The call

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Eddie loaded up the last few boxes of my stuff into my car and told me that he would meet me at the trailer in a few hours. He just had to go and meet someone to sell off the last of his gear and then that would be him out of the game for good and starting on the straight and narrow with me. "So I will finish up here and see you about 7ish at yours? I just have a last few bits to sort out here with my Aunt and then I will head on over to the trailer."

"That is absolutely fine with me sweetheart but can you stop calling it my trailer, it is ours now, not mine. Why don't we start by giving the inside a lick of paint and a tidy up so that you can feel a little bit more at home?" I nodded and kissed him goodbye before he jumped into his van and drove off to his meet up.

"Try not to miss me too much Munson." I shouted after him, he laughed and blew me a kiss out the driver's side window before driving off to sort his business.

I went back inside and started grabbing the last of my clothes from the dryer. We didn't have a washer or dryer at the trailer so my Aunt said we could still use hers but I just wanted to make sure everything was clean when I left so that I wouldn't need to come back within a day or two. "Are you all ready to leave the nest then lovebird?" My Aunt asked slightly taunting me in a playful yet loving way.

"I think so. What if I do something wrong though? What if he decides that he doesn't want to live with me after a few weeks? I feel really nervous as I have never lived without an adult before."

"And you aren't living without one now Y/N. In case you hadn't noticed you and Eddie are the adults in this situation now. And if things go pear shaped or you need a break then you can still come home. That door will always be open for the both of you." I chuckled to myself as my Aunt reminded me of this.

"I didn't give that a thought, still being at school makes me feel like I am a child at times though. As for coming home I would like to think that I won't need too but you never know." My Aunt ruffled my hair as she stood up and went into the kitchen. The phone started ringing and I heard her pick up.

"Yeah, she's here Steve. Do you really think that you should be calling her though after what happened between you both?" There was a pause as I sat and rolled my eyes just purely at the sound of his name. "Oh my days, when? Where? Where is he now?" I ran to the kitchen and stood in the doorway looking panicked. "She's here Steve, let me pass the phone to her." My Aunt passed me the phone and my heart dropped.

"What do you want Steve? Why are you ringing me here?"

"Will you just shut up Y/N and give me a chance to talk?" I went quiet, Steve sounded stressed. "Robin is on her way to yours now to pick you up and take you to the hospital."

"Why Steve? What the hell is going on?"

"Give me a chance and I'll explain. I was driving home from the store after closing early and saw a van had skidded on a patch of black ice and hit a tree. I knew that the van was Eddie's. I ran to help but he was unconscious. An ambulance took him to the hospital and he was breathing but wasn't with it fully by the time they moved him. Robin is coming over to grab you and take you to him. Didn't think that it should be me to take you. She should be with you in the next few minutes, I told the EMTs that you were his next of kin. The room started spinning and I couldn't breath. "Y/N? Are you listening? Eddie is in the hospital, you need to go to him." And then it all went black.

When I came too my Aunt and Robin were both sat on the floor with me. "What happened? I asked.

"Steve rang to explain about Eddie and next thing I know you are out on the floor. You were only out for about a minute though so we hadn't got round to ringing 911. Robin arrived just as you blacked out. Are you ok?" Asked my Aunt.

"I'm fine. I just need to get to Eddie." My Aunt raised her eyebrows at me almost as though she was silently telling me off. "I promise I will go and see Eddie and then I will get myself checked out. Scout's honour. I just need to see that he is ok and awake."

"Don't worry Mrs Henderson, she is in good hands. I promise you too that as soon as she has seen Eddie I will take her to get checked out." Robin tried to soothe my Aunt.

"Ok girls, you best get a move on then. Give Eddie my love if he is awake." Robin and I said our goodbyes to my Aunt and left for the hospital. I let Robin drive just in case I blacked out again, didn't want to risk being in a bed next to Eddie.

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