Back to reality

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After our first full day back at school it was time for me to get back to work and for Eddie to start his new job, delivering pizzas. We met at my car and Eddie drove us to the video store, I'd been allowing him to drive to make sure he wasn't too nervous after the accident. Eddie was taking my car as we didn't know yet whether or not the van could be repaired and obviously a delivery guy can't walk the orders, not everyone likes cold pizza. We kissed each other goodbye and I went to enter back to my working reality as a valued member of the family video franchise. Thankfully though now Eddie seemed calm enough that I didn't need to immediately find a new job.

I walked in and was pleasantly surprised and slightly embarrassed by what I was met with. There were 2 big banners behind the counter. One saying welcome back and the other saying congratulations. There were even a few balloons too. Just at that moment Steve and Robin jumped up from behind the counter and shouted in unison. "Surprise!"

"What the hell is this for? I was only away for a week." I wasn't sure whether to be shocked, embarrassed or flattered by what the pair of them had done for me. Thankfully though there were no customers in the shop at this point.

Robin came around and put her arm over my shoulder. "Well, we just wanted to show you how much we love you and we missed you. It was your grooms mans idea though. Talking of that, just throwing it out there. I have been a bridesmaid before you know, so if you needed one then at least you can be confident in my knowledge of what to do." Robin cheekily grinned at me as though waiting for me to ask her. I just nodded, I hadn't given bridesmaids a thought.

That first shift back made it really feel as though things were back to normal and progressing how they should. It went fairly quickly and I was back in the swing of things in no time. There was one customer who did make a lasting impression. I didn't know her name but she came in every Monday and Thursday. She would collect videos on a Thursday to watch with her grandchildren over the weekend and then return them on a Monday evening.

"That's a very beautiful ring, young lady. Your partner must like you a lot to have got you a stunner like that. Should you really be wearing it on your engagement finger though at your age?" She asked while taking my hand in hers and checking out my ring.

"Thank you and it's on that finger because it is an engagement ring. My Eddie proposed to me over new year and obviously I said yes. I'm 18 and he is 20 but it just feels right. I nearly lost him in a car accident on new years eve and it made me realise that I don't ever want to wake up and not find him next to me." I smiled as I told her.

"My husband was called Eddie." She said with a smile and a tear in her eye. "He passed a few years ago and I still wake up every morning expecting him to be by my side in bed. I am sorry I jumped to conclusions, its just so many young ladies don't realise what that ring and finger symbolises. Now that you have a man who makes you feel like that about him, don't ever let him go. That's special that is and not everyone will get to experience that kind of love during their lifetime." I was suddenly hit by a wave of guilt as Steve stared over at me. That was never happening again, shit was sorted and I was never putting Eddie in that position again. Reality sucked at times but I was brought back to reality when she continued speaking. "What have your parents said?"

"My Father passed away and my Mother lives in England. We don't talk so she doesn't even know I am living with Eddie, let alone getting married." The lady must have sensed it was saddening for me as she clasped my hand in hers and nodded her sympathy.

About 10 minutes after leaving, just as we were shutting the store the lady returned holding an envelope. She handed it to me and said "Open that when you and your Eddie get home. Consider it a wedding gift." I thanked her and placed it in my bag thinking nothing of it other than it must be a congratulations card.

Eddie collected me from the front with a massive grin on his face. First night must have gone well. I hopped in and kissed him. "How was your first night baby? Good shift? Will my car always now smell like pizza?"

"It went great, $15 dollars just in tips alone. Plus dinner tonight is sorted." I looked behind him and there were 3 pizza boxes. "2 of them are pizza and 1 is a garlic pizza bread. Turns out we get a pizza and garlic bread every shift, the extra one was an incorrect order so was going to be thrown. So that is at least 2 nights a week we can eat for free and save more money for our own trailer and the wedding." I shrieked a little. I didn't want a big wedding but it was nice to know that we would be able to afford a nice wedding with enough money to cover a nice dress and a party with our friends. 

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