Wedding bells

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We had the best friends and family that we could possibly ask for. Robin and my Aunt helped me with my hair and make up and Steve was going to go and get the flowers and drop them off while Eddie and Dustin were getting ready back at the trailer. The door knocked. "I'll get it. Robin can you go and grab my dress from upstairs for me please. Going to be easier to do the corset down here." I shouted as I ran to the door. "Hey Steve." I still had the biggest grin ever on my face.

"Hey Y/N, didn't realise that you would be so happy to see me on your wedding day." I gave him my sarcastic grin. "Here's your flowers." Steve handed the bouquet over to me and then shuffled his feet awkwardly. "So you are definitely going through with it then?"

"Yes Steve, I am still marrying Eddie. I am sorry that I have hurt you but this is my decision, if you care about me at all then you will respect that and move on. I will always carry a little something for you and you will always be a part of my life but not in that way." I blinked back a few tears, no way that I was going to ruin my mascara now.

Steve did his trademark nod. "Ok, I love you Y/N and I always will but you have made your choice and I will respect that. Shall I tell Eddie to meet you at the courthouse then Mrs Munson?" Steve smiled and the tension between us seemed in that moment to disappear.

"Yes, please do. I will see you there." I leant forward and gave Steve a peck on the cheek. As Steve was leaving I shouted to him. "For what it's worth Harrington, I love you too you dingus and you are going to make a wonderful husband one day." Steve smiled and nodded before heading back to the car and I returned inside to put my dress on and make my final journey as Miss Henderson.

We arrived at the courthouse 10 minutes before we were due to get married. My heart was racing and I felt sick, although I now wasn't sure if that was nerves or pregnancy. Eddie and the guys were already in the room when we got there. Robin walked in first followed by myself and my Aunt. Eddie looked amazing and gasped when he saw me. He had on a black suit, black satin shirt which was unbuttoned slightly and he had the tie loosely around his neck. Naturally he had his high tops on too. He looked like a rock star and I swear that I even saw him blink back a few tears as I walked in.

Eddie and I were stood at the front, Dustin and Steve sat on Eddie's side and Robin and my Aunt sat on mine. Just as the officiant started talking someone burst through the doors, causing everyone to stop. "Looking good doll. Not too late am I? Came straight from the airport for this." Eddie's face lit up even more now that Uncle Wayne was here.

"Just in time." Eddie said as he ran to his Uncle Wayne and pulled him in for a hug. Eddie then returned to the front to take his place with me. We exchanged our vows in front of the few people that meant the most to us and when they asked if anyone had any objections, thankfully no one spoke. Then the time came.

"I now pronounce you husband and Wife, you may now kiss the bride."Eddie grabbed me and kissed me like no one was watching.

"I'm now Mrs Munson. Before we leave though I do have a gift for you Eddie and I want to give it to you now, here and in front of everyone." Eddie looked a little confused as I reached into the front of my corset. I pulled out the positive test. "Today Eddie, not only do we become Husband and Wife but we also become Mum and Dad. We're having a baby." Eddie stood staring at the test in his hand, quietly. "Baby say something. Please speak."

Eddie broke out into a massive smile. "I'm going to be a Dad. I'm going to be the best Dad and Husband that you could ever want. I promise you."



Uncle Wayne had just seen us get married, no one had objected and now Y/N had just presented me with a positive pregnancy test. There was no chance that I was fucking up like my Dad had done. I was going to get more shifts at work, I was going to make something of myself for me and my family.

"What do you say Mrs Munson, shall we go to our wedding meal and then go to our home where we can start putting everything in place for our child?" She nodded and we left.

 At the meal we were congratulated and celebrated. Uncle Wayne stayed for the meal and then flew back to Georgia, turns out Y/N's Aunt had planned for him to be there for the last few weeks. Things were finally looking good, I had my girl, a job and my Wife was carrying my child. I was finally breaking away from that Munson name like I always said I would do. 

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