just yet. Eddie walked out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his bottom half and his soaking wet hair dangling down his back. He looked even sexier wet, if that was even possible.

He came over and sat on the edge of the bed by my feet. I was sat with my knees up and he leaned his chin onto the top of my knees and looked me deep in my eyes. "Are you ok sweetheart? How are you feeling after what we did? I don't expect more but I just want to know that you are alright." He asked while giving me those puppy dog eyes of his.

"I am on cloud 9 so you don't need to worry about that. In fact I was thinking that maybe I could repay the favour." His eyes widened and he looked at me unsure. "I want to please you too." I got up off of the bed and knelt down in front of Eddie. Looking up into his eyes and placing my hands on his towel. "May I?" He nodded.

I started by kissing his stomach and allowing his hands to tangle themselves in my hair. I started feeling him grow under the towel and finally freed him. I gasped, who knew that a man could be so perfect over literally every inch of his body. I slowly massaged him with my hand until his tip glistened and then started to kiss up and down his length. I loved hearing him moan and that made me more eager to please him.

I used my hands to caress his thighs and his base before taking his whole length into my mouth. He groaned even louder and lay back, I guessed that he was enjoying it so I continued. He tasted and felt so good in my mouth as I teased him with my tongue. I could hear his breathing deepen and moans get louder. "Fuck me sweetheart, your mouth feels so good. Please don't stop." I again did as I was told and continued pleasing him with my mouth.

I could feel that he was getting closer. I traced my nails up and down his thighs as I bobbed my head up and down. With one final loud groan, Eddie pulled himself out of my mouth and allowed himself to explode all over his stomach. I passed him a towel and placed myself back onto the bed next to him. He cleaned himself and then sat up.

He placed a hand on my now tender cheek, it seems that kissing concrete and then oral 24 hours later were not a good combination. He pulled me in for a kiss. "Thank you sweetheart, that was fantastic." He kissed me again on the lips and then the forehead before going back to the bathroom. I sighed, if this was love then I didn't ever want it to end.



I went into the bathroom to finish cleaning off and to just have a few minutes to myself to regain my composure. That was amazing. I couldn't help but think that my feelings for her made the whole experience so much better than it would have normally been for me with someone I felt nothing for.

I cleaned up, brushed my teeth again (just to buy more time) and chucked on some clean boxers to sleep in. I didn't want Y/N feeling uncomfortable. All I could think to myself was that if this was how loving someone felt then it was a feeling that I wouldn't allow to end.

I went back into the bedroom and Y/N was already starting to fall asleep. I turned the light off and climbed into bed next to her. I held her close and kissed her goodnight. "I promise you that I will be here when you wake up and every morning after that, if you want me."

"Night Eddie. Love you." She said this half sleep and mumbled so possibly didn't mean it but I couldn't help but hope that she did.

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