The intruder

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"I'm home." I shouted as I started walking towards the living room. My Aunt was sat on the sofa and Dustin was over on the chair.

"Hello love, how was studying? Dustin said that he introduced you to a few friends and one of them offered to help you get up too speed." My Aunt quizzed me as Dustin looked at me with a pleased grin on his face.

"Yes, he did. It went very well thank you. So well in fact that one of his friends has offered to come over tomorrow evening and tutor me while the house is quiet. That is ok with you isn't it?" Dustin's smile dropped as he knew what was happening and who I meant.

"Are you sure that that is a good idea Y/N? I mean you only started today and then tomorrow is Friday so you have all weekend to catch up on things, don't you? No need to push yourself is there?" Dustin asked me in front of my Aunt trying to put a spanner in the works.

My Aunt defended me though. "I think that that is a wonderful idea. Dustin is at Mike's and I am round at Heather's for my book club and to be honest if I know that you are not going to be alone I may have a few cocktails and stay in her guest room. Would you mind?"

"Of course not. I think that it would do you some good to let your hair down and relax. Don't you agree Dustin? Does that mean that my friend can stay over for the night then? You know just in case we get carried away studying. I wouldn't want them driving home in the dark." I asked sweetly whilst looking at Dustin and giving him the pleading look of please don't ruin this for me.

"I think that would be good for you, I honestly am so pleased to see that you are making friends here already Y/N. So yes they can stay." I smiled and thanked her before explaining that I was going for a shower and an early night. I turned and started making my way up the stairs. "By the way, what's her name? This friend that you're having over, what is she called? Maybe I know her parents." My Aunt shouted after me.

"Eddie." I replied back to her with a smirk on my face. Too late now she had already said yes and we were technically both adults anyway. I skipped my way up the stairs and down the hall to my bedroom. I locked the door behind me. I didn't want anyone walking in while I was showering. My Aunt had made sure I got the bedroom with the en suite for a reason. I stripped off, grabbed a towel and went for my shower.

The water felt amazing. I stood under the powerful jets thinking about Eddie and the way that he kissed me. I couldn't wait to see him again, tomorrow just couldn't come soon enough. I stopped the shower and jumped out wrapping my towel around myself and allowing my hair to drip down my back. I reached for the door handle but a noise outside the door in my bedroom stopped me. It sounded like my window being closed. I panicked and looked to either side of me for something that I could use as a weapon. Nothing, I would just have to scream. I heard someone shushing themselves in my room and then I heard a familiar voice. "Shit! Broke the god damn thing."

I opened the door with speed and stood there staring at the familiar figure in my room. "Eddie, what the fuck are you doing?" I whisper shouted at him. He just looked at me stunned and shrugged his shoulders.

"Surprise." He said shyly. He looked nervous again but in all seriousness I felt so excited that Eddie Munson had just broke into my house. No, not my house. My bedroom. He must really like me. "Ok, so you know how I told you not too miss me too much?" Eddie asked while pacing around my bedroom and fiddling with his rings. "Turns out that I was the one missing you. How funny is that? I have to admit that I was missing you before I even got to the end of the road. I spent the last 45 minutes sat in my van deciding what it is that I wanted to do before parking the van up and running back here. Running back to you." He moved forward and placed his hand round the back of my neck.

I didn't give him chance to ask me or even for him to hesitate. "Will you just kiss me already?" It felt as though he had planted his lips firmly on mine before I had even finished the sentence. It was only a short kiss but there was more passion in that one kiss shared between us than any kiss I had ever experienced before.

Eddie pulled away quickly. "Can you do me a favour?" I nodded. "Can you get some clothes on? I hate that you are standing there in just a towel. I don't want to take advantage of you. Well, not yet anyway." My eyes widened in horror as I realised that I was only an inch or two away from scaring Eddie away by showing him all the goods I had to offer. I nodded as I blushed, grabbed my pyjamas off of my bed and ran into the bathroom to get dressed. 

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