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Kissing smut to follow and then to progress over the next couple of pages. Adult language used as well. You have been warned. 


"Hate to break it to you Harrington but this isn't the bathroom." Steve had already seen me in panties and a T shirt so I doubt that he was phased by the towel.

"Come and sit with me a minute. I don't have that long as the guys are watching a movie and may start coming to find me if I take too long. I said I was going to the bathroom and using the phone in Dustin's room to check in on home. Eddie said that you were upset. Do you want to talk?" He seemed genuinely concerned but I had to tell someone.

I sat next to him and began to talk. "I slept with Eddie last night for the first time." Steve looked shocked but stayed quiet and allowed me to continue. "It wasn't just my first time with him though, it was my first time period. And then today I tried to seduce him and he rejected me and I have no idea why. He claims it is because he doesn't want too much too soon as we did it last night and then again first thing this morning but I just needed to feel as though he wanted me." I paused and the tears started welling again. "I needed him to help me forget."

"He is probably just making sure that he doesn't hurt you. But also what was it that you felt that you needed to forget?" Steve placed his hand on my knee as he asked.

I sighed and allowed a few tears to streak their way down my face. "I needed to forget you." Steve smiled slightly and then patted my knee for me to carry on. "I can't stop thinking about you and the way that you kissed me last night and especially that kiss this morning. The more I force myself to forget the more I think about you and I don't know what to do. I love Eddie with all of my heart but I enjoyed kissing you too much for it never to happen again but I'm not in love with you."

"I promise you that there is no way in this world that I would ever reject you but you are with Eddie and I shouldn't have kissed you last night or this morning but you seem to just have this witch like hold over me." He chuckled a little and carried on talking. "The worst part is that I came up here to check on you and now all I can think about is kissing you again."

"So kiss me. Show me that you wouldn't reject me. Make me feel wanted." With that he left one hand on my knee and brought the other up too my wet cheek. He leant in and kissed me and with no hesitation I kissed him back. As I fell backwards onto the bed I pulled him down with me so that we were lay on my bed kissing and before I knew it, he had unwrapped my towel and was starting to caress my breasts with his hands as he kissed down my neck.

His kisses felt so different to Eddie's. Eddie was always a little rough and nibbled but Steve was gentle and really took his time making sure to pay my nipples lots of attention with his fingers. He continued kissing me as one of his hands started to travel further down my body until he stopped. "We don't have long so we can stop if you want too. I really want to show you that you are wanted though without going all the way. I don't want to reject you, I want to please you. Do you want me too?"

A pang of guilt ran through me, what the hell was I doing? "Steve, we need to stop. I really want too but I can't." Steve nodded and got off of me. I pulled my towel back around myself and started to cry. He looked gutted and I would have been lying had I said that I wasn't gutted as well but I couldn't do that to Eddie. "I  really like you and I like kissing you but I can't keep doing this, it is fucking with my head. It isn't fair on Eddie and it isn't fair on you either to think that things can happen between us."

"I didn't mean to mess with your head, I was just trying to show you that I want you but I know that you want Eddie and now it seems you want me too. Do you want some time alone?" He asked and looked disappointed when I nodded.

Steve left me alone on the bed wondering where the hell that just came from. Seriously, what the hell was I going to do now? I wanted them both but couldn't have them both. My Mum was right, I'm an awful person and as for Steve telling Eddie not to hurt me, it was fast becoming the other way round.



I came downstairs feeling flustered. I wanted her so badly but couldn't have her and it was killing me. First Nancy, now Y/N, why was I always the one that girls went too for help and advice. Dustin was sat alone in the living room. "Hey little shit, where's Eddie?"

"Sat out in the van I think. He came upstairs just after you went up and a few minutes later he came stamping back down them and straight out the door without saying anything. He looked like he was ready to kill someone. What the shit happened dude?" I felt my blood run cold. Shit, what had I just caused. Had Eddie seen me messing with his girl?

I felt bad but at the same time I actually hoped that he had seen or heard what we were doing and then at least that way Y/N would have to decide who it was that she actually wanted and hopefully it wouldn't be Munson. 

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