Friday morning

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My alarm went off at 7am and I awoke straight away. I smiled and turned hoping to see my bed still full. It wasn't. He had really left. Eddie had actually left me. I know he promised to only stay until I fell asleep but I didn't think he would really leave, especially after coming back for me and breaking in through my window. I sniffed back sobs and started to get myself ready. I showered and allowed the scalding hot water to trickle over me as I let the sobs escape. I felt so hurt and rejected. My chest literally hurt as I took deep breaths. What the hell was happening to me?

I finished showering and dragged some clothes out of my still unpacked case. I chose a tartan skirt, fishnets, high tops and a Black Sabbath T shirt. Pretty sure that no one in this town would have heard of them but Ozzy was a heartthrob of mine and could definitely take my mind off of Eddie Munson. I did my hair and some make up to hide the redness from my tears and pranced downstairs like nothing had happened.

"Morning Y/N, sleep ok?" Dustin asked with a knowing look in his eyes. "Did you get enough sleep? Nothing kept you awake?"

Oh crap, did he know? Did he see Eddie sneak in? "Morning Dusty. I slept fine thanks, why do you ask?" I asked shakily, really hoping he hadn't seen or heard Eddie last night.

"Just checking." He replied smirking.

"Ok then. Did you want pancakes this morning? I can do chocolate chip or blueberry?" I asked quickly trying to steer the conversation in another direction before I gave too much away or started crying again.

"Can we have chocolate chip with syrup?" Dustin asked and I nodded. I also chucked some coffee into the brewer. I turned around to ask Dustin a question just as the doorbell went. "I'll get it, don't want you burning my pancakes." He skipped off to answer the door. It was probably Mike seeing if Dustin was riding with him to school. "Hey Eddie, what are you doing here?" My heart skipped a beat, I shivered and caught the side of my hand on the red hot frying pan.

I had just started running my hand under the cold tap when they both entered the kitchen. Eddie noticed my hand and raced to my side to check that I was ok. "Are you alright Y/N? What happened? Here let me look." Eddie was so demanding at times but in such a caring way. I let him check and our eyes locked. Here we go again.

Dustin coughed. "Mike's here, mind if we grab a few pancakes to go?" I nodded. "I'll leave you 2, to whatever this is." He grinned and backed off. I heard the door slam. For the first time there was an awkward silence between Eddie and I.

I broke it. I had too. "Did you manage to get home ok? What time did you leave me last night?" I asked trying not to be too harsh on him.

"I'll be honest with you, I fell asleep and woke up about 5 this morning and thought that I should scarper before your Aunt and Dustin woke up. So technically I guess that I didn't leave you last night. I left this morning, drove home, showered, got changed and came straight back here to offer you a lift. That is if you want to get a lift to school with me? I wasn't sure whether or not you would want to be seen with Eddie the freak Munson 2 days in a row." He shuffled nervously.

"I want to be seen with you everyday. You may be a freak but I'm a weirdo, so it seems to me that we may be evenly matched." I grinned as I answered back. I noticed Eddie looking down at my T-shirt. He grinned as he allowed his eyes to meet mine.

"You m'lady just got even more perfect in my eyes. Ozzy is a god." My heart danced, he knew who they were. Could he get any better? I didn't think he could but then again I always like people to prove me wrong.

We still had a little bit of time before we needed to leave so Eddie offered to finish up the pancakes while I did the coffee and found some cream for my sore burnt hand. I have to say the boy can cook, who knew? We enjoyed our breakfast together and then noticed the time. "We should probably start thinking about getting to school, don't you think? I know what I would prefer doing today though."

"What is it that you think that you would rather be doing today then sweetheart? Taking in the sights? Catching a movie? Unpacking?"

"I was thinking that I would rather spend the day getting to know this pretty cool guy more to see just where the friendship could go. But alas, school beckons this fair maiden and her knight shall have to wait." I replied trying to lighten the mood as I knew how badly Eddie needed to graduate this year and I didn't want to be a bad influence.

A big grin spread across Eddie's face and he blushed slightly. "Well maybe the knight would rather that too but he knows that he has the maiden to himself all evening. In all seriousness though I don't think I could control myself around you all day and all night so best we go to school so at least you get a break from me staring at you."

I sighed and grabbed my bag. "Come on then Munson. Better get a move on before Dustin tells the school you have worked your DND wizard magic on me and we have ran away to a foreign country to get married and have a clan of nerdy freaky weirdo children." I slapped his arm playfully and danced to the door. Eddie stuffed the final pancake in his mouth and followed me out.

We pulled up into the school parking lot and Eddie jumped straight out and ran around to open my door like he always seemed to do. The parking lot was full. "Shall I see you at lunch?" I asked.

"If you want to sit with us again, then you can. Are you sure though?" Eddie quizzed me, he always came across as a little nervous when we interacted at school. I leant forward and kissed him on the cheek. As I did so I felt everyone's eyes fix on us.

"Does that show you just how sure I am that I want to sit with you? Let them talk. When I say I don't give a shit, I really don't. Do you think that Ozzy would care? Would he? So why the hell should Eddie Munson?" I hoped my pep talked worked. I was really starting to care about him and wanted people to know. I meant it, I didn't give a shit. Eddie looked at me, eyes wide in shock. "I'll see you at lunch then Munson. Save me a seat." With that I left him standing and ran off to my locker. 

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