Date night

563 19 3

Eddie must have been hungry as it didn't take him long at all to finish the massive plate of food I put in front of him. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and sighed. "Sweetheart book the church, that was amazing. The last time I had Joe's like that was before my Mum ran off with that drummer." He smiled, he really did look pleased but why had he just mentioned marriage for the second time?

"I am pleased that you approve. I didn't think you would manage to eat it all though. Why don't you grab the drinks and go through to the lounge? I'm just going to chuck these into the dishwasher." Eddie looked impressed at the fact my Aunt had a dishwasher, not many people did and my Aunt made sure that everyone knew that she had one. It was a gift from my Mum when my Aunt first took me in to ensure that she didn't have too put up with me staying with her in the UK.

I'd just finished loading the dishwasher when Eddie came back in. "How about we lock the doors and take these upstairs? We may even have time for a second film."

"Ok, sounds like a plan. Would you mind if I grabbed a quick shower first though? All that cooking has made me smell like a sloppy Joe." I asked and sniffed myself pulling a disgusted face as I did so.

Eddie ran over and sniffed my neck before kissing it. "mmmmm, you make the world's best sloppy Joe's and now you smell like them too. Nice." He joked and I giggled as he started to pretend to bite my neck and tickle me. He pulled back slightly and let his eyes meet mine, hands still locked together behind my back. "Of course sweetheart. Do you mind if I grab one after you as well? Want to just freshen up a little." I nodded and we headed upstairs together. I walked up in front of Eddie holding his hand the whole way up.

Once we reached the top of the stairs I made sure to grab a few towels from my Aunts linen closet for us to both shower. Eddie had gone into my room while I was fetching the towels, he had been here so many times to hang with Dustin that he knew this place like the back of his hand.

Eddie had made himself comfortable on my bed, laying on his back with his hands behind his head. I noticed my chance and took it. I slammed the door behind me, threw the towels onto the floor and jumped onto the bed next to him. It was only a matter of seconds before he grabbed my face in his hands and asked his usual question. "Can I kiss you? Do you want me to kiss you?"

"No Eddie, I don't want you to kiss me." His smile faded. "I need you to kiss me." The smile returned and he launched his attack. The kisses were passionate and I could feel his urgency for me again. I managed to pin him down and straddle him like the night before. I kissed his lips and started making my way down to his neck, nibbling every now and again between kisses. Next thing I knew he had flipped me onto my back and now he was on top kissing my lips and neck. I couldn't help but allow a few groans to slip out.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt in my hands and looked at him. He seemed to know what I was asking without the need for words as he nodded and lifted his arms for me to undress him. I knew that he had tattoos but I didn't realise just how many he actually had. His belt was next to come off and then I pinned him once more. This time though when I reached to take my own top off he didn't stop me. I sat astride him in my skirt, fishnets and blue lacy bra. "Wow. May I?" Eddie asked reaching his hands round my back to my bra clasp. I moved my hair to the side and nodded as he unhooked me, removed my bra and freed my breasts. Instantly my confidence disappeared.

My instinct was to cover myself with one arm shyly. "Sweetheart, are you ok? If you don't want to do this, we don't have too. We can shower and chill. There's no rush and no need for you to be shy. You are simply beautiful, every inch of you. What do you want to do?" He was being so sweet and I needed to tell him the truth.

"I want to tell you the truth." I kept my arm tight against my chest. Eddie looked puzzled and horrified at the same time. "I haven't done this before and I thought that if you knew I was still a virgin at 18 that you wouldn't want me. I suppose I just wanted to get that awkward part out of the way quickly so that I wouldn't have to tell you, hence last night." Eddie looked hurt and saddened. He rolled me over so that we were both on our sides facing each other like the kitchen floor. He started to smile as he grabbed my small blanket and placed it over my chest so that it covered me from my shoulders to my knees.

"I like you. A lot. I would never not want you just because you are a virgin, why would that matter to me? We can take our time and just take baby steps. Have you ever done anything with a guy before?" He was being so sweet, what did I ever do to deserve him?

"Nope. Nothing more than kissing and a sloppy BJ while drunk but that's about it. I've never even touched myself before. Pathetic, aren't I?"I closed my eyes and sighed hopelessly. He was definitely running now that I was unticking those boxes.

"It's not pathetic at all. You can say no if you want too but what about if I was to touch you? I'll be gentle and if you want me to stop at any point you can just say. I'll even do it under the covers so that you don't have to show yourself to me." He looked at me and smiled the sweetest most caring smile I had ever seen from him. I nodded and he slowly reached under the blanket while kissing me. First he started by stroking my nipples until they were firm in between his fingers. It felt so good and already I could feel myself getting wet for him.

"Does that feel good baby? Do you want me to carry on?" I nodded as he slid his hand down to the waistband of my skirt. I reached down myself and unzipped my skirt so that he could gain access. "Are you sure? I can stop now if you want me too. Tell me what you want."

"I want you to touch me Eddie. Please touch me." He smiled again and returned to kissing me as he slowly slid his hand into my panties. His fingers felt so good against me. He was slowly stroking up and down with his middle finger and I could feel the cold metal of his rings. The coldness only seemed to enhance the pleasure for me. Finally he slipped a finger slightly inside of my lower lips and started circling my clit. I gasped.

"You like that baby? Do you want me to carry on? Remember though, use your words and tell me what you want." He asked me with an air of authority.

"That feels good. Please don't stop, I want you to carry on. I want you to make me cum. Please?" I replied and he nodded before returning his attention to kissing me. He was so good with his fingers and in no time I could feel something building inside of me. I started gasping and panting, my breathing got heavier.

"That's it baby, cum for me. Don't hold back, let it out sweetheart." My toes started to curl and my legs spasmed in pleasure as I erupted all over his fingers. My heart racing, head swimming and breathing faster than normal. Eddie smiled at me and kissed my neck as my breathing returned to normal. "How was that for you sweetheart?"

"Wow. I didn't think it would feel quite like that. Thank you." I smiled at him and kissed him on the lips with deep passion.

"Don't thank me baby, it was for my pleasure as well as yours." He kissed the tip of my nose and lay on his back. "Now come for a snuggle. We can shower after the film." I did as I was told and snuggled into Eddie with my head planted firmly on his chest. 

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