Breakdown betrayal

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This gets a little smutty in places, you have been warned. 


Please tell me I wasn't just about to make a huge fuck up, this one bigger than the last. I couldn't deal with that happening but I also felt as though I was powerless to stop whatever was about to happen between the both of us. I looked up at Steve and tried to pull myself away from him but it was too late. He had already locked his lips onto mine and mine instinctively kissed him back. The issue that we had though was that it didn't stop at that this time. He slowly started to unbutton my shirt and I didn't stop him. He undid my buttons and I obliged in slipping my arms out of the sleeves. He unhooked my bra as he kissed my neck. My response was to start undressing him. He slipped his shirt off and threw it on the floor as I reached for his trousers. It wasn't too long before we were both naked on the shop floor.

He was so much gentler than Eddie was but I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. It didn't feel passionate but almost romantic and caring in a way. The way that he moved his hands across my body, all the bits I hated he caressed and kissed. It was as though nothing else mattered in that moment though and no one else existed. It felt like something out of a cheesy rom com film.

Steve was slow and gentle and made sure to take his time to please me before he came himself. Eddie was such a caring lover and so was Steve but in completely different ways. There were no words exchanged between either of us but I think that the actions between us were saying more than enough. When the liaison was over, we just lay on the floor together in each other's arms in complete and utter bliss. Steve kept kissing my head and stroking my arms. The power was still out and I could have quite easily have fallen asleep on our pile of clothes.

Then reality kicked me hard in the teeth. "Steve, we should get dressed now just in case the power comes back on and someone walks in. I don't think that this is something that we could easily explain away, do you?" He nodded and passed me a few of my clothes but reality kicked me in the teeth again, even harder this time. "Steve, where's the condom?"

He looked horrified. "Shit. Um, we, well funny story actually." He gulped and my eyes widened in horror. "We got so caught up in the moment that there wasn't one." I rushed to get into my clothes with the panic really starting to set in. I started getting flustered too and my breathing was beginning to get really heavy and fast. "To be fair though we are both to blame. I didn't stop to put one on and you didn't really stop me and ask if I had one. It's not usually something that I think to bring into work with me."

"Ok, I'll sort it. I will sort it. Don't panic but that was a one time thing Steve. We can't do it again. Ever." I was trying to be stern with him as I stood up and tucked my shirt in. The power came back on at that exact moment I looked up and someone was stood at the store door. Eddie.



Shit, what the actual hell had just happened? How the hell could we have been so irresponsible. Yeah, it was fun but how the hell did we manage to forget about the condom. I carried on pulling my clothes on as Y/N stood there frozen in panic staring at the door.

She covered her mouth as though she was coughing and muttered out of the corner. "Don't come up here yet. Crawl over to the office, Eddie is outside. He can't see you behind here with me."

"Shit. Right, take the keys and give me a few minutes to get my stuff and get over there." I grabbed my shirt and started army crawling to the back. Thankfully you couldn't of seen me unless you were standing right over the counter. Y/N motioned to Eddie that she was coming and leant down to grab the keys off of the floor. I heard her unlock the door as I stood in the office tucking in my shirt.

"Hey sweetheart, you ok? You looked like a rabbit in headlights just then." Eddie seemed concerned but not suspicious which was good.

"I'm fine, we have had no power for the last 2 hours though so to stand up and see you standing there at the door as the exact time that the power came back on just stunned me a little. I am absolutely fine though."

Now I came out from the office. "Hey Eddie, you ok man? I promise you I have taken good care of your girl while the power was out. We played some cards and I managed to get some manual paperwork done. How has your evening been?" I tried to act as normal as possible and technically I wasn't lying about taking care of her. We swapped a few sentences and off they went. I offered to clean up the last few bits from our picnic, then locked up and left to go home myself.

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