Eager Eddie

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The rest of the weekend went by in a quick daze of making out, watching movies and a few more times of pleasing each other. When the alarm rang Monday morning I really didn't want to get up. Eddie rolled on top of me and slammed his hand down on my alarm clock radio to snooze it. He kissed me all down my neck and tried to wake me with kisses and nibbles. I pretended to be asleep just so that he would carry on doing it more.

"Come on Y/N, we need to get up and showered. For the first time in a long time I actually want to get to school." Eddie said eagerly as he shook me awake.

"Ok, I'm coming. Why are you so eager to get into school anyway? It is just going to be another day of people staring." I replied sleepily and confused while Eddie ran around the bedroom getting things together.

"Yes but today is different m'lady." I sat up even more confused as to what it was that he meant. He continued. "Today is the day that I get to walk into school hand in hand with my girl and show her off properly to everyone as boyfriend and girlfriend. So get your ass out of bed and get in that shower bluey. NOW!" He was so forceful and I loved it. Like a good girl though I did exactly as I was told.

I showered and grabbed some clothes out of my closet. One thing Eddie had made me do Sunday was put all my clothes away so that he knew I was staying. I obliged as I had no plans to go anywhere, not without him anyway. I chucked on some ripped blue jeans, another of my many band shirts (Led Zeppelin today) and my beloved black high tops. Eddie really was eager as he had already showered and was downstairs making breakfast.

I sat and poured myself an orange juice from the items Eddie had already placed down on the table. Eddie then placed a plate of bacon, eggs and toast in front of me. "When did you learn to cook Munson? First pancakes and now this." I asked while eating my plate of food. "This is actually really good, who knew."

Eddie laughed and joined me at the table with his breakfast. "I can cook, I just don't like cooking. I taught myself when I was really young, Mum left and Dad was always too high or out hot wiring his next job and too busy to cook for us so it was left down to me. I try and cook for Uncle Wayne but he likes take out and boxed foods too much." We sat and carried on eating in almost silence. I was in awe of him, he could cook, play guitar, drive and loved me. Even after everything he had been through he was still capable and able to love and let me in.

I must have started zoning out again because Eddie was talking to me while placing the breakfast things in the dishwasher. "So m'lady, are you ready to get this show on the road? I cannot wait to get my little weirdo to school and show everyone how lucky I am to have you on my arm."

I smiled, nodded and grabbed my things as we made for the door yet I couldn't help but wonder if Harrington was going to be there. I shook myself out of it. We had an argument so why was he on mind so much since meeting him. Too much since meeting him if I am honest. 

The drive to school took the usual 30 minutes and was in almost complete silence. We pulled up into our usual spot and Eddie did his hesitation thing. Turned the van off and hesitated with getting out. He looked really sad as he glanced over at me. "Are we ok? You have been really quiet all morning. Did I do something wrong?"

"Baby you haven't done anything wrong at all. I just feel really nervous about going in today. We have had such a great weekend together that I don't want to go into school today knowing that you won't be with me tonight." I told him as this was partly true, I couldn't tell him that Steve was still on my mind but I didn't want him overthinking. I was probably still thinking about it as I had upset Dustin, that's all.

"That's good then. I was starting to think that Harrington had had more of an effect on you than you were letting on." He paused and smiled. I smiled back trying not to give anything away. "Anyway, who said that you would be spending the night without me. Maybe now that we are a couple I can sneak into your window a little bit more and not care what people think? What do you reckon?"

"I would love that. Would you really want to spend a fifth night in a row with me though? Won't your Uncle Wayne start getting funny?" I questioned, I wanted him to spend it with me but I didn't want him getting into trouble for me.

"Anything for you sweetheart plus Uncle Wayne seems to think that you may be a good influence on me as I am spending so much time with you and not doing business. When I spoke to him Saturday to let him know I was staying longer he said that he thinks that you could be good for me. So no, I don't think he will mind. I did promise him dinner tonight though. Now shall we go in and give them something to talk about? The weirdo and the freak, together." Eddie leaned forward kissed me passionately and leapt out of the van, came round and opened my door for me. He grabbed my waist to help me out and kissed me deeply in front of everyone. They all did exactly what he wanted and stared at us. We walked into school hand in hand to my locker, then I saw him. Steve the hair Harrington.

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