Him or me?

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I was lay in the bath when I heard the front door knock. "It's ok sweetheart, I'll get it." Eddie shouted to me knowing I would probably want to be nosy. I heard the door open then heard Eddie speak. "Hey Steve, what are you doing here man?"

"Hey Eddie, what are you doing back so early? I just needed to have a quick word with Y/N about something at work I forgot to ask her when I dropped her home. Everything ok?" I could hear Steve's voice, crystal clear and my blood ran cold. Why was he here? What was he doing?

"Now really isn't a good time. I got a phone call at work to come home, she got a call while I was at work telling her that her Nan had passed away this afternoon. No way I could stay at work and not come home knowing that she was on her own."

I splashed too loudly to hear anything else as I got out of the bath and started to get myself dry. Eddie had dropped a towel, his hellfire shirt and some pyjama shorts on the toilet lid for me. I could hear talking but wasn't sure what it was that they were discussing. I got dressed and walked out into the living area of the trailer. Eddie made a beeline for me and just held me tight in his arms.

"Is everything ok? I heard you say that you needed to discuss work Steve?" I felt numb but knew I needed to stay on auto pilot and just carry on like I had when my Dad had left me.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. It can wait. Eddie just told me what happened. I'm really sorry Y/N." Steve genuinely looked sorry but was that what he was really sorry about. I had no time for his games.

"Thanks. Is that all? If so, you can leave now. I'm kinda tired and want to go to bed. Been an emotional day." I turned to head towards the bedroom and heard Steve mutter something under his breath then leave slamming the trailer door behind him.

"Princess, what the hell was that all about? He is one of our best friends and you just basically threw him out."

"You're right, I'll go and apologise." I ran out after Steve who got out the car to come and stand under the trailer shelter with me this time. "I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have kicked you out. My head just feels a little fucked up. I'm sure you know why though."

Steve nodded before he began to talk. "I know and I'm sorry but there was no way that I could allow you to marry Eddie not knowing how I feel about you. I love you and I meant every word that I said. Who do you want Y/N? Him or me?"

"Eddie, a thousand lifetimes over and it would be Eddie every time. You are emotionally nothing to me Steve, you are my boss, you are my future husband's best friend. That is all. So a thousand lifetimes and it will be Eddie over you in every single scenario. Happy now? I don't love you, I never have loved and that at Christmas was just a fuck." Of course I had feelings for Steve but I love Eddie and I wasn't going to mess it all up. I was marrying Eddie whether he liked it or not.

"That's what I needed to hear. Thanks. Goodnight Y/N." Steve got up to leave. Walking towards his car and running his hands through his hair as he always did when he was sad and frustrated. I went back into the trailer. Back into the loving arms of my Fiance, the one who loved me unconditionally and not just when it suited him.



I left the trailer park before pulling over. I could feel the tears stinging my eyes and knew I needed to pull over and take a few minutes to clear my head. I left her, she needed me and I had driven away. If I had been there when she needed me then maybe, just maybe, her answer tonight would have been different. Maybe if I had stopped when I saw her then I would be the one in there right now comforting her.

 Just at that point a song I could relate to only too well at the moment came on the radio. Jessie's girl by Rick Springfield. I couldn't help but sing along and change the words to fit. "Eddie is a friend. Yeah, I know, he's been a good friend of mine. But lately something's changed that ain't hard to define Eddie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine. And she's watching him with those eyes. And she's loving him with that body, I just know it. Yeah, and he's holding her in his arms late, late at night. You know, I wish that I had Eddie's girl. I wish that I had Eddie's girl." I could relate to every single word, it twisted in my stomach knowing that they were in their trailer together and she was in his arms. I love Eddie and he really has become a great friend and he is doing well for himself but I can't help that I love her. She is all I think about and it feels like a knife in my heart every time I see her and Eddie together. 

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