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Things were going really well and we were in full swing with the wedding planning. I was still really concerned though as I hadn't seen Elsie since January and we were now heading into March. Since Valentine's day things had been getting back to where they were sexually as well and with each passing day they were improving. We hadn't had penetrative sex since before the accident but hopefully that would change soon.

It was a Thursday evening and Eddie was working until 10pm again so Steve had dropped me home, this was becoming a habit but as Eddie kept reminding me it was all for the greater good. Eddie was still using my car as we had decided to wait until after the wedding to get his van sorted or to at least get him a little car of his own. My Mum was still sending cheques and we didn't have to work but we wanted to make sure that as soon as my Mum had found out we were married and living together we had plenty already put to one side so she could stop the money and it not bother us.

I had taken a shower and was sat on the sofa in one of Eddie's Hellfire shirts and some black shorts when I decided to pick up my guitar. It had been a while since I had played so I felt a little rusty but I had had a song in my head all day and I was desperate to play it.

I played the first few chords and before I knew it I had played the song all the way through, it felt good to play again. I carried on practising the song for the next half an hour and was lost in the music when Eddie walked through the door. He didn't interrupt me though, he just stood there and listened to me play and sing.

"And you see your gypsy, You see your gypsy. To the gypsy. That remains.Her face says freedom. With a little fear. I have no fear. Have only love. And if I was a child. And the child was enough. Enough for me to love. Enough to love." He coughed and broke my concentration."Sorry baby, I didn't see you stood there." I blushed a little and put my guitar down.

"I don't recognise that song. Where did you learn it?"

"It's called Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac, they released it a few years ago and it was one of the first full songs I learnt to play. It was the last song my Dad ever heard before he died, he loved the song and played it constantly the last few days before he passed. He wanted it to be the last thing he heard." I tried not to cry but I was thinking about my Dad more and more recently. Eddie came and sat next to me and put his arms around me as the silent sobs started.

"I think it was beautiful and you played even better than I have heard you play before. So that song has a special meaning to you then?"

"Yeah it does and you will probably laugh at this but I have said if I ever have a daughter I would want to call her Gypsy June. Gypsy after the song and then June after my Dad's birthday. Silly, really isn't it?"I giggled a little at how silly that I now felt admitting to Eddie I had a girls name picked out.

"It's not silly. I'll make you a deal, our first daughter will be Gypsy June Munson but our first boy is called Ozzy James Munson." I looked at him with a strange look on my face waiting for him to give me an explanation. He sighed and then carried on. "Ozzy after Ozzy Osbourne obviously and then James after Ronnie James Dio. Who else? I would have thought you would have figured that much out. The first morning after I stayed with you, you were wearing a black sabbath T shirt. Do you remember?"

I smiled a wide grin back at Eddie who now looked as though he was waiting for my approval. "Of course I do, I just didn't think that you would. Are we agreed then that the first girl is Gypsy June Munson and first boy is Ozzy James Munson?" Eddie grinned and nodded his approval at me. "Just one thing though baby. How many kids are you planning on us having if they are the names of just the first 2?"

Eddie shifted a little uncomfortably before speaking. "Well, I have dreamt a few times about us having at least 4 so that we can start a little band with them." I tried not to laugh as he continued. "We would have a boy first so that he can look out for his Sisters, Gypsy June and Lita Joan. Then another boy, David Lee." I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he had picked out names for all the children already. It was kind of sweet and the names weren't too bad, even if they were all after singers he liked. "You would be a stay at home Mum in a gorgeous little house in the suburbs, I would be working full time in a legit job bringing home a decent wage. We would have a little garage which would actually be a music studio and we would have a dog too." Eddie stopped and looked at his feet, almost as though he was getting embarrassed thinking that he may have said too much.

I gently placed my hand on his chin and pulled his face towards mine. "That sounds perfect to me baby. But we need to get some more practice in before we plan the kids." Eddie nodded and tried to reach around me towards my guitar. I stopped him and kissed him, gently teasing his lips with my tongue asking for permission. "I didn't mean guitar practice Eddie."

I got up off of the sofa and walked towards the bedroom. I stopped at the bedroom door and Eddie was still on the sofa. "Are you coming or do you not want me now?" I pouted at him, hoping he was as much in the mood as I was.

 Eddie jumped up off of the sofa, taking his T shirt off as he practically ran at me. "Get in there sweetheart, I need you."

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