Valentine's day

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TW - Oral smut, descriptive, adult language


We had booked our wedding date a few weeks ago. Sadly Wayne's trip to Georgia was being extended so he wouldn't be able to make it back into town for the wedding but he had allowed us to keep the trailer and redecorate. It was starting to look more and more like his move to Georgia may be permanent. Eddie was gutted but had decided that he still wanted to continue moving things forward as planned. Robin was Chief Bridesmaid and witness and to the shock and horror of everyone, Eddie had asked Steve to be our second witness and his best man.

It was Valentine's day and we had come back from school to our beautiful home. In between studying, working and a little bit of wedding planning I had given it a good clean and decorated the living room/kitchen. I had painted it all white but then got some vinyl in black to put on the cupboards and a gorgeous purple rug and sofa. I filled the sofa with black cushions. Nearly all of it was from thrift stores and flea markets. We had fairy lights in the shapes of bats hanging around as well as black curtains. Robin helped me do it while Eddie pulled an all day Sunday shift one week. Next challenge was the bedroom but for now that could wait.

Both of us had made sure that we were not on call to cover shifts for others tonight at work. It was our first Valentine's day together and the only one together where we wouldn't be man and wife. We parked up and walked to the trailer door, Eddie paused and told me to close my eyes. I did as I was told, as per usual. I heard Eddie unlock the door and then turn around to guide me in. He guided me to the sofa and sat me down. "Ok sweetheart, now you can open them."

I opened my eyes and in front of me was the biggest bunch of the most beautiful deep purple Calla Lillies. I couldn't help but burst into tears. "How did you know which flowers to get? When did you get them?"

"Should I take it from that reaction that you like them then? I have to admit that I did have a little bit of help. Robin said that they were the flowers that you were hoping to have as your wedding bouquet when we get married. As for when I got them, I had an empty period so I left school to go and get them then brought them back here so that you wouldn't see them." Eddie came and sat next to me.

"They're beautiful baby, thank you. And yes they are what I would like for my bouquet. My Nan was called Lilly and she always had Calla Lillies around the house and in the garden. They remind me of some of the happier occasions in my childhood."

"You may wish to check the card that comes with them as well." Eddie smiled as he said it before passing me the card to read. I opened the little envelope and inside was a business card (this was becoming a thing people gave me now apparently) and a receipt.

"Why are you giving me the receipt? I don't understand. Do you want me to pay you back for them?"

Eddie spoke again to explain things. "I paid her some extra so that when you and Robin go dress shopping you can go in and pick your bouquet too. She has already earmarked the date for us and said that she will do those man flower things for the suits as well too match whatever you pick. Anything over what I have paid already and she will just give me a call and let me know." I cried tears of joy as I leant forward and kissed Eddie. Kissing him was something that I would never get bored of.

"I suppose that it is time for me to give you my gift now then." Eddie looked at me with a hint of confusion in his face. "Mine isn't as thoughtful or expensive as yours though." I slid down the sofa and onto the floor so that I was kneeling at his feet.

"Oh, so this is my present then." I bit my lip and nodded at him before pulling his jeans down allowing him to sit there in just Tee shirt and boxers for me.

"Do you like the idea of this as a present or do you think that you want me to stop?" I teased him a little stroking him gently through the material of his boxers as I asked.

"Please, carry on sweetheart. At the end of the day it wouldn't be right for me to turn down a gift, would it?"

I stroked through his boxers until I felt that he was hard and ready enough for my mouth. I pulled down his boxers so that he was freed and gasped. I never got tired of seeing that hard throbbing dick of his and every time I saw it I couldn't help but smile to myself. I started slowly by using my hand to stroke up and down until I could see his tip glisten with precum for me.

Once he was showing me real signs of arousal I flicked my tongue over his tip, making sure to lick up every last drop that he was giving me so far. It wasn't long before I was taking him fully into my mouth. I loved how his thick cock was enough to fill my mouth and even make me gag when I took in every inch of his length. I looked up into his eyes while mine started watering as I was gagging on his size.

"Oh fuck baby, your mouth feels so good. Please don't stop. I'm nearly there." I had no intention of stopping. I wanted to make him cum, since his accident we hadn't been intimate much if at all as I was too scared that I was going to hurt him so this felt as though we were getting back on track sexually. Everything was going as it should. It didn't take too much longer until Eddie was tugging at my hair and pulling me down onto him so that I could feel him explode.

I greedily swallowed down every last drop I could before licking him clean. Eddie looked down, stroked my cheek and then my bottom lip with his thumb before pulling me up so that our mouths met. "Best Valentine's day ever sweetheart."

 The rest of the night was spent curled up on the sofa watching horror movies and eating reheated pizza from work. 

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