Green with envy

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The next week was spent alone in the trailer helping Eddie recover fully. His new job had been really understanding and postponed his start date by a week, school had given us the green light to take the first 2 days back off and Steve had also given me the week off as holiday to make sure that Eddie was ok. Over the course of that week though I couldn't help but find myself drifting off every now and again into my own little fantasy world. We were married, we had a couple of children and a nice little house. But the week off for the both of us went really quickly, thankfully so did Eddie's recovery though and it was soon time for the both of us to return to school.

The first morning went slowly but it was soon time for lunch. I walked in and aimed for our usual table but stopped in my tracks at what I saw. Some girl, no correction, some skank cheerleader trying to flirt with MY Eddie. I could tell he was uncomfortable, or so I was telling myself, and she must be new and obviously didn't realise he was a taken man, I thought that it was best I tell her, make it clear and simple for her. I walked over and made straight for Eddie. As I got to him I made sure to plant the biggest kiss that I could on his lips in front of her.

"Hey sweetheart." Eddie said hi and looked fairly relaxed. "Y/N, this is Chrissy. She used to be a friend of mine when we were in elementary and middle school." He lowered his voice for the next part. "She was asking me to hook her up with some items." I glared at her and then back at him.

Chrissy chimed in. "It's ok, he told me who to speak too but shame he can't help me direct." She placed a hand on Eddie's shoulder and massaged him slightly. "I would have felt so much safer had Eddie been the one to help me but he didn't tell me that he was now straight for his girlfriend. In fact he didn't even mention he had a girlfriend." She must have clocked the look I was giving her because she hastily added. "Jason Carver, Basketball captain over there, that's my boyfriend."

"Oh, a cheerleader and a jock. Not a cliché at all." Chrissy gave me a smirk, I had known her 5 minutes and already didn't like her or trust her. She started to walk away and I shouted after her in front of the cafeteria. "Oh and by the way Chrissy, it's Fiancée not girlfriend." I flashed my ring at her as she looked in horror and shock. The cafeteria went quiet and then started whispering too each other.

I sat next to Eddie and waited for him to talk. He carried on eating, oblivious to the fact that I was pissed at the situation. The other Hellfire guys shuffled uncomfortably in their seats, obviously sensing the tension growing. Then Eddie clocked me sat there with my arms folded across my chest and staring at him. "Are you ok sweetheart? You look like you are about to rip my heart out."

"Why didn't you introduce me to Chrissy as your Fiancée? Are you embarrassed by me?" I felt really insecure, she was so pretty and a cheerleader. I had never felt jealousy like this before and I didn't like it. Green was definitely not a colour that suited me.

Eddie took my hand in his and looked me in the eyes. "I didn't introduce you as my Fiancée because it's none of her god damn business. I am not interested in her like that and she is with that blonde guy who likes to throw balls into laundry baskets. It is no one else's business what our status is with each other." I smiled and he continued. "It was pretty hot the way that you marked your territory to everyone in the cafeteria though."

The bell rang to end lunch. Eddie stood up and now it was his turn. He offered me his hand and said in the loudest voice he could muster. "Would you allow me to accompany you to class future Mrs Munson?" Everyone stared as I took his hand and stood up next to him. Next thing I knew he was planting a powerful kiss on my lips and bending me backwards like they do in the old movies.

When I stood back up straight it took me a few seconds to catch my breath. "Wow, wasn't expecting that."

"Well if that doesn't show you Y/N just how much that you mean to me then I am not too sure what else you expect me to do."

"That showed me plenty baby, thank you." I kissed Eddie back and then realised that the Hellfire guys had been watching every movement and exchange that we had just shared. "Are you guys ok? Or did you want us to do a repeat performance?" In the few short months I had been here we had noticed that Eddie was almost like an older brother/father figure to these guys, automatically making me there Matriarch. And I wasn't entirely hating it.

"No Ma'am. Sorry." muttered Gareth as they all grabbed things and hurried off to lessons. Eddie took my hand and off we went. My envy leaving and my calm returning. 

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