Dinner guest

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I walked through the front door and chucked my stuff down on the table like I did most days. "I'm home. Sorry I'm late, Eddie just needed some help with something back at the trailer. Anybody home?" The house seemed eerily quiet, then I heard it. Giggling and talking coming from the dining table and it wasn't just my Aunt and Dustin, there was a third voice.

I walked through into the kitchen to sit down for dinner and make my apologies for being late. "Hi, I apologise for being late. Eddie needed help." I paused and took in the eyes staring back at me. "Hi Steve, how are you? Dustin didn't say that you were coming to dinner." I smiled, blushed a little and took my place at the table which just happened to be next to Steve. For some reason it felt awkward but I needed to show different.

"Hey Y/N, Dustin needed a ride as he got a flat on his bike and you and Eddie had already left so I brought him home and your Aunt offered me dinner as a thank you. Would have been rude to refuse, don't you think?" Steve answered and winked at me as he asked me if it was rude. I felt my heart skip a little beat and I nodded. "Anyway, I saw Eddie limping and holding himself earlier, is he ok? Didn't look it."

"Yeah, absolutely would have been rude. He is ok, just had a little bit of a run in with a couple of lads off the swim team at lunch." I shot back at him, shit shouldn't have said that but I had so I continued. "Hold on, aren't you the swim captain Steve?" He looked shocked.

"Yeah, I am. Is everything ok? If I can do anything to help then let me know and I can have a word with the lads involved." He seemed as though he was genuinely concerned but I wasn't sure as to whether or not this was for me, Dustin, Eddie or the fact that he now had an idea that his team were on banned and illegal substances.

Once we had finished dinner I offered to tidy up as I just felt like I needed a little bit of time to think. Steve offered to help and would not take no as an answer. "So Y/N, are you going to tell me what all that was about at dinner?" I looked at him as though I didn't know what it was that he was referring too. "When you said about the run in between Eddie and some of my swim lads?"

I sighed and knew that I had opened a can of worms that I needed to close. "Please promise me that you won't tell Eddie if I tell you though Steve?" He folded his arms and leaned against the countertop. "Basically Eddie has been helping a few of your lads with their performances and they decided at lunch to jump him and take his stash and his money. He is pretty roughed up and bruised but he won't tell me who it is that did it. He did make sure that I knew it wasn't you though."

Steve ran his fingers through his hair and I could see the frustration on his face. "So you mean to tell me that Munson has been supplying to my guys?" I nodded. "I can't believe this. Are you ok though?"

"Why wouldn't I be ok? As I said to you on Saturday, it's his business not mine but I couldn't not say anything to you. I don't want to cause trouble and I know that what they do is nothing to do with you but I can't sit by while Eddie gets hurt." Steve stood still leaning against the counter and started chewing his nails. "I'm really sorry Steve, I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, I'm pleased you did and I promise you that I will sort this. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it." Hold on, had Steve called me beautiful and pretty in the same day. He placed his hand against my cheek and stroked it. I shook my head and he moved it away, I was overthinking things. Or so I thought.

I attempted to reach around Steve to pick up the last of the dishes from behind him and found myself pressed up against him. I looked up and gulped. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to reach that dish there." I pointed and tried to stand up straight so that I could back away but before I knew what was happening Steve had his hands clamped to cheeks and had pulled me in for a kiss. The worst part was that I didn't push away. Not immediately anyway.

When I did though, it hit me what I had done. I turned and ran to my room slamming the door behind me. I had just cheated on Eddie with none other than King Steve. What the fuck had I just done?

Within minutes my door was being knocked and then opened. "Hey, can I come in?" Lo and behold it was Steve. I shrugged and continued sitting with my knees to my chest, the same way Eddie had when he thought he had done something wrong. Steve came and sat on my bed. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I read you wrong. Since this morning when you chased after me I thought that maybe you were having a change of heart and actually did like me."

"I do like you Steve." My body relaxed slightly. "But I am with Eddie and he can never know what just happened. Please promise me that you won't tell him? Please Steve? I can't be the one to hurt him."

Steve looked at me saddened. " I get that. I just wanted to kiss you and see if you wanted to kiss me too and at first it felt as though you did. Are you trying to tell me that you didn't want too? Are you saying that you didn't enjoy me kissing you?"

"That isn't what I'm saying and maybe there was a part of me at some point that did want to kiss you but I shouldn't of." I widened my eyes in horror, had I really just admitted to Steve that I wanted to kiss him. I looked away so that he couldn't see the blush of my cheeks.

"So are you saying that you liked kissing me then?"

"Stop putting words into my mouth Steve. It was a mistake, I'm sorry that I led you on but that is all there is to be said on the matter. I admitted I wanted to kiss you but I shouldn't have done it or even said that I did. I'm sorry." I was still looking away from him. I did like kissing him but things had gone far enough already.

He put his hand under my chin and pulled my head back round so that I was facing him. He looked me straight in the eyes, our faces really close. Too close. "It's ok, I won't tell him. I promise but I need you to tell me that the feisty little firecracker I met Saturday loves Eddie and doesn't want to kiss me again."

"I love Eddie." I couldn't bring myself to say the rest that he needed me too because I would be lying. It was at that point Steve seemed to know what I was thinking and shit. He leant in to kiss me and without thinking I kissed him back, this time like I wanted too. We pulled apart after a short while. "Fuck. I love Eddie and that shouldn't have happened once, let alone twice." Tears started to well in my eyes. "Steve can you please just leave me alone? Please? Please just leave?" I begged him to go. I was right it was a mistake to kiss him, the biggest mistake ever and I could never let Eddie find out. Especially the fact that I didn't pull back straight away or the fact that I actually liked kissing Steve Harrington so much that we kissed twice.

"You're a real piece of work, you know that?" Steve sighed as he stood up and strode towards my door. "I just really hope he doesn't hurt you Y/N. I just hope that he knows what he has." He left and slammed the door behind him.

What the hell was all that about? What did he mean about knows what he has? He hardly knows me to be saying things like that. I needed to clear my head before Eddie arrived. I locked my bedroom door, unlocked my window and grabbed a shower.

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