Mummy's money

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School finished for the weekend and I made my way out to Eddie's van, he was already sat in the van with a lit cigarette between his lips. Either he was mad at me for not speaking about my Mum or he had a stressful last class. I got to the van jumped in. Eddie reached over and kissed me. I got my answer; stressful last class.

"Shall we get you to work then m'lady?" Eddie asked cheerfully while turning the key in the ignition and starting up the van. I nodded nervously. "So, are you going to tell me what all that was about at lunch with Dustin and your Mum? I kind of get the feeling that you haven't really told me everything." I had a feeling this was coming and sighed.

"As you know my Mum and Dad divorced when I was young. My Mum married a guy called Jack from the UK and when he went back to England she decided that she would leave me with my Dad and move with him back to England. He is a managing director for a big glazing firm. They are mega loaded and live in a big house in a very well respected area. Mum doesn't need to work." I looked at Eddie and he was listening intently so I continued. "Mum has a perfect Stepford wife life with a perfect husband and 2 brand new shiny perfect kids, I would just ruin that so she pays me to stay away. Dustin and his Mum get money each month for letting me live there and each month my Mum also sends me an allowance cheque for $250. Sometimes she will up it too $300 if Jack has had a good month at work and once she even sent me $500 because she forgot my birthday. I get bonuses for doing well at school and staying out of trouble too. She basically pays me as much as she can to keep me away. I don't really spend it if I don't have too so I have a good amount saved up for when I move out." I looked at Eddie. "For when WE move out." He smiled massively at that and reached across to grab my hand.

"So basically your Mum is rich as sin and pays everyone else to look out for you so that she doesn't have too?" I nodded and spoke back.

"Basically I get the money every month as long as I am in school, not getting myself knocked up and stay living with my Aunt. I get a chunk of money every month. She did it while I was living with my Nan as well. I think that I have a few thousand at least saved up just in case I left school and didn't have a job to fall back on. Are you mad at me for not telling you?"

"Of course not and as for how much that you have saved up, that is down to you. That is your business, not mine but no I am not mad at you for not telling me. I wouldn't have told me either." I relaxed now that he was making a joke about it.

We pulled up outside the family video store. Eddie kissed me and wished me good luck as I got out the van and entered the store.



How could I have been mad at her for keeping that a secret? If that was me and I had only known my boyfriend just over a week I wouldn't have told me either. I already knew though that she was definitely the one for me though as she had just said for when we move out and instead of panicking I grinned to myself. She wanted me and she wanted me for good. The more time I spent with her the more I could see myself spending the rest of my life with her.

My mind drifted and I started imagining coming home from work to a nice clean house in a good neighbourhood. She was in the kitchen in one of my shirts cooking dinner with a baby on her hip while singing KISS. I had a legit legal and honest job and life was good. She was my wife, we had a kid and we were definitely better parents than ours were for us.

 I snapped back to reality. I was going to ace school, graduate and get a good job. I was going to make her proud to be my girl. I was going to do my best to make sure that she was not just my girl but my wife. I wanted her to be with me until my dying breath and I would do everything in my power to make sure that that dream became a reality.

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